; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mercredi, janvier 14, 2015

Loch Ness Monster on Google Earth?

A Swedish 'Loch Ness Monster' enthusiast captured an image of an anomaly in Loch Ness from Google Earth. In the process, the image won a cash prize of £2,000.:

A Loch Ness Monster spotter bagged himself £2,000 in cash - for taking a picture of the mythical creature from his home in Stockholm, Sweden.

Nessie enthusiast Bjarne Sj strand noticed a long, thin object in the water on Google Earth while on his computer 800 miles away.

The 52-year-old, who has never even been to Scotland, won the best Loch Ness Monster sighting of 2014, in an annual competition run by William Hill bookies.

The systems administrator snapped the image from above Horse Shoe Scree on the loch's southern side.

It was chosen from five contenders after topping an online poll on the The Inverness Courier website, which attracted a whopping 92,000 votes, and was confirmed by judges to be the year's most intriguing image.

Bjarne said: "I'm very happy to have won the prize. I am very interested in anything regarding Nessie and the history of Loch Ness.

"The reason I found this image on Google Earth was that I was sitting one night at home reading about Nessie and Loch Ness on the internet and thought I would check to see if I could see something from above - and that proved to turn out well.

"I have never been to Scotland but my hopes are that one day I will visit Loch Ness."

Gary Campbell, who maintains the official register of Loch Ness Monster sightings, said Mr Sj strand's image mirrored other reports of large eel-like objects in the water.

"Something like this cannot be explained," he said. "I would like to see further analysis of the photograph carried out."

He added that the result showed the continued international interest in the Loch Ness Monster, saying: "Nessie is much bigger globally than people realise."

Rupert Adams, PR manager for William Hill, said the number of votes cast demonstrated the popularity of the monster mystery. All five finalists received a £50 bet on the winner of the William Hill Scottish Cup. - Mirror

NOTE: So...what do you think? Here is a gallery of 'Nessie' shots. Does the new image stand-out?

The Loch Ness Monster: The Evidence

The Loch Ness Monster and Other Unexplained Mysteries

Cryptozoology A To Z: The Encyclopedia of Loch Monsters, Sasquatch, Chupacabras, and Other Authentic Mysteries of Nature

The Water Horses of Loch Ness: An inquiry into the kelpie or water horse of Loch Ness and elsewhere and how the Loch Ness Monster or Nessie arose from ... supernatural and paranormal creature of evil.

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