; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

lundi, septembre 14, 2015

Alien Encounters: Near Death Experiences & Vanishing Gnomes

The following accounts from radio callers were transcribed and submitted by Jamie Brian:


No date given - Northern Idaho, USA
A woman named Karen called in to Coast to Coast from Idaho. She discussed an incident that happened many years ago when she was living in a cabin in Northern Idaho.

“I was living in a cabin up in the woods and one night, at around 2:30 in the morning, I woke up and there at the foot of my bed, are three aliens. They came over to my bed and I couldn't move. I could not get up. I tried two or three times to get up. I could move my head though and they inserted something into my left ear and then it was like a hornet buzzing. It was very very annoying. Not painful. Just annoying. And then my vision changes into a kaleidoscope of the colours of green and white and the colours were swirling. I don't know how long this lasted but the buzzing quit right after that started. And then the next morning at 6 am, about 6 or 6:30 am, I wake up and it's like I’m just thrust into my body with a force or something. I can't explain it but the next day or two I startled bumping into walls. My blood pressure went really high. And I always had low blood pressure before that. This continued for eight months and then I worked at a casino and i was on my days off and the first day I was really sick. I was so tired I could hardly move. The second day I thought I would take a shower. I got out and I was drying off and felt something 'ting' behind my left ear so I hurriedly threw on my sweatshirt, jeans and no shoes. I ran to the neighbours. By the time I knocked on her door, I was screaming in pain. They rushed me to the hospital in Spokane, Washington. They told my kids I wouldn't make it through the night and I made it three days... I was in a coma three days and then I woke up. I remember being out of my body several times, talked to my mother (deceased) and then I heard a male voice tell me it wasn't my time to die. I must have woke up by then and a nurse came in and she said congratulations you just survived a brain aneurysm.”

Source: Coast To Coast AM - January 24, 2015



1999 - Florida, USA (?)
Craig, a caller from Sarasota, Florida called in to tell of his experience. He claims that in 1999, when he was 20 years old, he was heavily involved in motorcycle racing. During one of these races, he was involved in a serious accident and sustained a head injury which, according to the paramedics, knocked him unconscious for about an hour. While unconscious, Craig claims to have seen something chilling.

“I went into, I promise you, it was almost like a spaceship, when I was unconscious. It wasn't like a light or anything. I was in a room and there was three beings there. I don't know if you call them greys or what, but they were almost human form, almost alien in origin, in my brain. And one of them, I remember one of their names, he kept saying: 'My name is Sascha. My name is Sascha.' It was like a South African accent. And he kept saying, 'I am your superior,' and I was like, they had me strapped down. I think the other one was named, he kept saying: 'Rich. Rich.' And the other one was “Jacka. Jacka.” It was the weirdest. That's all I remember. And then I woke up. I just remember the faces. I'll never forget it. It was scary.”

Source: Coast To Coast AM - June 27, 2014



July, 2015 – San Diego, California, USA
In the last half of the August 14 Coast to Coast show, a caller named Rebecca phoned in to tell a strange story. She claimed that it happened in July, 2015 in San Diego where she lives. (She sounded totally legit, like not somebody making up a story.)

“I recycle at a local park and at night there are dimmer motion detectors on the lights. I knew I was alone in the park because all the lights went on by the snack bar and I turned around and I saw two short people and at first I thought they were children and I thought, What are they doing out at 2AM? And then I looked at them closely and they were walking single file and they were dressed like gnomes. They had purple outfits on with the curly hats, the curly shoes and the dark belts. And I exclaimed “OH!” and one of them turned and looked at me and he had a beard and he just looked back and walked away and I walked as fast I could behind the snack bar and saw them go across the ballfield 12 inch deep culvert and there was poof of light and they disappeared. I've seen a lot of crazy things but that was the most incredible.”

Source: Coast To Coast AM - August 14, 2015

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