; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

samedi, juin 13, 2015

Daily 2 Cents: Mysterious 'Hands' Appear in Photo -- MUFON...please speak to me! -- 'Charlie Charlie Challenge' Meme...Manifested Tulpa?

Mysterious hands appear in Mount Kinabalu photo

PETALING JAYA: A pair of dark disembodied hands, similar to that of "The Thing" from the Addams Family, made a spooky appearance in two photos taken at Mount Kinabalu shortly after the 5.9 magnitude earthquake which hit Sabah.

Persatuan Komuniti Bugis Sabah (PKBS) vice-president Samasuddin Yusop, who is part of a group of donors pictured with the mysterious limbs, said neither images, taken at the base of Mount Kinabalu, were altered.

"Many people asked us about the photographs but even we have difficulty determining if was a makhluk (mysterious creature) or a problem with the cameras," the former Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) corporate communications head told The Star Online when contacted.

The images, which have since gone viral, were taken using separate gadgets - a mobile phone and a Nikon camera.

Both photos captured the image of the additional limbs.

While the mobile phone camera caught a pair of extra hands, the photo captured by the Nikon camera only had just one additional hand. In both photos, the positions of the hands changed slightly.

The PKBS group had, on Tuesday visited the mountain to present their donations to the Mount Kinabalu earthquake fund, mountain guides and police officers from the Ranau police station who were affected by the quake.

They later posed for photographs with mountain guide Mhd Rizuan Kauhinin who became a national hero after an image of him carrying an injured boy down the mountain went viral. On June 5, a magnitude 5.9 earthquake struck the mountain and 18 people lost their lives.

According to Samasuddin, the image taken from the mobile phone was even more eerie than the one on the camera as there are two hands resting very close to his back.

"A day after the photos were taken, a member of our group was checking the images and we were all surprised (by the hands)," he said.

However, Samasuddin is not worried about his eldritch encounter as the group visited the mountain with good intentions.

"We came to give contributions, so tak rasa apa (we do not feel anything). Even until today, I do not feel anything but it is my other friends who are creeped out instead," he said cheerfully.

He felt there is perhaps a lesson to be learnt from the strange encounter.

"The image could be a reminder to keep in mind the victims who had lost their lives to the earthquake."

Samasuddin said that many religious ceremonies for the departed had yet to be carried out as the people were preoccupied with Search and Rescue (SAR) missions.

"We should recite Al-Fatihah for the Muslim victims, and for the non-Muslims, pray that they may rest in peace," he said.

Misbahuddin Rida, the man whom the mysterious hands had chosen to lean against, was more amused than afraid from his first-hand encounter.

"At first, I wondered about it but after a while, it is ok... things are normal. We posted the photo on our WhatsApp group and a friend responded saying that he was uncomfortable with the image as there was something not right about it. Only then did we realise it," said the jovial man.

"I initially thought it could be my (right) hand, but it is strange. After looking at the position of the hands, I tried straightening my arms to emulate it but it (the position) is very difficult to do," he said.

Although he cannot remember exactly his right hand's actual position, Misbahuddin said what appeared on the photo did not look like a part of his body.

"The hand is dark, and its nails look dead. I am dark as well, but my right hand is the same colour as my left. The one in the photo is darker," he said.

Misbahuddin was wearing long-sleeves and his left hand had the sleeve buttoned at the wrist. But the mysterious right arm appeared to be bare. - The Star


'Charlie Charlie Challenge' Meme...Manifested Tulpa?

The Charlie Charlie Challenge has inspired millions of kids to explore satanic rituals by using a sheet of paper divided into quarters to mimic a Ouija board.

Kids are sharing videos with #CharlieCharlie, challenging each other to call upon an evil spirit from Mexico, according to the Daily Mail.

Now, after millions of shares, the Catholic Church is responding and priests are warning children about the dangers of "playing with demons."

The game involves balancing one pencil on top of another and daring a demon named Charlie to answer questions by making it point to pre-written answers on the paper below.

Kids write "Yes" in two corners and "No" in the remaining squares.

Teens from all over the world - U.K., United States, Sweden and Singapore - have uploaded videos in which they ask, "Charlie, Charlie, are you there?" and then flee in terror when the pencil appears to move by itself, the Daily Mail reported.

The videos consist of a lot of screaming, which is considered to be thrilling and enticing for viewers, making them want to play the game, according to ABC 13.

Ten-year-old Mariana Cruz, a 5th grader in Fresno, said Charlie is being talked about at her school.

"You have to try to balance the pencils and you ask Charlie questions," Cruz said.

