; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mardi, août 18, 2015

Encounter at the Cabin

I received the following account today:

Hi - My name is D. I really don't know how to describe what happened to me and three friends, but I'll try to do the best I can. We rented a cabin in the Cabwaylingo State Forest from Friday, July 31st thru Sunday, August 2nd. Everything was fine during the weekend until Sunday morning - or should I say Sunday night.

We had a cookout on Saturday night and invited a few people we met. There were no problems - no drugs, just wine and food. We were all feeling fine, but not stinking drunk. The cookout wound down about 2AM and we were in our beds by 3AM. We had to be up, packed and gone by 11AM - we were planning on visiting friends before we made our way home to (redacted).

What happened next was totally bizarre. I remember waking up, then looking at my watch - it was 10:07 and it was dark! I looked at my friends and all of them were sleeping except K. She was sitting at the table and staring into the lantern, which was lit and sitting on the table. I jumped up and woke my friends. What the hell had happened?

My other friends, M and C, were just has surprised and confused as I. K didn't react to us, even after we tried to question her. She almost looked like she was in shock. It was very warm in the cabin, but her skin was cold like ice and pale. We started to pack up so we could leave as soon a possible.

We were on the road headed home by midnight - all of us felt confused. We were all very thirsty also and went through a 6-pack of water very quickly. K was starting to respond to us and was looking better.

It took about 2 hours to get home - we all lived in the same apartment complex, so we crashed at my placed. None of us were tired since we apparently had slept all day Sunday, but we were still very confused about not waking earlier. M thought that someone may had put something in the wine and that we had been drugged. I suppose that was plausible, but I doubted that is what happened. As we sat in the living room talking, I noticed K had tears streaming down her face. I asked her why was she crying - she said that she knew what had happened.

First for all, I'm not worried about what people think about me - especially if it is the truth. This situation is different because I don't know how to ascertain if what I'm going to describe is the truth or not. I'm going to briefly detail what K said occurred.

K remembers waking in the cabin to get a drink. She didn't know what it was but she quickly noticed that something was wrong - she was alone in the cabin. Then suddenly a intense bright yellow light floods the cabin. She can't move but she can see what is happening. We were back in our beds, but there were now 3 tall purple-gray colored beings standing in front of her. K said these beings were about 8 ft tall and very thin. They had large dark oval eyes and a ray or fin that ran from the top of their heads down the middle of the back, which tampered off midway. They made no sounds and moved in a robotic fashion.

K didn't recall anything else other than that these beings eventually dissipated one-by-one. She did say that she had a sharp pain between her breasts. She was able to move, so she went and sat down at the table. She remained there until I woke.

I've been looking on the internet and found a few references to lost time - your website came up in the search.

Could you contact me ASAP? If you post, I want to discuss conditions first. Thanks - D

NOTE: I reached D this afternoon and we talked for about an hour. She agreed to me posting the report, but much of the original text was redacted. I was allowed to refer to her and her friends by the first letter of their names. I asked if I could monitor her for possible effects and that I'd like for her to report any changes with her friends...especially K. I believe K may have experienced shock to some degree...so it's possible that she may recall additionally details later. These young ladies are college age, so their location and other information was redacted.

I am including another incident, I previously posted, that occurred in the Cabwaylingo State Forest several years ago:

A while ago I came across your site and read about David Eckhart and his family as well as other unexplained things you write about. I decided to send you my description of something that happened to me when I was 14 years old.

Every August my family, aunt, uncle and cousins would spend a week camping at Cabwaylingo State Forest in West Virginia. It was a tradition because my grandparents used to do the same thing when they were raising my dad and aunt, except we were using campers. Back then we could take our bikes along and go all over the place.

In the summer of 1991, my cousins (2 boys - we were all within 3 years of age of each other) decided to go to an area we had never been before. I remember seeing a trail sign that had 'Sleepy Hollow' on it so I suppose that was the name of the area. Most of the trail was along a small creek and it was a very thick forest. It was around noon time and it had been overcast all day. We were raised in a rural area so our parents didn't worry too much about us exploring the park.

There was a group of large rocks near the trail so we decided to stop and take a look. We were just jabbering when we noticed a loud humming sound coming from above us. We looked up into the trees and were hit in the face with what I describe as a blast of energy.

All I can remember is my cousins yelling at me because I had been knocked out. I asked them what happened and they said they were knocked out as well. We started to get scared because everything around us seemed different than before, so we headed back to the campsite.

When we got back my mom asked me why we didn't come back for dinner. I looked at my watch, it was gone. I hadn't even noticed. She told me it was just after 7 pm. No wonder everything seemed strange out on the trail! We must have been knocked out for about 6 hours.

My cousins and I were very tired - so much so that we headed to our bunks right after eating. I was exhausted but I couldn't fall asleep. In the morning I was feeling very sluggish. My cousins slept until 11 am. Later in the day we decided to tell our parents what happened out on the trail.

To be honest, our parents thought we were playing a stunt on them by concocting this wild story about being knocked out for 6 hours by a blast of energy. I was very upset with them, especially my dad because he never let me forget about it. To this day he still thinks it was a made up story.

My cousins and I still talk about what happened that day. We all feel that we were possibly abducted because of some of the weird dreams each of us has had since. In 2005, I was diagnosed with leukemia though I'm now in remission. One of my cousins was recently diagnosed with Hodgkin's lymphoma while my other cousin has suffered kidney disease for over 10 years. We had been 100% healthy before the incident on the trail. Though we have never seen any scars or marks on our bodies we truly feel that we were physically and mentally violated by something.

Thanks for reading.

Sam - Monroe County, WV

Monsters of West Virginia: Mysterious Creatures in the Mountain State

West Virginia UFO's: Close Encounters in the Mountain State

Ghosts of West Virginia

The Case for the UFO: Unidentified Flying Objects