; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

lundi, juillet 06, 2015

Daily 2 Cents: Kecksburg UFO Festival Conference -- Mass Encounter in Wisconsin / MIB -- More MoD X-Files Coming

50th Anniversary of Kecksburg, PA UFO Incident / UFO Festival Conference

July, 2015

For Immediate Release

Press Release from: Kecksburg VFD, 5128 Water Street, Mount Pleasant, Pa 15666

Fire Department Contact: Ron Struble- 724-423-9540 or 724-423-2580

Incident Researcher: Stan Gordon-724-838-7768 (paufo@comcast.net)

50th Anniversary of Kecksburg UFO Incident to be Celebrated at UFO Festival Conference

Late on the afternoon of December 9, 1965, a mysterious object fell from the sky into a wooded area near the community of Kecksburg in Westmoreland County, PA. Hundreds of people, including reporters, descended on that rural community that evening trying to catch a glimpse of what had crash-landed into the woods. What was down in the woods that caused the military to quickly respond to that location and keep civilians away from the impact site? Fifty years later, the mystery of the Kecksburg UFO remains.

The upcoming anniversary of this Pennsylvania UFO case which has received worldwide attention will be celebrated during the annual Kecksburg VFD UFO Festival Conference that is being held on Sunday, July 26, 2015, at 1:30 PM. The UFO Conference will feature a special event focusing on the 50th Anniversary of the UFO incident. This will include a reunion of some Kecksburg witnesses with a discussion of their experiences and Q&A session. Stan Gordon will present an illustrated lecture discussing his fifty years of investigation of the case. He will also show excerpts from his award winning video documentary, "Kecksburg: The Untold Story" focusing on interviews with area witnesses. Stan will also give an update on more recent UFO, Bigfoot, and strange encounters reported from around the area.

The Kecksburg UFO Festival will take place July 24-26, 2015, and is a free family fun event. On Friday the hours are 6-11 PM. It is half price night on food in the kitchen. On Saturday the hours are 12-11 PM. The parade starts at 2 PM with awards for the best UFO costume and UFO float. There will be ongoing events such as their famous Bed Race and “Smoke in the Valley Burn Out” as well as children’s activities. Fireworks will light up the sky at 10 PM. On Sunday the hours are 10AM-5 PM. Be sure to attend the “UFO Hot Dog Eating Competition” at 1 PM just before the UFO Conference. There will also be entertainment, an inside and outside craft show, food venders, and ongoing events all weekend long.

There will also be displays from area UFO, Bigfoot, and Paranormal groups. Scheduled to have displays this year are Stan Gordon researcher and author, John Ventre, PA MUFON Director and author, Fred Saluga, W. Va. MUFON Director, Jim Brown of Jim’s Destinations, Brian & Terrie Seech of the Center for Cryptozoological Studies, Dave Dragosin, Associate Director Western PA of the PA Bigfoot Society, Ryan Cavalline and Dave Rupert of The Legend Hunters, Cheryl Alsippi and Darlene Koedel of AKLKO PSI, and Diane and Jim Trick, of the Goosebumps Paranormal Society.

For more information go to The Kecksburg V.F.D. website: www.kecksburgvfd.com or Stan Gordon’s website: www.stangordon.info. For information call 724-423-9540 or 724-423-2580. The festival grounds are located at the intersection of Claypike & Route 982.


More MoD X-Files to be Released

The British government has confirmed that several more UFO documents are still on track to be released.
The secretive files have remained a subject of controversy and debate in recent years due to the fact that their release date has been repeatedly pushed back for no discernible reason.

The documents are of particular interest to UFO investigators as they are believed to include new information about the 1980 Rendlesham Forest UFO case in which several US Air Force personnel witnessed a strange object in the woods near RAF Woodbridge in Suffolk.

There is still light at the end of the tunnel however as last week Defence Minister Earl Howe maintained that the files would be getting released to the National Archives within eight months.

"The latest estimate of when the 18 files will be delivered to the National Archives is before March 2016," he said in response to a query about the issue from Lord Black of Brentwood. "The National Archives will make the necessary judgement about when they release these files to the public."

His statement happened to come just in time for World UFO Day on July 2nd.

"This massive delay will have conspiracy theorists up in arms. It looks like the MoD is stalling," former MoD UFO researcher Nick Pope had previously stated in response to the issue. "The suspicion will be that there's a bombshell in these files and that the Ministry does not know how to handle it."

"I can understand why conspiracy theorists will be angry and suspicious." - MOD to release UK's top secret UFO 'X-Files' that 'could prove aliens exist


Man killed after trying to launch firework from top of his head

Maine state police say a man celebrating the Fourth of July died when he tried to launch a firework off the top of his head.

Stephen McCausland, a spokesman for the Maine department of public safety, says 22-year-old Devon Staples of Calais had been setting off fireworks with friends on Saturday night in the backyard of a friend’s home.

He says Staples placed a fireworks mortar tube on his head and set it off, injuring his head. He died instantly. Police say the friends had been drinking.

McCausland says Staples’ death marks Maine’s first fireworks fatality since the state legalised fireworks several years ago. Calais is in eastern Maine, on the Canadian border near New Brunswick.


Mass Encounter in Wisconsin / MIB

Wisconsin - 6/1968: Friends and I were having a sleepover. Big brother babysitting inside. Parents on vacation. Sighting of strange erratic, controlled movements of a bright "star" looking out 17 miles away over the Lake toward the east....just star-gazing. Over 150 people reported this sighting and phoned that night and next morning to the local radio station. All KINDS of erratic flight under direct control of SOMEONE.....very weird!

