; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mercredi, décembre 31, 2014

Wishing Everyone a Safe, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!

Hi folks...I just want to wish all my readers & associates a safe, healthy and prosperous New Year. It's been another interesting year in the paranormal world, as well as a few developments and adjustments for myself.

There have been important investigations (Todd Sees death, Sioux City Entity, etc.), another appearance on 'Coast to Coast AM', a 'Monsters and Mysteries in America' television segment that referenced my encounter with the supposed Sykesville Monster, and another book 'Phantoms & Monsters: Bizarre Encounters.' I was given the opportunity to chronicle several fantastic investigations, including my continued relationship with JC Johnson and the great team at Crypto Four Corners. I also want to thank Butch Witkowski of UFORCOP and Sean Forker of the Keystone Bigfoot Project for their continued support and friendship.

It's also been a year of change. When 'Beyond The Edge Radio' went on furlough, hosts Sean Forker & I decided to form another production...'Arcane Radio' was born. We've gotten a few podcasts under our belt...but be assured, bigger & better presentations are in store for 2015. A new facility (Darker Days Studios) is about finished and ready for service!

NOTE: The paranormal community is only as good as the people who work together to find the truth. I have been blessed with some amazing colleagues who have worked with me directly...in particular: Sean Forker, Butch Witkowski, JC Johnson, Phillip in OZ, Sharon Day, Linda Godfrey, Albert Rosales, Jay Bachochin, Rosemary Ellen Guiley, Ken Gerhard, Lyle Blackburn, Tim Shaw, Robin Swope, Stan Gordon, David Weatherly, as well as the entire 'Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research' and 'Astral Perceptions Universal' teams. There are hundreds more who offer their experiences, knowledge and friendship on a daily basis...I wish to sincerely 'thank you'...Lon

Daily 2 Cents: Strange New Year Traditions -- Basic Magical Uses For Incense, Herbs and Essential Oils -- Mother Kills Baby That Turned Into A Python

New Year Traditions: 30 Strange Practices You Probably Don’t Know

There are many traditions to celebrating the New Year here in the U.S.. One of the most notable is waiting for the ball to drop in New York's Times Square. Each year thousands of people gather to stand in the freezing cold in Times Square to wait for a bedazzled jeweled ball to drop at the stroke of midnight, While we find this to be a normal celebration in bringing in the New Year others may find it odd. However, this activity is very mild compared to other New Years celebrations around the world. Check out these top 30 strange and unique New Years traditions:

1. No Sweeping Or Dusting - This tradition comes from the idea that sweeping or dusting on New Year's day may lead to an individual sweeping their good luck away. So it's just best to leave your place dusty until Jan. 2.

2. Don't Eat Chicken - Say no to chicken on New Year’s Day. That means fried chicken, baked chicken, broiled, roasted or BBQ'd. Because if it is eaten then, like the birds in question, diners are fated to scratch in the dirt all year for their dinner meaning they'll be bringing poverty upon themselves.

3. Open Doors and Windows - It is said that opening doors and windows on New Years Day will bring in new beginnings and let out the old. So leave the doors and windows open to bring in the fresh air and fresh beginnings. However, if you're house is dusty from not sweeping or dusting you may want to leave the house as that fresh air could easily make your home an allergy attack waiting to happen.

4. Avoid Crying Cats - If you hear a cat meowing on New Year's Day go in the opposite direction. Sounds cruel right? Well that's because it is. If you truly feel bad just call animal control while walking in the opposite direction that way you avoid the bad omen and still do your good deed by helping the cat in question.

5. Lemons - New Year's Eve and New Year's day it is another old-fashioned tradition designed to keep that good energy flowing.

