; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

vendredi, septembre 11, 2015

Labor Day & Long Island...and the Orbs are Flying High

Hi folks...I was able to sneak away some time between Vanessa's doctor appointments and post an article my friend Chris Holly forwarded last evening. Lon:

By Chris Holly - One of my readers contacted me late Labor Day night with an email to tell me about her sighting of a large Orb. Since her sighting occurred so close to my own house I called her the next day. She told me she was at a barbecue held in the yard of her sisters house who lives along the coast of Long Island Sound which is a body of water between Connecticut and Long Island New York,

The woman was sitting in her sisters yard located in the town of Huntington New York which looks directly over the water. As night fell the party sat on her sisters deck eating corn on the cob , burgers and hot dogs enjoying the beauty of the water and the night sky. The woman told me a few small planes passed over the water as well as a low brightly lit helicopter during the evening before they noticed the orb.

Her husband was the first to notice it. He told her he watched as it came from the east at an enormous speed which told him at once it was not a plane or any man made craft. It slowed down over the water in the Huntington area about half way over the Long Island Sound and started a slow large oval orbit . The object was a solid white orb without any flashing lights and was completely silent.

At this point the woman's husband asked his old friend, who was also at the party, who had been a pilot in the military to walk down to the waters edge with him. He pointed out the strange object and both men watched it for a few minutes as the object continued to slowly and silently orbit above the water.

The men walked back to the party where they pointed out the object and the strangeness of its appearance to the others on the deck when the object stopped its orbit and just hovered over the water.

The woman told me that she was very excited and a bit nervous at seeing this object as she knew it was something that was not the normal type of thing she saw flying in the sky. The ex military pilot suggested to the home owner that they may want to call the police and report an odd object flying over the water. The people all laughed at the idea . In fact the other people at the party had little or no interest at all in this odd craft hanging in the night sky. This reaction was as odd as the craft to the couple and the pilot and his wife as they knew they were seeing something extremely unusual. One member of the party waved his hand in the air as he insisted it was just something one of the neighbors were doing. The pilot knew this was a severe case of denial as the object was large and clearly under intelligent control and was stunned by the mans insistence it was nothing at all.

The pilot and his wife gathered their belongings and left the party telling the woman's husband that he should leave and head out of the quiet neighborhood as he felt the object was aware of the people watching it and he felt it could be dangerous to stay sitting in the dark as easy pickings or targets. The woman and her husband also left the party.

She told me the object had a perfect white orb of light that covered most of it but you could clearly see that the object was oval in shape and gun metal in color under the light. It had no strobe or flashing lights at all and made no sound. It was able to make hard turns at great speeds and would simply stop and hover at will at different points during the time it orbited over the Long Island Sound. She also told me she felt fear when she looked at the orb which was shared by her husband and the pilot and his wife. The strangest thing this woman told me was that both her husband and the ex-military pilot took pictures of this craft with their cell phones but found nothing on the phones when they later tried to view the photo's.

I will be watching the sky over my area carefully now that I know the orbs are once again back over Long Island. The truth most likely is that they never left!

I will be sure to report any more orb reports I receive as the on going orb sightings continue over Long Island New York.

♥ Copyright © 2011-2015 Chris Holly's Endless Journey with the Unknown

UFOs Over Long Island, New York

Long Island Oddities:: Curious Locales, Unusual Occurrencesnd Unlikely Urban Adventures

Spooky Creepy Long Island

Searching For the String: Selected Writings of John A. Keel

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