2015 Mothman Festival: September 19-20, 2015
The Mothman Festival is an annual commemoration of the visit of the mysterious entity known as the “Mothman”, as described in John A. Keel’s book, The Mothman Prophecies: A True Story
The festival features a wide variety of vendors and merchants, live local music, delicious food and a family-friendly atmosphere. The festival sees patrons from all over the world who come to experience the unique atmosphere and learn more about the Mothman.
2014 marks the 13th year of the Mothman Festival. Come down to Point Pleasant and celebrate with us and enjoy what all the festival has to offer.
The festival began in November 2002 with the idea of bringing visitors to the downtown, main street area of Point Pleasant, WV. The first festival drew a small crowd of 500 people but word quickly spread around the globe about this weird little gathering. Festival attendance now tops 4,000 people each year and is growing larger. The Mothman Festival is one of the most unique festivals in West Virginia, if not the world.
Visitors come each September to see the famous “Mothman Statue”, Mothman Museum, to meet original eyewitnesses, authors and Mothman experts. The festival boasts live and local music talent and some famous “down home” West Virginia hospitality that visitors just can’t find in a larger city.
We invite you to come and visit us, and enjoy what the Mothman Festival and Point Pleasant has to offer.
Man Claims Poltergeists Possess Vehicle, Trying to Kill Him
A van allegedly vandalised by poltergeists has been scrapped by its owner, after 12 months of being ‘plagued by demonic spirits.’ Paul Friday, who runs a wheelie bin cleaning company in Netherley, Liverpool, claims the ghouls moved from his home into his van after a medium from a local church exorcised them - and now he believes they’re trying to kill him after switching to haunting him personally. The 54-year-old also claims he was left with no choice but to scrap the Ford Transit and all of his work equipment after a string of ‘terrifying’ incidents including having his brakes tampered with and his van being doused with a gallon of petrol by ‘demonic entities.’
He said: “It all started about 12 months ago when I bought a new generator. It kept breaking and when I took it to be repaired the wires were all ruined. After getting it fixed it happened again and the repairman said ‘it must be a ghost.’ Strange things started happening in the house and in the van so I called someone out from the spiritualist church - they said they had ‘sent the spirits to the light’ and that they were gone. But things kept happening in my van - the spiritualist, Wendy, spent half an hour in the back of there and came out physically drained.
“She said that the spirit was very powerful and that the best advice was probably to get rid of it. It was damaging my business as I couldn’t work.” Paul originally tried to get rid of the van by selling it on eBay but claims that the poltergeists sabotaged his efforts by ripping up the floor of the vehicle. He said: “The spiritualist church advised I just got rid of the van. It was a powerful ghost and it became dangerous so I decided to scrap the van and everything in it. My friend put it on eBay for me and then the next day I opened the back of the van up and the floor had been ripped up, so I ended up scrapping the whole lot.” Now, Paul is appealing for help in getting rid of the ghosts.
He said: “I just need somebody to help me. It is becoming dangerous and I honestly think they’re trying to kill me. If you’d have told me this a few years ago I’d have never believed you, I don’t believe in anything like this but after the last 12 months I do believe and I need to get help.” Paranormal expert Tom Slemen says he believes that Paul is a victim of a rare ‘person centred haunting.’ He said: “Most ghosts and troublesome entities haunt a premises or a specific location, but occasionally they target a person and move about with that person, and sometimes this terrifying state of affairs can go on for years. The best course of action is for the victim to try and attend a place of worship - be it a church, mosque or synagogue. Hopefully this won’t be a lengthy person-centred haunting.” - 'Haunted' van scrapped by owner after being 'plagued by Poltergeists for 12 months'
Is Pope Francis the False Prophet?
Claims where religion is professed become easily strained when doctrines conflict. Wars have been waged over matters of belief, while actually fought over political power. When the Catholic Church becomes the topic of discussion, the historic differences between Protestant dominations and the Papacy often become passionate. However, disputes within the Catholic Church hierarchy can become most bitter. Attitudes towards Pope Francis vary widely. Before examining the facts, why are so many observers proclaiming that this Pontiff is the False Prophet of Revelation?
One does not have to be a believer to acknowledge the significance of prophecy throughout cultures and centuries of time. Bible verses about False Prophets are cited amply in scripture.
