Here are a few alien / humanoid encounters from my archives:
Alien Visitation - Cape May, New Jersey - July 2011
My wife and I were on a short vacation in Cape May, New Jersey this past weekend. We were staying at a B&B on Beach Ave. with a view of the sea.
I was asleep when I was awakened by something. I opened my eyes and saw two beings standing at the foot of the bed. It was dark, but there was adequate light coming in from the street for me to see them very clearly. I estimate that they were between 4.5-5 feet tall because I could only see them from the waist up. They were identical in every way. They were wearing black or dark green, form-fitting outfits that resembled scuba diving dry suits. These included snug hoods that extended from the back of their necks over top of their skulls. On their upper chests was a rectangular, gold or bronze colored plate about 6x4 inches with two rows of inscribed symbols or buttons on them. It resembled an instrument touchpad of some sort.
They were no more than six feet from my face and they were both staring right at me. It was a cool, appraising look. It's the look a cat might give you.
Their crania were very large, perhaps twice as large as a man's. But it was their faces that really got me. They had huge, wraparound, black eyes set above high cheekbones. Their skin appeared coppery or orange in color. I couldn't detect a well defined mouth or nose, but along the rim of their jaws and down to their chins were some kind of organ-like structures. Gills? Mandibles? Not sure. I couldn't see their hands, so I can't say how many digits they had.
As I say, I had a very clear view of them. When I realized that this was not a dream I propped myself up on my elbows to get a better view. Strange, but I felt no fear. I was about to say something, when I got this very clear thought, "Something is wrong. He sees us." I suddenly became extremely sleepy. I tried to fight the urge to lie back down, but it was no use. I felt my eyes closing and that was it. The next thing I knew it was morning and I was awakened by the sunlight streaming in through the balcony door. Once she was awake I asked my wife how she had slept and she said it was the best night’s sleep she’d had in a while. No dreams.
This isn't the first time in my life that I've had what could be called nocturnal visitations. As a child and teenager they were very frequent. And often terrifying. As an adult they tapered off to the point where I chalked up my youthful experiences to dreams, hormones, flights of fancy, etc. I had even stopped thinking about them. But this is the first time as an adult that I had such a clear and unambiguous sighting of these creatures.
If one thing stands out, it's the sense of almost military precision and discipline that I got from them. It's hard to explain, but I got the feeling that these were no-nonsense 'men' who had a job to do and followed orders to the letter. They were not there to be my friend or to tell me any of the universe's secrets. They were under orders and would no sooner go against them than would one of our Navy Seals. And one last thing, they were supremely confident and felt not the slightest fear towards me. I am absolutely sure of that. - MUFON CMS
Humanoid Close Encounter
1:00 am local time, near Manati, Puerto Rico on November 6, 2008.
The young witness was awakened by his father who told him to follow him outside the house to the other side of a hill next to the house, there gathered the rest of his family all staring at a large teardrop ship craft that was floating just 3 to 4 feet above the ground at about 100 feet in distance.
The craft emitted a loud humming sound. In front of the craft stood a human shaped figure covered in a shiny blue metallic appearing armour-like suit that was carrying a large box-like object on his hands.
The being then placed the box on the ground and it also started floating in midair. The being then scooped up a handful of earth from the floor and placed it inside the box and in an instance the box emitted a bright red beam of light into the air that seemed to travel deep into the space.
The group just waited and stared in awe as the alien figure then picked up the box and walked back inside the object, the craft then took off and disappeared into night sky. They described the craft as having a large shiny bulbous hull. About an hour later the same group of witnesses and others in the area reported seeing additional similar looking ships but apparently larger maneuvering high in the sky. - NUFORC
Alien Close Encounter
Monahans, Texas - Dec. 2009
We were having a family/friends get together to celebrate a birthday. During the celebration two of my nephews and a niece came tearing into the house, screaming at the top of their lungs, saying that a plane crashed in one of the adjacent pastures. My brother, myself and about 3 others walked outside to see what was causing all the ruckus.
We didn't see anything out of the ordinary except a strange burning smell that smelled like burning mesquite. we didn't think anything of it since it was kind of nippy and someone could have been burning some wood in their fireplaces. We told them to show us where they saw the plane go down and we walked over to the place they showed us.
The first thing we noticed was that all the dogs in the area were going bonkers. They were barking up a storm, like they were all seeing the same thing.
The area we live in is pretty much a rural community, unless you live in the city of Monahans, TX many of the houses are set on large plots of land, usually 4-5 acres per house. Although we can see the houses of many of our neighbors and we do have traffic on the road, you do get the feeling of being all to yourself out here. Some of the land by our house is over run by wild mesquite tree's. only a small portion of the land surrounding the house is cultivated and cleared out. Beyond the stand of trees runs a small barbed wire fence that separates us from our neighbors, who I could see were home from the lights on in the house.
We walked around the edge of the trees, not wanting to really go into the stand at night. Even though its technically winter, there could be rattlesnakes seeking shelter in amongst the tree's, not to mention that mesquite trees have some wicked thorns that protrude from them, they are razor sharp and quite capable of punching through a pair of jeans or boots and they hurt like hell to get out.
