; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mercredi, décembre 03, 2014

Can Time Travel Be An Actuality?

I found this interesting tidbit on an Indian news site:

The 1960 movie The Time Machine, based on H.G. Wells' novel name got the idea on the development of the time machine and going into a different time zone for scientists. The grandson of the author Simon Wells translated this idea on to the silver screen again in year 2002 with the movie The Time Machine (again). Though we have seen quite a few discussions on this matter issues we haven’t come across any real-time-traveler till date.

But the year 2013 changed all this. This year in September, The Victorian Academy of Magick posted an image of a woman on its Facebook page and said “in the year 1898, according the contemporary reports, Alexandria Alexis appeared 'as if from nowhere' and took New York society by storm.”

The report said that this time travelling lady “ simply disappeared” on the New Year’s Eve in 1899. The report also said this new method of going to and fro in time would be invented by the year 2025.

Well, this urban legend later came out to be part of a promotion for upcoming novels by Victorian Vampire Press. This women who featured in the picture was Grace Rawlinson, reports Stranger Dimensions. The picture of Rawlinson was taken by Napoleon Sarony, says Anamalyinfo. Rawlinson performed in the United States from 1870 to 1873.

This story, however, still remains as an urban legend.

This year, scientists at the University of Queensland “ simulated how time-travelling photons might behave,” reported DailyMail. They used single particles of light called photons to simulate quantum particles travelling back through time.

Earlier this year, physicists at the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, part of the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands, reported that they could send and receive quantum data concerning the spin state of an electron to another electron about 10 feet away. Read here.

A report from Nasa on the ‘Is time travel possible?’ says “time travel into the future is possible, but we would need to develop some very advanced technology to do it. We could travel 10,000 years into the future and age only 1 year during that journey.” - Daily Bhaskar

NOTE: I believe time travel will be utilized by our descendents. I also believe they have made that jump back into time and are now among us...with the intent to alter their history. As a result, I theorize that this is why our technology has advanced so quickly. Waves of humans, possibly hybrid humans and/or other bio-lifeforms, traveling back into time and changing their past...and our present. We may very well be the ultraterrestrials. This may interest you -- A Case Of Time Travel?...Lon

The Time Traveler's Almanac

How to Build a Time Machine: The Real Science of Time Travel

The Science of Interstellar

A Brief History of Time

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