; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

jeudi, janvier 08, 2015

'Je Suis Charlie'

I am Charlie...we must stand together in the face of violence.

Je suis Charlie...nous devons être solidaires face à la violence.

Twelve people are dead and many others are critically injured. Four cartoonists from the French satirical paper Charlie Hebdo died because they drew images fanatics didn't want to see. Two police officers died because they were assigned with protecting their freedom to draw those images. Six additional people died because they got in the way of the three heavily armed murderers during their attack on freedom. There was more violence today when a French police officer was ambushed and killed during a traffic accident investigation.

If the armed attack on the Charlie Hebdo editorial conference leads to increased self-censorship on the part of satirists and critics of Islam, then terror will have won. But it will also have won if every faithful Muslim suddenly falls under suspicion of being a violence-prone Islamist. Terrorism cannot be allowed to have any influence on the actions and thoughts of individuals. Otherwise freedom is lost. Now, more than ever, open society must demonstrate that it is able to integrate - and tolerate - the most disparate of views.

I have faced threats in the past for posts on 'Phantoms & Monsters.' I actually had a religious zealot show up at my door one evening, claiming I was the 'devil' because of subjects I covered on the blog. It's a frightening situation...between the emails & telephone calls, it's caused me to sometimes wonder why should I face the risk.

Bloggers, writers and readers...let's stand together in the face of violence. Lon

The Looming Tower: Al-Qaeda and the Road to 9/11

The Mind of the Terrorist: The Psychology of Terrorism from the IRA to al-Qaeda

The History of Terrorism: From Antiquity to al Qæda

Rise of ISIS: A Threat We Can't Ignore

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