Specific reference to Pope Francis is analyzed by Dr. Kelly Bowring lists of 12 Prophecies That Indicate Trouble Ahead for Papacy, and writes, “The Church will know the hour of its great apostasy. The man of iniquity will penetrate into its interior and will sit in the very Temple of God, while the remnant which will remain faithful will be subjected to the greatest trials and persecutions.” Adding to this viewpoint is a quote by Fulton J. Sheen, which provides a prophetic warning:
“The False Prophet will have a religion without a cross. A religion without a world to come. A religion to destroy religions. There will be a counterfeit (Catholic) church. Christ’s (true Catholic) Church will be one. And the False Prophet will create the other. The false church will be worldly, ecumenical, and global. It will be a loose federation of churches. And religions forming some type of global association. A world parliament of churches. It will be emptied of all divine content and will be the mystical body of the Antichrist. The mystical body on earth today will have its Judas Iscariot and he will be the false prophet. Satan will recruit him from among our bishops.” Read more at Pope Francis the False Prophet
Faith 'healer' stabbed to death at black magic treatment center
A faith “healer” was stabbed to death at a spiritual centre for treating black magic and demonic possession in East London.
Father-of-three Zakariyya Islam was killed at the Ruqya Therapy Centre’s base in Whitechapel.
Police and paramedics rushed to the scene and found the married 46-year-old Islamic healer suffering critical injuries.
Despite desperate attempts he could not be saved and was pronounced dead a short time later.
A 43-year-old man was arrested at the scene on suspicion of murder. He was treated in hospital for hand injuries and was today being questioned by detectives who recovered a knife following the attack at 6.30pm yesterday.
Mr Islam was a co-founder of the Ruqya centre, based in a complex of small business offices in Greatorex Street, and had been treating people who believe themselves possessed by ‘jinns’, or spirit, and black magic for more than a decade.
The centre, which was sealed off by police who were carrying out forensic searches, also offers advice on sorcery, witchcraft and “evil eye”.
One of Mr Islam’s three daughters today said they were “in shock” and too distraught to speak about the tragedy.
His sister-in-law Shazeda Khanom, 41, said they could not believe what had happened.
She said: “He was a very nice man and we don’t know who would do something like this or have any reason to.”
A Met Police spokesman confirmed the victim and suspect were known to each other.
Mr Islam, from Mile End, was a former caretaker at Stepney Green Secondary School and a member of Islamic Forum of Europe.
Last year he hosted a conference on “The World of Jinns” at the East London Mosque which he visited regularly.
Friends today described him as a “popular guy with a big heart” who was well-known within the Muslim community.
One wrote online: “RIP Brother Zakariyya Islam who was stabbed to death today near East London Mosque. It’s crazy to think how quickly someone’s life can be taken away.
“But as a result of such a brutal act. It just doesn’t seem fair.”
Mozahid Hussein, 46, a friend from childhood, said: “I saw him three days ago and we were laughing and joking. He was a loving person, full of energy. Even last week we were talking about our businesses.
“The whole of East London will be in shock. His humour was brilliant. He grew up around here and we played football together as children.
“He was someone you could go to for business advice. He was well respected. I never knew him to argue with anyone. He would listen to you and make you feel special.”
Neighbour Alam Ali, 28, said: “He was a normal guy and family man. I went to his daughter’s wedding and he was a wonderful man. His daughter only got married last month so it’s very unfortunate because this was a happy time for the family.
“Everyone’s just in shock about it.”
Zayd ul Islam, a friend who lives in the UAE, called it a “heinous crime”.
Writing on Facebook, he paid tribute to “our dear brother”, calling him a “great individual”.
He said: “The sadness cannot be described. Zakariyya was known to many for his honesty, piety, warmth, love and his long term work of helping people.
“He leaves a beautiful family behind and we pray for them.”
Tasawer Islam, who also works at the Ruqya centre running “distance healing treatment”, wrote: “He was friend, a teacher and a great helper and supporter. He will be missed by many.”
Scotland Yard said it was not looking for anyone else in connection with the killing, and a post mortem examination will take place in due course. - Whitechapel murder: Faith 'healer' stabbed to death at black magic treatment centre
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