By Stephen Ellis - For those of you who read parts 1 & 2 and commented on them, “Thank you”.
As stated in parts 1 & 2, the most irrefutable proof of living again is a study of reincarnation. Of course there are no scientific experiments to prove reincarnation, but it is extremely difficult to ignore the empirical evidence supported by millions of claims. One of the world’s largest religions (Hindu) is predicated on reincarnation. Perhaps Hinduism’s religious thoughts on the subject are not digestible in a modern world, but facts are facts.
I mentioned the reincarnation of Shanti Devi in an earlier part. Here is a brief summary of the recorded facts...and you can judge it for yourself:
On January 18, 1902, a daughter was born to a family named Chaturbhuj, residents of Mathura, India. Her name was Lugdi. When Lugdi reached the age of 10, she was married to Kedarnath Chaube, a shopkeeper of the same locality; a practice often followed in India in the early 1900s.
When Lugdi became pregnant for the first time, her child was stillborn following a Cesarean section. For her second pregnancy, the worried husband took her to the government hospital at Agra, where a son was born, again through a Cesarean on September 25, 1925. Nine days later, however, Lugdi’s condition deteriorated and she died on October 4, 1925 at 10 A.M.
On December 11,1926, (one year, ten months and seven days after Lugdi’s death), a daughter was born to Babu Rang Bahadur Mathur of Chirawala Mohulla, a small locality of Delhi, India. The girl was named Shanti Devi.
Shanti Devi spoke very little until she was four years old. When she did start talking, she alarmed everyone in her family by telling them, "This is not my real home! I have a husband and a son in Mathura! I must return to them!"
This was India in the 1930s. Psychological treatments were rare and very expensive, so her parents told her, "Forget your past life. You're with us now." But Shanti Devi wouldn't give up. She talked about her former family to anyone who would listen including her teachers at school.
One of her teachers, out of curiosity, sent a letter to the address Shanti Devi had given to her teacher as her "real home" in Mathura, inquiring if there had been a young woman who had died there not too many years ago. To his astonishment, the teacher soon received a reply from the shopkeeper, Kedarnath Chaube, in Mathura admitting that his young wife, Lugdi, had passed away some years previously, after giving birth to their son. The details Shanti Devi had given to her teacher about her old house and members of her previous family were all confirmed to the teacher in intricate detail. The teacher felt it was important enough to contact a newspaper.
This launched the most thoroughly researched investigation of a case of reincarnation in modern history. Everyone got into the act, including Mahatma Gandhi, several prominent members of the Indian government, and a team of skeptical scientific researchers.
The team of scientific researchers wanted to be certain that Shanti Devi couldn't possibly be getting her information from any other source. They decided to accompany the little girl to Mathura. The team was determined to find whether or not there was merit to the girl’s claims or whether her claims were childish imagination or even, possibly, trickery or a publicity stunt.
First, they stopped at a place other than Mathura and told Shanti that it was Mathura. Shanti had never been outside of her small community in the Delhi area but when she looked around, Shanti told the group that she did not believe this was Mathura; that their driver had made a mistake.
They all then continued on to Mathura where the researchers again tried to mislead Shanti to the wrong part of Mathura, but she would not be fooled. She led the group directly to what she said was her former home and even noted recent changes to it that had been made only a few years earlier. The team had hired an actor to pretend he was Shanti’s “former husband”. Shanti was not fooled.
Shanti instantly picked her “former husband” out of a group of men in which he had been hiding…and whispered some very intimate facts to him such as the description of scars on the private parts his body and described extramarital affairs of family members that no one, outside the family, could possibly have known.
Every newspaper in Asia, Europe and the Middle East carried the story. The Shanti Devi story was not given much credibility by the Western press who felt that nothing really newsworthy could come out of India. The award-winning Swedish journalist, Sture Lonnerstrand, spent several weeks with Shanti Devi later in her life, recording her story and verifying information about the famous government investigation.
As I said earlier, these are the recorded facts. Interpret them in any way you feel is correct. The story of Shanti Devi does present some very strong evidence in favor of the fact that we continue to live even after we die. More evidence in the future.
If you are interested in the subject, I suggest you read my book, “Explaining the Unexplained”. You can download a Kindle of it for about $3.00. Hard and soft-cover copies are available at Barnes & Nobel and at Amazon.
Explaining the Unexplained

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