; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mercredi, juillet 29, 2015

UFO Sighting - A 'Flying Sheet of Paper'

The witness states that this was a 'flying sheet of paper' and that they have seen this object on six other occasions. Take note that MUFON has not followed up on the previous sighting reports:

Phoenix, Arizona: I have previously reported several instances of my encounters with "flying sheet of paper". Rather than being something that is simply a random occurrence, my previous encounters while at work clearly demonstrated that this thing was being dispatched when I would come outside for my breaks. Well now this thing has showed up where I live. At last, I have finally caught this thing on video. This will mark my sixth encounter with the "flying sheet of paper".

In this video, it doesn't do anything that is in particularly spectacular, other than fly along in a straight and steady fashion, that would in itself seem to be out of the ordinary. You would expect a sheet of paper, being carried along by the wind, to bounce around in its trajectory across the sky. Sorry I wasn't able to zoom in for a closer look. When I spotted this thing, I was out in the open, fully exposed to sunlight, and couldn't make out anything clearly in my camera's viewfinder other than the clouds you see in the background. So I had to shoot this video by pointing my camera in the general direction of what I could see directly by looking up. Without the clouds in the background on my camera's viewfinder, I would have had no reference points for aiming my camera.

With this being my sixth encounter with "Flying Sheet of Paper", I am still uncertain as to whether this might be extraterrestrial in origin, as in some utility craft of alien origin, or terrestrial, and is being controlled by otherworldly visitors. It is certainly something akin to a signature business card, telling me that I'm still involved in a bizarre relationship with WTF. - MUFON CMS

'Flying Sheet of Paper' video - http://www.mufoncms.com/files_jeud8334j/68742_submitter_file1__FlyingSheetofPaper.wmv

NOTE: is it possibly a satellite or other man-made object being seen during the day? I say 'Amazon drone'...can't wait for those reports to start rolling in...Lon

Unconventional Flying Objects: A Former NASA Scientist Explains How UFOs Really Work

Operation Trojan Horse: The Classic Breakthrough Study of UFOs

UFOs Do Not Exist: The Greatest Lie That Enveloped the World

UFOs: Myths, Conspiracies, and Realities

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