Check out these other 25 unique and strange New Year traditions around the world in this video! You'll see some odd events like the Takanakuy Festival in Peru where villagers fist fight to settle differences, sweet coins in Bolivia where people bake coins into cakes and whoever finds it is said to have good fortune for the year and empty suitcases in Colombia where citizens carry around empty luggage to signify having a travel filled year. Read more at Latin Times


Since ancient times, incense in the form of resin and herbs has been enjoyed throughout the world. The fragrant smoke was used as a way to carry messages and hope to the Gods and to create a pleasant environment for humans to connect with the spiritual world. Incense resins and botanicals are still used today in various Native American and metaphysical ceremonies to promote ritual consciousness, the state of mind necessary to rouse and direct personal energy. The powders and raw herbs are also used in talisman and gris-gris conjuring. The fragrant smoke purifies a room and surrounding area of negative and disturbing vibrations, and can be used for meditation or for simply scenting a room. Essential oils can also be used by diffusing, or on the body if combined with a natural base oil. Here are a few of my recommendations for those not familiar with the usage:

Used in prosperity and wisdom spells. Sweet almond oil is an excellent base for essential oils.

A sacred temple powder often referred to as "Nectar of the Gods" or "Ambrosia" because of it's divine fragrance. Used in healing and meditation. Intoxicating aroma that blends well with everything. Also available as an essential oil.

A sacred Japanese temple incense used to drive away negativity and to bring good luck. Can be placed in charms and gris-gris amulets.

Used for respiratory work and for grounding.

Used for purification and prosperity. Often used as a base for incense blends. An antiseptic, cleanses the lungs, strengthens the mind, burned for knowledge, peace, and psychic protection. A fine "clearing" resin.

Used for purifying, protection and to banish bad dreams. Used by Native Americans in sweat lodges to release heavy emotional energies.

Raises high spiritual and protective vibrations. Used for healing and money rituals. A stimulant, aphrodisiac, draws money, stimulates psychic powers. Holy anointing oil used by ancient Hebrews.

Used in immunity and heart rituals. An earthy, spicy Copal. Burned during "Day of the Dead" celebrations.

Considered to be a sacred "Food of the Gods". Used in immunity and heart rituals. Burned for love and purification. It is the cleanest and purest of the Copals.

Used to drive away hostile, negative forces. An aphrodisiac and psychic enhancer. It is also used to produce spiritual vibrations and to purify the area. Also available as an essential oil.

Traditionally used to drive out bad spirits, feelings and influences. An important, strong, herbaceous Native American plant. Burned for wealth, wisdom, knowledge, protection, and purification.

Red resin from a palm tree. It is used in rituals involving love, protection and exorcism. Burned for consecration, protection, good luck and strengthens spells. Increases potency of other resins. An essential resin used during divination and conjure.

Used in healing and sickness rituals. Also used to maintain good health and for protection. Also available as an essential oil.

Burned for psychic work to restore peace and harmony with it's soothing vibrations.

Releases powerful positive vibrations and drives away evil and negativity. Still burned in the Catholic churches. Used as an incense for purification, spiritual growth, knowledge and meditation. Also available as an essential oil.

Two most popular blessed resins of the kings. A powerful combination that is used for spirituality, healing, protection and exorcism. Used as an incense for purification, spiritual growth, knowledge and meditation. A powerful combination for conjure and root work.

Used in love spells and to attract good, peaceful spirits during rituals. Possesses very high spiritual vibrations. Used especially for moon rituals.

Used for luck , prosperity, fidelity, love and fertility. Also available as an essential oil.

Citrus Geranium scent burned for luck, love, fidelity and money. Also available as an essential oil.

Used in money and success rituals. Burned for psychic growth and success.

Considered a very important purification and protection herb. Powerful, healing scent is also great for respiratory work. Burned for wealth and psychic protection. Can be placed in charms and gris-gris amulets.

Used in love and wealth rituals. An aphrodisiac. Will cause prophetic dreams if burned in the bedroom and is used to induce sleep. Also available as an essential oil.

Helps promote psychic powers and guards against evil, sickness and hexes. Used in sick rooms throughout Europe. Also available as an essential oil.

