; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mardi, juin 23, 2015

Historical Time-Slips

I received the following narrative from a reader:

In 1984 I was at St. David's Cathedral in Wales. Founded around 590 or so, a new cathedral was built around 1131 or so, when it was declared to be one of the most important pilgrimage sites. It was said that 2 pilgrimages to St. David's was equal to 1 of Rome. In 1171, not long after a visit by Henry II, the current cathedral was begun. Evidently, at one time, there was a special pilgrimage of those embarking on the crusades. Henry and Eleanor were both present.

I sat in the ancient building, and swore I could, in my mind, see the processional. It was the strangest feeling. I walked back up the hill to the car park and stood at the wall around the cathedral. I could see the entire processional walking into the building.

A few weeks later, I literally made a pilgrimage to Fontevraud Abbey, to visit the final resting place of both Henry, Eleanor and my favorite royal, Richard Coeur de Lion. I took a number of photos - slides. When I was finally home, and they were developed, the owner of the camera shop, where I would have them developed, had pulled three slides from that roll of film. I must have taken a dozen shots. Three of them had this long, green light - I swear it looked like a lightsaber, pointed over Richard's sarcophagus.

My friend, who was an expert at developing, went back and went through the entire roll. He checked the angle of the shots - they were all the same - I was using an auto drive on the SLR. He said the only logical conclusion was the shot had something to do with Richard. I told him about the cathedral, and how I was feeling about where Richard was interred. I was very upset about it. There he was, the most illustrious king in England's history, and no one even cared. Evidently he realized I cared about his final resting place and responded - somehow.

I swear we experience time-slips. There have been 2 other occasions, 2 other experiences. I have a friend who is a 79 year-old nun from New Orleans. She told me she was walking through one of the older parts of town, and could tell someone was following her. A woman in a hoop skirt hurried past her, nodding. She watched her for about a block, then the woman disappeared. S.J.R.

Time Slips: Real Stories of Time Travel

Time Travel True Stories: Amazing Real Life Stories In The News (Book 1 & 2)

How to Build a Time Machine: The Real Science of Time Travel

The Time Traveler's Almanac

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