November, mid-1970s – Pennsylvania, USA
A 50-something woman named Kim, from Pennsylvania, called into Darkness Radio to tell of a bizarre experience her father (now 73) had while camping in the Pennsylvania woods in the mid-1970s. Back when she was around 10 years old, her father returned home from hunting. He seemed very disturbed and even burned his clothes, something Kim found to be very strange. Years later, she asked him about what happened and he decided to tell her.
It was November, mid-1970s. Deer season. Her father and his friend had gone deer hunting but were having no luck.
“Where they were hunting at was kinda new terrain to them. And if you've ever been deep in the Pennsylvania woods, it can get dark. It gets pitch black. Even with a decent flashlight, you can get lost - really easily. They saw a deer. He went for it. He shot it – and, I know, all the hunters out there love to know, my dad never wounded an animal and never gone and tracked it. They found it but it ran off. They ran after it and it's getting darker by the minute. Sadly, they didn't find it. However they did find that they were completely lost. They had two choices: One, try to find a way out of the woods and possibly not find their way, making the situation even worse. They weren’t carrying cellphones back then. Two, they could make a fire and take their chances with the elements until morning. But the decision was kinda made for them because, up ahead, they could make out the form of a structure. It turned out to be an old house. They looked at each other and shrugged and headed right for it. It was freezing.
The door was missing so no need to knock. They checked out the downstairs. It was obviously vacant for some time. It had empty beer cans all over the floor. Probably a party site. Then they went upstairs, it was much warmer. They found a room that had a mattress on the floor and one window that wasn't busted out. It took them about three seconds before they laid down and passed out from total exhaustion. After many hours, my dad heard his buddy coughing and then the coughing turned into like gasps for air. He rolled over and, he swears, he saw a woman, partially nude with long matted hair, sitting on top of his partner choking the life out of him.
Without even hesitating, he grabs his rifle and tries to smack the woman and the top of his rifle came right down through her and on the top of his forehead. The woman, or at least the thing that appeared to be a woman, was standing in my father's face. He looked at her. Suddenly she didn’t have one. No face. He said that he opened his mouth to scream but nothing came out. And then he came back to the reality in the form that his buddy jumped up and cracked him right on his jaw. He desperately tried to explain his actions, you know, for hitting him but he was mad.
It was light enough to see their way out of their woods and they did. They drove home. Not a word was spoken. He dropped him off at his home. A few days later he came over to talk to my dad. I guess, after my dad dropped him off at home, his wife took him to the E.R. to get a couple of stitches. He told the doctor that he hit his head climbing out of a tree. That's the same thing he told his wife. The E.R. doctor asked his wife to go out and have a seat in the waiting area, that they would be a few more minutes. The doctor asked him if he was sure how he came about his injuries, if there was anything else he wanted to add or abject. “What to do you mean injuries?' the friend asked. The Doc said, 'Well, your neck son, it looks like that in most strangling death's I’ve seen. Did your wife catch you deer hunting without your gun, maybe?' He got off the gurney, found the restroom and looked at his head and that's when he saw what the doctor saw. There were perfect little hand prints around his neck. He came over to ask my dad to recall the events of the night, and he made a confession to my dad that just as soon as my dad awoke him by smacking him, he had been dreaming about making love to the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen in his life.”
Source: quoting Kim, Darkness Radio - June 8, 2015 Monday ParaShare & Open Lines
Transcribed by Jamie Brian
Ghostly Encounters: Confessions of a Paranormal Investigator
Real Encounters, Different Dimensions and Otherworldy Beings
The Ghost Hunter's Survival Guide: Protection Techniques for Encounters With The Paranormal
The Ghost Next Door: True Stories of Paranormal Encounters from Everyday People

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