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samedi, novembre 28, 2015

Daily 2 Cents: Glowing Cube UFO / Ape-Like Being -- Missing Time...Possible Abduction -- Red-Eyed Beings Across the Street

Glowing Cube UFO / Ape-Like Being

Earlham, Iowa - 2002-07-04 - 12:00AM: Me and my dad randy were sitting on the roof of our house watching fireworks, when the porch lights dimmed and a sort of whining noise came and the dog started barking. I looked around in the sky and I saw nothing. The cows started mooing all at the same time. I heard a high pitched scream and out of the forest across the road came a huge apelike being. He saw us and began running south very fast. I looked to the east and I saw it. This large cube just floating towards where the ape had fled. It was very dark and dull color on the sides and very bright on the bottom it looked almost like a window. It was glowing yellow and pulsating. I heard the radio get very static-like and change stations. Then the needle in my compass began following the cube. The thing disappeared on the southern horizon. - MUFON CMS


Missing Time...Possible Abduction

September 2013 – No location given.

A man called in to tell a weird story involving missing time. Sadly, Art never gave his name or his location.

“Every Wednesday, after I drop my son off at school I'll take a ride up the mountains to this restaurant on my bike. It's about a half hour ride. Two Wednesday’s ago, I dropped him off at 8:00, it's about a thirty minute ride up to this restaurant, I get there, I sit down and order my... I always get breakfast there and order my usual and the lady says we're not serving breakfast anymore. I said, 'What do you mean, did you guys stop serving breakfast?' and she say's, 'No, we still serve it but we stop at 10:30.' and I said, 'Well, it can't be no more than 9:00, or 8:30.' So I pull out my cellphone and it's a little after 11:30 and I totally started thinking, did I drop my son off late for school? Then I said, nah, I remember all the cars were there, it was 8 o'clock. I went outside and I was just kinda scratching my head, getting ready to head back down trying to make sure I didn't drop my son off late and I had this burning sensation on the back of my neck and when I got back home, I got in the mirror and looked at it. It looked like a little burn. A few weeks later it healed but it feels like there's a little BB inside there or something and somewhere, it appears, I've lost three hours. I ended picking up my son at school and asking him and he said, 'Nah, you dropped me off on time, I was there the entire day.'

Source: Art Bell's Dark Matter Radio - October 1, 2013

Transcribed by Jamie Brian


Red-Eyed Beings Across the Street

Vernal, Utah: On Feb 10 2013 at about 1:30am I and my son were in my driveway installing a stereo in my Durango when we heard in the field across our street coyotes had started to feed the kits a very late pack of them when we heard several like howls from something unknown then they began to hoot at each other. And then all hell broke out it seemed that whatever was howling attacked the coyotes and was tearing them apart it was very very loud and terrifying to listen to. After it ended my neighbor came out and asked us what the hell it was we said we had no idea what just attacked the coyotes we went into the woods to see but had a terrible fear and went into our home. The next evening it was raining a lot and I had several friends over and told them of what we heard so we all went outside to tell n show them about where it happened and in the field was red glowing eyes staring right at us. I hit them with a laser pointer and then from behind the first being four then six more stepped out from behind it and then they were like jumping and frolicking about each other but at all time the first one stayed staring at us when I noticed that 2 on each side started walking to toe side of the field and I said they are hunting us and we're trying to gain our flanks and we ran into our home. We waited several hours but all through the night they were there staring at my house. The next day they were gone we could not find footprints which was crazy as it rained all night when we measured to the height of the red eyes they were at about ten feet tall. After that I have had several strange events and floating strong orbs in the sky above my home one night me my son and a friend witnessed one of the flashing lighted crafts land in the mountain range just above my home. I have been unable to shake the fear and uneasy feelings after these events my dogs have several times run into my home and been scared and ready to attack whatever had spooked them one night a terrible swooshing wing and a jet like explosion blew through my yard and a tree in my back yard that had fallen down going in a south direction it was picked up turned 180 degrees and sat down with no markings from it being moved in the earth I live in fear and unease I can't even leave my house some days from the fear I don't know what is surrounding my home n life but it is getting worse I need help please. - MUFON CMS


Trump Says Media Suppressed 9/11 Footage

Billionaire Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is doubling down on their outrageous claims that “thousands” of Muslims in Jersey City were seen on television celebrating the attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. They are now flat-out accusing the media of a conspiracy.

In an interview with Breitbart News, Donald Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski demanded that the widely-disproven footage does infact exist, and that the campaign forwarded it to media outlets who refuse to cover it, as part of an “anti-Trump conspiracy.”

“For the mainstream media to go out and say that this didn’t happen is just factually inaccurate,” Lewandowski stated. “We know it happened. They should go back and check the FBI records. Mr. Trump has provided them to local media outlets that have covered this coverage that they don’t want to go and talk about.”

He then accused the media of pushing an agenda to have an “establishment candidate” elected.

“He’s provided many opportunities for them to go and see it but they have their own agenda, the media has their own agenda,” Lewandowski claimed. “They want to try and discredit as many people as possible so they can have an establishment candidate come in and think that everything is going to be the same because they are all controlled by the special interests and they are all controlled by the media and it is what the American people are just so tired of.”

Politifact, a politician fact-checking website, deemed Trump’s “pants on fire” regarding his claims, the biggest lie rating one can receive on the site.

In fact, Trump has earned more “pants-on-fire” ratings from Politifact than any other candidate so far. Even Ben Carson, who so far has not received a single “true” rating from the site, is behind Trump when it comes to false statements.

The mayor of Jersey City has also come out against Trump’s claim.

“Trump is plain wrong, and he is shamefully politicizing an emotionally charged issue,” Mayor Steve Fulop said in a statement. “No one in Jersey City cheered on September 11.”

“Clearly, Trump has memory issues or willfully distorts the truth, either of which should be concerning for the Republican Party,” Fulop said. - Trump Campaign Accuses US Media of Suppressing 9/11 Footage



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