As we looked around, we started noticing a sort of electrical charge to the very air around us. Almost like the kind you feel when you approach a large electrical substation or a charged and active radio antenna.
As we made our way around the trees, one of my brothers noticed some light peeking through the trees, I told him it was probably one of the neighbors leaving or coming home. He promptly told me that it couldn't be head lights because the light seemed too defused and not as concentrated as a car's headlight.
We moved around and as we cleared the stand of trees, we were shocked to see an oval shaped object hovering, maybe 4-5 feet off the ground. We stood there in total shock, and awe. I can only imagine that our jaws were probably on the ground. As we stood there watching this object hover there without a sound, I took note that the object was maybe about 30-40 feet from front to back, it was maybe the same dimensions around. The object seemed to be of a highly polished material that reflected the area around it. The reflection of the distant street lights from the surrounding neighbors properties seemed to reflect off the surface of the object. There was also a small dull glow to the object, barely noticeable unless you were really looking, almost like an aura of sorts, a iridescent blue of sorts.
As we stood there in total shock, My brother next to me expressing his disbelief, we saw two strange looking "Men" appear from around the object. They at first didn't notice us, they were busy running around and gathering objects from the ground, from the trees. They didn't seem to notice us at first. They looked to be about the size of my oldest nephew, about 4 feet tall, but they looked very skinny, like they had no meat on their bones. Their heads were large and their arms were long, skinny and hung down around their knee's. About this time my two nephews came walking up behind us (scaring the hell out of us). They saw the object and the strange "men" and in a voice that only a kid can project, screamed out loud "WHAT ARE THOSE THINGS!".
That's when the creatures turned and noticed us. The sight of these creatures was something that will haunt me till the day I die. It turned and looked right at us. It's eyes were large, almost like the eyes of a praying mantis, except they were jet back and wrapped around its head. the two creatures looked at us for about 7 seconds, not an ounce of movement, before they calmly walked around the craft, one right after the other. they disappeared behind the craft and we never saw them again.
A few seconds later the craft lifts up, not a sound coming from the object, no rush of wind, not even a swaying of the nearby branches of a mesquite tree. It rose quietly and hovered about 40 feet from the ground, and shot out like a bat out of hell. As it zoomed away, it started glowing and made it easier to track as it zoomed away getting higher and higher till it faded away.
We stood there in complete silence as we tried to make heads or tails of what the hell we just saw. My brother finally piped up and said "Should we call the police?" After which, I burst out in laughter and replied to him " And tell them what?" My nephew looked like he had just seen the devil himself, which considering what we just saw I don't blame him.
He didn't want to talk about it, and after we made our way back to the house, he still didn't talk about. I tried to ask him about it yesterday and he basically told me that he didn't want to think about it yet, he was still processing what had happened to him. I was more than happy to leave it at that.
I never really believed in the subject of UFO's or Alien's, but after the events of this night, I'm seriously going to re-evaluate that belief.
I know that I plan to keep my mind open, and start looking up towards the sky a little bit more from now on.
Thank you
Watching Us
One evening in the Spring of 1975, my girlfriend and I were driving through the Kansas countryside. After crossing a cement bridge that spanned a river, we pulled into a farmer's access road and parked at the edge of a field alongside a bend in the river with the car pointing east. Not long after we stopped we noticed a strange light that suddenly approached our location in a quick "blur". Suddenly, hovering above the tress was a dark object, rectangular in shape with on red & one green running light positioned together on the lower part of the craft at its center. We stared in amazement and couldn't take our eyes off the object.
After 5 minutes or so, we noticed the craft's position had moved to the right. It seemed to move in a very slow motion to the other side of the river. After another 5 minutes I decided to drive away from the area. As we turned onto the county road and subsequently onto the cement bridge we saw that the craft had returned to its original position, above us and slightly back from the bridge. I stopped again and got out to look at the craft.
The object was about 20-25 ft. wide and now I noticed a large rectangular glass window, or what appeared to be glass, running across the middle third of its front. Standing inside to the left side looking down on us were two beings, which I could see only from the waist up but could tell that theses beings were about 4 ft tall, with abnormally large heads and large black eyes. The eyes seemed devoid of emotion and their skin was pure white, like the moon, the texture resembling that of an albino salamander. Their eyes ran almost north/south with their heads. The craft hovered silently the whole time. After about a minute of eye contact with the humanoids I got back into the care and rapidly drove away from the area. We could still see the craft hovering where we had left it.
My girlfriend and I eventually married and still live very near to the location where we witnessed this craft. Sometimes, we both get an urge to return to the spot and just sit there and talk about our shared experience, kind of hoping these beings would stop by.
Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens
The Alien Abduction Files: The Most Startling Cases of Human Alien Contact Ever Reported
The Ancient Alien Question: A New Inquiry Into the Existence, Evidence, and Influence of Ancient Visitors
Aliens, Abductions and Other Curious Encounters: Contact with E.T.s and Other Worlds