"I've seen it on Facebook," said Mariana's mother, Monica Cruz. "And yes, I think it's a very bad thing. I would never try it and I should hope that my kids would never try it."

Four Colombian high school students were brought to the emergency room two weeks ago and were "screaming and babbling" after playing the game.

There was nothing physically wrong with them. Instead, doctors diagnosed a case of "mass hysteria."

"You're asking children to pray to a demon, for a demon to give you directions," said Tim Rolen, senior pastor at New Hope Community Church in Clovis. "That could be pretty damaging and pretty powerful in certain situations."

The Diocese of Fresno issued the following statement regarding the Charlie Challenge:

The concerns regarding the social media game "Charlie Charlie" have been brought to the attention of some pastors and lay leaders in the Diocese of Fresno. Designated Pastoral Center staff are currently in dialogue to discern an appropriate response and resources to help guide parents, youth, and all individuals who have already engaged in this activity or are tempted to do so. The Diocese of Fresno echoes the concerns expressed in the Catholic News Service article dated May 27, 2015 regarding this issue. - HNGN

Also...Dominican Republic: Children hospitalised and mass hysteria over 'Charlie Charlie Charlie' game


MUFON...please speak to me!

This was posted on the MUFON CMS yesterday. Very interesting...

Maryland - 8/11/2005: I'm so tired of contacting people about this and getting no response.

I had a UFO and ALIEN ENCOUNTER in 2005 while I had a digital recorder ON and RECORDING.

I posted it on YouTube.

Just go to Google and type in "[Title moved ti FI Section/cms/tg]" and listen to it.

Actually, here is the link; [Link moved ti FI Section/cms/tg]

But you have to have REALLY LOUD SPEAKERS and you have to turn the volume up as high as you can stand it. You won't regret it, I promise you.

You can hear the Aliens speaking ONE WORD that ACTIVATED A TRANSPORT SYSTEM. Which you can also hear.

The Aliens were NOT visible to me, but one of them did speak to me in English. When it spoke the inside of my head vibrated very strong. So the conversation was NOT recorded. (Was NOT picked up by the recorder).

The only thing I recollect it saying was, "You have an intelligent mind for a teenager (I was 35 at the time and must have told them I was a teenager for some reason. I was in a trance). Do you want to come with us?"

I wonder if anybody will ever get the fact that I might be the ONLY PERSON ALIVE that has a BONIFIED ACTUAL RECORDING of a UFO, HI TECH TRASPORT DEVICE, ALIEN CONTACT with ALIENS SPEAKING.

Please SOMEBODY take this seriously. It really did happen and it's a very real recording. But again... you have to have LOUD SPEAKERS and turn the volume up as loud as you can stand it.

And if you notice the other recordings I posted, just please don't worry about them for now. They are real too by the way.

NOTE: If MUFON wouldn't have redacted the URL for the video, then I'm quite sure someone would respond to this. It's obvious that after 10 years MUFON has no intention of getting back to this witness. I've said many times before...MUFON just does not respond to entity encounters. They present the 'Hangar 1' series and act like they investigate these cases. Nothing could be further from the truth. This is the main reason why I'm no longer a member of MUFON! Lon


Power Seeking Prophet Dies After Being Buried Alive

A man died after he asked his followers to bury him alive so he can heal them. Self-proclaimed prophet Shamiso Kanyama of Muzarabani, Zimbabwe, accidentally died during a healing ceremony. Kanyama ordered his followers to dig a grave and bury him alive so that he can summon more healing powers:

However, when Kanyama did not come out of his grave, the soil was removed and he was found dead. Five members of the family were arrested and charged with murder. High Court Justice Owen Tagu heard that on the day in question, the five men asked their priest, Zvidzai Muchengeti, for help to cleanse their home of evil spirits, which caused mysterious deaths in their family.

Kanyama was invited to the home to conduct the cleansing ceremony. Kanyama allegedly told the family that the cleaning process entails him being buried alive so that he can summon more powers to ward off evil spirits.

Father Zvidzai told the court that Kanyama, helped dig the grave and then prayed before jumping inside. While laying face down, he ordered the family members to cover him with soil.

Joseph Taderera told Justice Tagu that as the men were in the process of filling the pit, he asked the five men to stop, but Kanyama urged them to continue. “I warned the men about the danger of their actions, but my advice fell on deaf ears because Kanyama shouted, telling me that I am disturbing his angels, and urged them to continue filling the grave, saying that he would later come out alive,” Taderera said.

Source: InformationNG



Vanessa's Medical Support Fund

Thanks again for your support! Vanessa & Lon



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