Used throughout Europe as a protective herb. Helps promote psychic powers and guards against evil, sickness and hexes.

Has long been used in love and healing rituals. Used to attract and protect relationships. Promotes sleep and peacefulness. Also available as an essential oil.

Burned as a psychic enhancer. Also available as an essential oil.

Was used in the temple of Isis. Great meditation and contemplation incense. Burned for banishing negativity, protection and release. Increases the power of other incenses it's added to. Also available as an essential oil.

A blend of costly, highly fragrant rare gums, resins & powders for meditation and for creating your sacred space. It brings one's energies into harmonious balance.

A plant revered by all Native American healers for it's powerful healing abilities. Used to treat respiratory and rheumatic complaints. Incredible butterscotch and celery scent permeates the room with magic.

Burned for luck, love and money. Also available as an essential oil.

Burned for burned for beauty, luck, fidelity and love. Attracts love, romance and increases sexual magnetism. Also available as an essential oil.

Used in love, money and prosperity rituals. Used in fertility talismans due to it's rich, earthy smell. Also available as an essential oil.

Used for healing, protection, prosperity, growth and renewal. Also available as an essential oil.

Gathered in the Taos mountains and produces the classic sweet forest essence of Northern New Mexico. It's cleansing, comforting scent is said to be helpful for fertility, compassion, and purification. Used by Navajos in war dances.

Used in love, luck, grief and healing rituals. Induces thoughts of loving affection and peaceful harmonious vibrations. Used for prophetic dreams.

When burned emits powerful cleansing and purifying vibrations. One of the oldest incenses. Used in love, healing and mental rituals. Stimulates memory and clarification.

Burned for love, healing, happiness, lust, strength and clairvoyance.

One of the most valuable woods in the world. Burned for spiritual awareness, meditation and psychic development. It's deep, rich, mysterious scent is also a great incense base. Also available as an essential oil.

Burned for money, courage and strength.

VERBENA (Vervain):
Burned or carried for protection and love. Can be placed in charms and gris-gris amulets. Lemon Verbena is an essential oil.

Used in love, luck and money rituals. Smokey, earthy scent blends well with Patchouli and Sandalwood. Also available as an essential oil.

Most popular for the sweet fragrance of it's burning leaf. U.S. grown Sage sacred to Native American cultures. Used to purify and protect objects, places and people. Also available as an essential oil.

The Complete Book of Incense, Oils and Brews (Llewellyn's Practical Magick)

The Conjure Cookbook: Making Magic with Oils, Incense, Powders and Baths

Wylundt's Book of Incense

Herbal Alchemist's Handbook, The: A Grimoire of Philtres. Elixirs, Oils, Incense, and Formulas for Ritual Use


My Baby Turned Into A Python And Tried To Swallow Me – Mother Who Killed Baby

The 27-year-old woman, whose name is not disclosed, appeared in court charged with the murder of a five-months-old baby. Trying to justify her actions a young mother claimed that her daughter repeatedly turned into a python trying to swallow her alive.

These alleged transformations made the woman threw her own baby into a pit toilet, where the innocent girl died. Later the woman confessed that she had heard voices telling her “to take the baby back to the waters she had come from”.

By the end of the trial the woman was ordered to be detained and referred to a mental institution for examination. This is not the first time children became the victims of insane parents or those willing to justify the murder with witchcraft.

One month ago a 10-year-old boy was thrown into Imo River in Akwa Ibom state over witchcraft accusations but luckily survived. A similar incident occured in the same area where three children and their father were accused of witchcraft and escaped lynching.

In Nigeria, some pastors have incorporated African witchcraft beliefs into their brand of Christianity resulting in a campaign of violence against young Nigerians. Children and babies branded as evil are being abused, abandoned and even murdered.

