This story has been brewing for several weeks...but as a result of the recent 'Roswell alien body' hoax, could there be a connection?
Tobolsk police and other authorities may have unraveled the mystery of the mummified remains of babies found in a lab reported by citizens. In the neglected Western Siberia facility, there have been human organs and bones left scattered about, and officers have probed into its hideous discovery. On the bodies of the babies, they were visible scars. According to Siberian Times, the scars show that surgical procedures were carried.
There were 'withered corpses' of babies, according to local news website On one example, the head is like a tiny-onion-shaped, slanting huge catlike eyes occupying a huge part on its face. Is it possible that this lab was attempting to create some type of hybrid being?
Slides used for blood tests, files and surgical books were also among the debris of the rundown building, while one plastic bottle on a shelf was dated January 2012.
As the student Georgy Grigorchuk wandered around the building he also found an empty morgue and documents outlining the medical histories and post-mortem procedures of all the patients, including family names and personal details. It is known that the premises were abandoned when the pathology facility was moved to a new building at the region's hospital, but it is of concern that so much was left behind.
'I learned about this place from other students of my medical college', he said. 'I heard that in this laboratory were a lot of abandoned things - books lying around, organs in glass jars, all sorts of documents. It was very interesting for a medical student'.
Since the student's discovery, the door to the lab has been vandalised but nothing has been taken away. Graffiti also covers part of the front of the building. But later the door was nailed shut, even though the macabre contents of the old laboratory were not removed.
It is not known if they have contacted the parents of dead children identified in the medical records.
Could this lab, or similar facility, be the source of the baby mummy 'alien'...used in the recent Roswell alien body claim? I believe it is worthy of an investigation. Lon
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