I recently received the following account from a reader:
Hi Lon,
My name is Lidia I am originally from Miami, FL, currently residing in Colorado Springs. I am writing to pretty much share my story. I was in 4th grade in Elementary school. I went to a school named Orchard Villa Elementary School.
I was a normal kid, got good grades, did what I was told. This particular year I was a patrol guard at my school which meant I had earlier access to the campus, I was in charge of putting up the flag and monitoring the hallways before the school bell rang. The kids in the school were kept outside lined up in our p.e area awaiting their teachers to come and escort them in.
My school was a two story building with one elevator in a hallway, no one was allowed in the elevator, the only person I ever saw with a key and access to it was our music teacher when he ascended with a cart of instruments or materials for his daily teachings.
To speed things up, one morning a friend and I were playing in that hallway, just spinning and laughing. During mid-spin I noticed someone starring at me from the end of the hallway. It was a man in dark clothing with a top hat and a long coat. Initially I thought I was hallucinating or something, so I continued to carry on spinning and it never went away. My friend and I stopped spinning, and I felt a burning sensation on my right hand. I had 3 claw marks on my hand, I could see the bright red blood inside, similar to a cat scratch. I was frightened and it burned so bad, that my friend and I started praying. Shortly after the prayer the scratches disappeared.
I tried to brush this experience off, but throughout the week I felt needle pricking on my foot, as if someone was sticking a needle on my pinky. It lasted for about a week and very frequently while I was at school. I finally got tired and was scared and told my mom of the encounter. I showed her my foot and my toes were swollen, as if someone has physically done this to me. It would occur 90% of the time when I was at school, the needle pricking that is. At home I would see the shadow person standing in my closet, just watching me, never speaking but just being there. I didn't think my mom would believe me, but she actually did. She handed me a little card with a Catholic saint on it, and told me to pray the prayer on the back and keep it with me at all times.
I accepted her remedy and I pray for about two weeks. The activity ceased shortly there after, I never saw the shadow person again, and I haven't had any needle pricking. Although I was really afraid at the time, it will always leave me with the curiosity of why me and what exactly did I expose myself to by a simple game of spinning?
NOTE: This may not have been a typical shadow person...but an entity with the ability to attach itself to a host. It seems to have been attracted to Lidia (who may be a 'beacon') and wanted her to know that it was around her. Her Mother gave her the ability to protect herself with the prayer to the saint...eventually forcing the entity to move on. Lon
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