The preachers make money out of the fear providing costly exorcism services of their parents and their communities. In the states of Akwa Ibom and Cross River about 15,000 children were branded as witches and most of them end up abandoned and abused on the streets. - Information NG



The 15 Most Magnificent Dinosaur Discoveries Of 2014

New Jersey is a Sasquatch Playground

Guggenheim ghosts walk Monmouth University

UFOs spotted in 2014: Top 5 sightings the year

The Unknown Origins of the Mysterious Nomoli Figures

The Harbinger: The Ancient Mystery That Holds the Secret of America's Future

The Harbinger Companion With Study Guide: Decode the Mysteries and Respond to the Call that Can Change America's Future-and Yours

The Books of Enoch: The Angels, The Watchers and The Nephilim: (With Extensive Commentary on the Three Books of Enoch, the Fallen Angels, the Calendar of Enoch, and Daniel's Prophecy)

The Power of Birthdays, Stars & Numbers: The Complete Personology Reference Guide

Theater Staff Endure Full-Bodied Apparition's Curtain Calls

The Schonell Theatre at the University of Queensland has been a part of the 100-year-old institution since 1970, but some supernatural elements of the theatre may be even older.

The Schonell's resident spirit, Sophea, may decide to make a curtain call at any moment.

Debbie Haddleton, Schonell Theatre Cinema and Venue Promoter, heard numerous stories about the ghost when she started asking around about the history of the theatre.

"The story of a spirit in the Schonell came up over and over again," she says to 612 ABC Brisbane's Anne O'Keeffe.

"The cleaning supervisor, the manager, some builders, the maintenance man all told me stories about having encounters with this ghost."

There have been six sightings of the ghost, who wears an old-fashioned long dress and appears as a real 'flesh-and-blood' human.

Ross Martin, the Schonell's manager, has had an especially spooky experience with Sophea, Deb reports.

"Where we are right now, quite a few years ago," she says, standing in the Schonell's Theatre One,"the manager - who I would say definitely doesn't believe in spirits - was standing here with another gentleman after the show (they were just waiting for everyone to leave) and a woman walked past just over here and walked behind them and into that dressing room over there, so they waited for her to come back out again and she didn't.

"That dressing room doesn't have any other exits," Debbie finishes pointedly.

Cleaning staff have also felt the presence of a ghost.

"Verna the cleaner sees her as a very cheeky and good sort of presence," Debbie says.

"Verna will be cleaning up in Theatre Two downstairs, and she'll clean up a piece of paper and then five minutes later it will be back there again, and she'll clean it up again and it'll be back.

"She said [to the spirit], 'Just stop it!' and it did, it stopped."

The good news for fearful movie-goers is that they're unlikely to run into Sophea anytime soon.

"We want to assure our patrons that this only happens after everybody's gone home," Debbie laughs.

Ghost Hunters: True Stories from the World's Most Famous Demonologists

Trucker Ghost Stories: And Other True Tales of Haunted Highways, Weird Encounters, and Legends of the Road

The Little Book of True Ghost Stories

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mardi, décembre 30, 2014

Daily 2 Cents: Dead Unicorn Image Spurs Outrage -- Is Psychic Ability A Divine Gift? -- More Evidence Mayan Succumb to Drought

Dead Unicorn Image Spurs Outrage

A surf shop in Pembrokeshire upset its Facebook fans when it posted a photo of a dead pony washed up on a beach with a horn Photoshopped onto its head.

The fake image was intended to be light-hearted but angry animal lovers responded that it wasn't "funny" and "sick to do".

The post read: "We see all sorts of things get washed up on our beach. Seals, porpoises, fish, marine litter, but never did we even dream of seeing a unicorn."

Newsurf later removed the photo and said: "Apologies for any upsets caused from our previous photo posted this morning. The authority's were informed as soon as we knew, and the pony is being picked up tonight."

According to Western Telegraph, Darren John, commenting on the post, said: "Really bad advertising and a horrific picture... A washed up dead horse on a beach isn't really that funny to me."

Another user Claire Moore said: "What a sick thing to do. And yes, I do have a sense of humour! This is neither funny, clever or cool."

