; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

vendredi, août 14, 2015

Daily 2 Cents: Warning of Large Black Beast in Cornish Wood -- Pale White Man Dressed in Black -- Mt. Shasta Convergence

Large Black Beast In Cornish Wood

Volunteers seeking to restore a historic site in St Austell back to its former glory have been warned to look out for a “large black animal” that lives there.

“It’s not a dog, it’s not a cat,” was how Cornwall Councillor for Gover and St Austell town councillor, Sandra Heyward, described the creature which she claims she has seen near Menacuddle Well.

Former town councillor Wendy Earl approached members of St Austell Town Council last week to propose clearing the “jungle” which is now covering the ancient site of baptistery just off Bodmin Road.

But Mrs Heyward warned councillors to be aware of the large black animal which lived at the site.

She told them: “It’s a very special place. It’s an important site and I welcome the work. But be careful clearing the trees as there is a large black animal. I have got to be careful what I say, living up there.  It is not a dog, it's not a cat. I have seen it.”

Built in the late 15th century, Menacuddle Well lay forgotten until one St Austell family brought it back to life.

Around 100 years ago Admiral Sir Charles John Graves Sawles, of the Penrice Estate, restored Menacuddle Well and bequeathed it to the people of St Austell in memory of his only son who was killed in action at Ypres in November 1914 at the age of 26.

The historic monument was sited in the St Austell Parish, but now lies behind Treverbyn Parish Council lines.

Mrs Earl said they had dishonoured the memory of the site by letting it become overgrown with weeds and explained her plan of action to councillors.

She said: “Menacuddle Well and the site was given to the St Austell parish 100 years ago in memory of an only son lost at Ypres, but look at it now, thoroughly overgrown and the glorious, mature trees largely hidden from view.

“How we dishonour that memory. Who would bother to give such a gift today?”

She said she had met with David Stevens who is the clerk of Treverbyn Parish Council and the proposed carrying out a one off clearance.

Mrs Earl asked councillors to contribute towards the proposal, telling them: “Three tree specialists I’ve taken around have all said “wow” to the rare, exceptional, mature trees to be found on the site and the huge potential for enhancing the whole area for public enjoyment.

“To further improve the wider area I have been in discussion with the brewery who own the land to the south down to Trenance Viaduct and Trenance Road and they area keen to open up their old footpath up to the well from the town.

“Menacuddle Well and Riverside is a unique historic site for our town. It is our history. It should be more widely known and enjoyed. It would provide major additional green space that we are so short of in our town and with the old riverside walk from Gover restored it would not only enhance our green credentials but also the health and well being of our citizens.

“South West in Bloom would be thrilled, the scouts are keen to get involved and I have signed up the first friend of Menacuddle Well.”

She said she wanted to cover the proposal at the council’s meeting in September and urged councillors to visit the site during the holidays.

Mayor Brian Palmer said Mrs Heyward had “whetted” his appetite, adding: “It’s a fabulous site and is such an important part of the ancient history of St Austell. It’s one of the places where it all started and is very important to us.” - 'Beast' spotted at holy well


Pale White Man Dressed in Black

Fort Worth, TX - 1987-11-00 -3:00AM: I was in my bed asleep. The time had to be somewhere around 3am. I awoke with a bright red light shining into my bedroom window. I thought that something had happened outside, I thought that it was either a fire or emergency lights from a vehicle. When I got up to open my curtain to look outside, the light completely went away as soon as I opened the curtains. I also remember it being a little windy. I thought it was weird and it took about a minute for me to take it in that a light so bright could go away in a matter of seconds. As soon as I closed the curtains back up and turned to lay back down there was a man standing by my bed. This wasn't any ordinary man, this man was very tall, dressed in black. I don't know if it were regular clothes but I do know that he was covered in black all the way up to his neck. But what i'm about to say was what scared me. He had pale, almost white skin. Whether it was skin or not is the question, and he didn't have any hair anywhere on his head or his face. Let me change that...he didn't have a face. That's what frightened me. He didn't have a face. No eyes, no nose, no mouth. I started to scream but it was as if I became mute. I know my mouth was open and I was trying with all my might to scream but nothing would come out. He just stood there and looked at me. I also recall not being able to move. I don't remember what happened after that. I only remember waking up in the morning not being able to breath through my nostrils as if I had a very bad case of sinuses. After that night I continued to have dreams of a ship hovering in my backyard and as it hovered it had a sucking action and my dreams would be of me always trying to hold on so that it wouldn't pull me in. The dreams never stopped. And on another occasion after that night my boyfriend and I were sitting out in the street in his car and all we seen was a bright light over our car. We thought that it was a helicopter that had it's spot light on us but there was no noise that a helicopter makes. It shined on us for about a minute then when it stopped we looked out the window towards the sky and all we seen was this huge strike of fire going slow towards the east but the fire wasn't red, it was green. The car then wouldn't start afterwards. And I did come inside and call a news station but I don't remember what news channel it was but I remember them telling me that they did have numerous other calls about seeing something in the sky at that same moment that we had that experience. And the next morning I went outside and noticed that the car was completely drained of oil. We never told anyone else. - MUFON CMS


'Spaghetti' Monster

An extremely unusual looking creature has been picked up on video more than 4,000ft under the sea.

The bizarre organism, which looks like it is made out of pasta, was originally filmed by a team from energy giant BP before being sent to deep sea ecology experts for further analysis.

Daniel Jones at the UK's National Oceanography Centre and his colleague Phil Pugh eventually identified the creature as a species of bathyphysa conifera - a siphonophore which, rather than being a single organism, is actually made up of a large colony of individual zooids.

"To my knowledge this creature has only been observed a handful of times," said Jones.

"The creature appears spaghetti-like because the stem is contracted up so that all the feeding zooids are jam-packed together. In a way these specialized bodies function as organs."

Despite being very fragile siphonophores can grow in length up to a staggering 160ft.


Mt. Shasta Convergence

As I approach Mount Shasta on Highway 89, the thick clouds slide away for a second to show its peak. In the same way that my first response to seeing a black bear is, “What a big Labrador!” my brain initially reaches for the everyday explanation: The “mountaintop” must actually be a cloud. It’s too many degrees above the horizon; it rises too steeply; it doesn’t look the way mountains look.

I crane my neck back like I’m beholding a skyscraper.

“Holy shit,” I say, to the interior of my Kia.

Poet and explorer Joaquin Miller more eloquently said, “Lonely as God, and white as a winter moon, Mount Shasta starts up sudden and solitary from the heart of the great black forests of Northern California.”

Shasta measures 14,162-feet tall, which is impressive but not anomalously so. The valley around it, however, lies just 3,600 feet above sea level, meaning the mountain rises more than 10,000 feet in front of your face. It stands alone.

Perhaps because of its strangeness, this dormant volcano has been a sacred site for thousands of years and continues to be so. Today, the town at its base has a population of just 3,300 but has been home to more than 100 different spiritual sects and 29 New Age businesses. But why? What about Shasta strums people’s supernatural strings?

The first recorded beliefs about the mountain come from five Native American tribes—the Shasta, Modoc, Wintu, Atsuwegi, and Klamath—who once inhabited the area. Some people believed all life began on Shasta. Others claimed reptilian creatures built cities in its interior. Others said that the god Skell had lowered himself from heaven to Shasta’s summit to throw molten rocks at the Spirit of the Below-World. Continue reading at Where Seekers and Spiritualists Converge



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