Was Roswell Crash Debris / Occupants Relocated to MacDill AFB?
I just found the following post on the MUFON CMS. Though the information has not been verified, is does mirror speculation I have heard over the years:
Roswell, NM - 8/11/1967: No sighting, but I heard verbal confirmation from my [name removed\dr\cms] that he had dealt with one. I was a small child living a neighborhood in Roswell NM. I woke up to the sound of my Dad yelling on the phone to one of his superiors. This is what I heard as I slipped out of my bedroom.
"Why do I have to fly that Damn inhuman thing to Florida when there are plenty of pilots under me that could"! "I am aware of the seriousness of this thing but I am tired of dealing with this and those freakish little creatures!"
Then I got caught because I coughed. He came storming out of his office and jumped my butt. He demanded to know what I had heard. I at 7 years old started crying. Then he shook me and said
"If you ever repeat anything you heard you will put our whole family in danger." He then said "Do you understand?"
He shook me violently and told me to go back to bed without the water I had wanted in the first place. I don't know if this is of interest to you or not but this is my experience with UFO's. - MUFON CMS
NOTE: the name of the witness' father was redacted. Walker Air Force Base at Roswell, NM closed in 1967 and much of the equipment (which I was told) was moved to 2 locations...Eielson AFB, Alaska and MacDill AFB, Florida. Is it possible that debris / alien beings from the 1947 crash, or possible subsequent crashes, remained at Roswell until 1967? Lon
Pakistani 'spy pigeon' arrested in India
A pigeon has been arrested by police in India on suspicion of being a spy from Pakistan. The bird was seized on Thursday after being spotted carrying a "stamped message" on its body. The message was written partly in Urdu, the official language of Pakistan.
It also contained a Pakistani phone number, according to reports. The bird was discovered by a 14-year-old boy in the village of Manwal, around 4km from the Pakistani border. He took it to the nearest police station where the bird was X-rayed.
Although police confirmed nothing unusual was found they "have kept the bird in our custody", according to one senior local officer. The bird has been logged as a "suspected spy" in the area's official police diary. "This is a rare instance of a bird from Pakistan being spotted here. We have caught a few spies here.
"The area is sensitive, given its proximity to Jammu, where infiltration is quite common," local police superintendent Rakesh Kaushal said. The area where the bird was found sits close to Jammu and Kashmir, an area which is claimed by both India and Pakistan, and is the scene of regular military exchanges.
Huge swimming snake eats catfish in incredible photo
The Iowa DNR confirmed Thursday the animal as a Northern water snake, a non-venomous animal.
Jessie Brown of the DNR said Thursday in an email that some may be concerned this is a cottonmouth, commonly called a water moccasin, which is venemous. But those are not found in Iowa.
Northern water snakes are distinguishable from their venemous look-alikes by their pupils: cottonmouths have a vertical slit pupil while Northern water snakes have a round pupil, Brown said.
Brown added that you can find Northern water snakes near any kind of water that contains fish, which is primarily what they eat.
"It appears to be capturing a black bullhead, which it could possibly swallow if it eats the fish head-first," Brown said in an email.
There are four venomous snakes in Iowa, the DNR wrote: timber rattlesnake, prairie rattlesnake, Massasauga rattlesnake and copperhead. Timber rattlers are listed as threatened or endangered.
One commenter named Jamie Marie Roush wrote, "THIS is why I only swim in pools!!!"
Many commenters posted photos of snakes they've also spotted in Iowa waterways. - Huge swimming snake eats catfish in incredible photo
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