Katie Hawkins added: "This is disgusting and in extremely bad taste. This poor pony belonged to someone, most likely a child and you have photo-shopped a horn onto it to advertise your business. You should be ashamed of yourselves."

The Mirror reports that Newsurf owner Bruce Sanderson said: "We often take photographs of things that wash up on the beach. The pony washed up in the morning." - AOL


Is Psychic Ability A Divine Gift?

The gifts of the Holy Spirit that the Apostle Paul enumerated in 1 Corinthians (12:4-11) can be considered psychic powers.

In the Acts of the Apostles, St. Paul said:

“Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are varieties of services, but the same Lord… To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.

“To one is given through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom, and to another the utterance of knowledge according to the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the discernment of spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues. All these are activated by one and the same Spirit who allots to each one individually just as the Spirit chooses.”

Mental activities

If we analyze each of these gifts of the Spirit, we can easily see that they refer to certain mental activities or psychic powers that are neither ordinary nor supernatural.

Wisdom refers to insight into things that is intuitive, not rational. Wisdom goes beyond reason.

Knowledge here may refer to knowledge not only of the present, but also of either the past or the future.

And only through the spirit can this be known, according to Paul’s understanding of it.

Faith is again conviction, not governed by reason alone but goes above and beyond reason.

Healing refers to the ability to make one whole. If one is sick, he is not whole; something is missing. There is no balance.

There are people who can heal through the power of the mind alone. This is what we call psychic healing. Although, of course, there are other modalities of healing.

Working of miracles is not beyond the powers of ordinary mortals.

Appolonius of Tyana, who lived in the first century, A.D., performed many miracles during his lifetime. The ability to work miracles can be considered a psychic power which, though present, is undeveloped in most human beings.

Prophecy is the power or ability to tell what is going to happen before it occurs. Prophets are revered during ancient times because they have saved whole kingdoms from catastrophes or calamities, among other things.

The ability to see the future is one form of psychic ability called precognition.

Discernment of spirits certainly requires clairvoyant or at least intuitive ability. Otherwise, how can one know what type of spirit is manifesting itself?

Speaking in tongues

One cannot speak another language that he does not understand unless he is in a trance. And the ability to go into trance is a psychic power. The technical term for speaking in tongues is “glossolalia”.

Interpretation of tongues is also done in a trance state. During ordinary waking consciousness, one may hear a language spoken but may not understand it.

In a trance state, he or she is able to interpret what the person speaking in tongues is saying, although the person himself may not know what he is talking about.

All the above gifts of the Holy Spirit can be considered as psychic gifts. They are beyond ordinary human awareness or consciousness.


Another example of a psychic power which can be found in the Bible is materialization.

It may be defined as the ability to produce something out of nothing or to make something appear physically out of nowhere.

The most commonly known case of materialization was when Jesus Christ fed some 5,000 people with only a few pieces of bread and fish. And they all had their fill.

Afterwards, there was some more bread left in the basket.

Less known to Christians is that, even before the time of Christ, there were people known to have materialized food.

In 2 Kings (4:42-44), we learn that the prophet Elisha fed 100 men with only 20 loaves of barley and fresh ears of grain.

Here’s that passage from the Bible itself:

“A man came… bringing food from first fruits to the man of God: twenty loaves of barley and fresh ears of grain in his sack. Elisha said, ‘Give it to the people and let them eat.’ But his servant said, ‘How can I set this before a hundred people?’ So he repeated, ‘Give it to the people and let them eat, for thus says the Lord. They shall eat and have some left.’ He set it before them; they ate, and had some left, according to the word of the Lord.”

Materialization, the ability to make a physical object appear out of nowhere, is therefore, not really impossible.

Even in modern times there are psychics and healers who are able to do this. The materialization made by the late Indian guru, Satya Sai Baba, is very well-known.