Also saw small whitish figure in parents' bushes - which we interpreted as a ghost...7th or 8th graders we were. We went inside. Not long after the sightings of both things, we had two "FBI Agents" at our parents' door, asking if they could do surveillance from our parents house.

Brother explained he didn't have authority to do that....they were definitely like descriptions of the Men in Black. My girlfriends and I had noticed their car sitting down the road a bit in the dark. When it came down the street towards us, we immediately went into the house. Their visit was shortly after that.

My parents home was one block away from the EXACT dividing line for the watershed here - one side of the road, the water goes west. East side of the road flows east. The geological location - the multiple sightings and reports of others seeing the craft over the lake - the significance of the watershed lends credence to the idea that it really was someone checking us out or checking out the water situation or both.

I've had multiple sightings of many kinds of aircraft in my life - aviation background owing to parents - and some sightings I had, I came to recognize as close-up views of new technology being shown somehow...probably testing equipment over snow-covered flat farmlands near where I was taking an early morning drive once ...again near the lake to the East. Different sighting entirely. Already reported to UFO researchers in my state. Other diverse experiences with this kind of contact throughout my life, really - many forms. - MUFON CMS


Paul McCartney Still Haunted by the Ghost of John Lennon

The Beatles split up and we were sort of all equal. George did his record, John did his, I did mine, Ringo did his. It was as we were during the Beatles’ times. We were equal. When John got shot, aside from the pure horror of it, the lingering thing was, OK, well now John’s a martyr. A JFK. So what happened was, I started to get frustrated because people started to say, “Well, he was The Beatles.” And me, George and Ringo would go, “Er, hang on. It’s only a year ago we were all equal-ish.” Yeah, John was the witty one, sure. John did a lot of great work, yeah. And post-Beatles he did more great work, but he also did a lot of not-great work. Now the fact that he’s now martyred has elevated him to a James Dean, and beyond. So whilst I didn’t mind that – I agreed with it – I understood that now there was going to be revisionism. It was going to be: John was the one. That was basically the thing.

And don’t even get him started on the songwriting credits, man. Oh no, you got him started. BOOOOooOooOoOOoo LENNON-MCCARTNEY WEEE OOO WEEE OOO, John’s ghost shouts in Paul’s ear. He feels a little tickle, and Paul slaps himself in the face. He continues:

What happened, when we were kids we were looking for what to call our songs. We had a meeting with Brian Epstein, John and me. I arrived late. John and Brian had been talking. “We were thinking we ought to call the songs, Lennon and McCartney.” I said, “That’s OK, but what about McCartney and Lennon? If I write it, what about that? It sounds good, too.” They said, “OK, what we’ll do is we’ll alternate it: Lennon and McCartney, McCartney and Lennon.” ... So, in particular cases like ‘Yesterday’, which John actually had nothing to do with, none of the other Beatles had anything to do with – I wrote it on my own, sang it on my own, they’re not on the record, nobody is even involved with it, and they didn’t mind that and I didn’t mind, nobody minded, but that’s very much mine – so I said, “Could we have ‘By Paul McCartney and John Lennon’, wouldn’t that be a good idea? And then on ‘Strawberry Fields’ we’ll have, ‘By John Lennon and Paul McCartney’. ‘Nowhere Man’, ‘John Lennon and Paul McCartney’. ‘Penny Lane’, ‘Paul McCartney and John Lennon’. Seeing as we’re breaking it up, can we do that?” And at first Yoko said yeah. And then she rang back a few days later and she had this guy Sam Havadtoy who she was living with – she was co-Havadtoying – and she said she’d decided it wasn’t a good idea and no, no, no, no. And it became a bit of an issue for me.

It became a bit of an issue for him, Paul McCartney, one of the most beloved men on the planet, a 73-year-old who, if I might just point out again has a full, luscious head of hair, a loving wife, and an impressive collection of cars.

Well, what happened was there was a backlash from people who didn’t see where I was coming from. “Dancing on a dead man’s grave” was one of the phrases that came up. “What a bighead!” “Why does he want his name in front of John’s?” But it was nothing to do with bighead. It’s just to do with identifying who wrote what. John did a really good Playboy interview where he did that: “This is mine, this is Paul’s.” So I thought, “Just use that! John said it!” I thought that was perfectly reasonable and I still do, by the way. But I don’t think it’s achievable for some reason. The arguments I used was these days I’ll get a cinema ticket and I will go to a film called “Miss Congeni-”. The “-ality” is missed off. What starts to happen is, “A song by John Lennon and-”. You know how on your iPad there’s never enough room? So it’s kind of important who comes first. Late at night I was in a hotel room looking online and I happened to see this music book, which has got all the songs in it, and it was ‘Hey Jude’ by John Lennon and…” and the space ran out. There’s a poetry book, Blackbird by John Lennon and Paul McCartney.” No! He didn’t write those lyrics! So, at the risk of seeming like… I tell you what, if John was here he would definitely say that’s OK. Because he didn’t give a damn. It wasn’t anything that worried him. But I’ve given up on it. Suffice to say. In case it seems like I’m trying to do something to John.

I’ve given up on it, McCartney protests wearily. The breeze shifts, the curtain flutters. Is it the wind or a ghostly hand? I can’t say for sure, but I’ve heard if you play Hey Jude backwards, you can hear John’s voice claiming credit for Dance Tonight. - Paul McCartney Still Haunted by the Ghost of John Lennon



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