Less-known are the materialization done by Israeli psychic Uri Geller and those of our Filipino healers. I have witnessed some of these acts by our healers in the Philippines. - Inquirer


More evidence Mayan civilization collapsed because of drought

Further evidence has been found suggesting that drought caused the collapse of the Mayan civilization.

With their impressive pyramids and unrivaled mastery of mathematics, writing and art the Maya were one of the most successful civilizations ever to arise in South America.

The remnants of their sophisticated constructions continue to be a popular attraction more than 1,000 years after they disappeared and their calendars were so influential that even in the modern world many people believed them to signify the end of days.

Mystery still remains however over the exact events that lead to the Mayan civilization's collapse. Many theories have been suggested but the one that continues to hold the most weight is that their prosperous society was brought down by an extended period of intense drought.

Now scientists believe that they have discovered further evidence to support this idea in the form of core samples taken from the sediment of the Great Blue Hole, a 1,000ft crater off the coast of Belize in which sediment from the time of the Mayans has been conveniently preserved.

By comparing the ratio of titanium to aluminum in the samples researchers have been able to determine that the Mayan were plagued by a dry period lasting more than two-hundred years.

"The team found that during the period between A.D. 800 and A.D. 1000, when the Mayan civilization collapsed, there were just one or two tropical cyclones every two decades, as opposed to the usual five or six," said Rice University scientist Andre Droxler. Read more at More evidence Mayan civilization collapsed because of drought


UFO Responds to Laser Pointer

I receive the following email from a reader:

Thought I'd share this with you.

Not sure of the year but perhaps 2003 or thereabouts a friend and I were returning from purchasing a car. We were just east of the junction of Routes 5 & 20 above Avon, NY (South of Rochester)

It was very early in the morning, winter so our windows were up with heat running. My friend brought along a fairly powerful green laser pointer and was about to point it at the moon which was about 11 o'clock to our easterly direction of travel. I asked him to place the laser against the wind-shield glass so no blinding reflection could come back at me (the driver).

He pointed it at the moon and then moved the beam around a little. Suddenly an object in the sky lit up like a child's sparkler. It was about 11:30 in the sky and quite low, perhaps 300-500 feet above the terrain.

I told my friend not to point it at an airliner, we might get into trouble. As soon as he shut off the laser the object completely disappeared. The sky was clear so there was no chance of it going behind a cloud.

We both looked hard to find something flying but nothing was there. So my friend lit the laser again and began pointing it in the last seen position of the object. Nothing! We thought it was just an anomaly. Then he began pointing the laser to our right and this time the object lit up in the same fashion. It was headed towards Rochester.

He kept his laser pointed at it, and it continued to sparkle. Shutting off the laser it again disappeared against the night sky. He then stopped and we both agreed to get out of there, fearing some reprisal.

About the object. It was perhaps 200 feet long, perhaps 100 feet wide/high. I'd say about the size of a blimp, but that is only a guess. Its ground speed was only 20-40 mph, rather slow, and remained low to the ground.

As a private pilot I know it wasn't a conventional small fixed wing aircraft. If it were a helicopter there was no sense of any type of rotor or other object that might react differently to the laser.

I don't believe cloaking technology was available back then so I've no idea what we encountered.

It would seem prudent for those searching the night sky to keep a powerful laser pointer at hand with which to scan the sky. (No I don't sell laser pointers, and certainly don't encourage pointing them at known flying objects.)

Cheers, Brian



Tarot: Good Friend or Gateway to Evil?

Nessie Review of 2014

The Year in Weird 2014

Scientists Establish Evolutionary Link Between Human Hands And Fish Fins

Prosopometamorphopsia: The Woman Who Saw Dragons

Unidentified: The UFO Phenomenon: How World Governments Have Conspired to Conceal Humanity's Biggest Secret

Invisible Residents: The Reality of Underwater UFOs

Alien Invasion: How to Defend Earth

Unearthly Disclosure

'Hiding' Bobcat Confirmed on Georgia's Jekyll Island

Bobcats may have been hiding in Jekyll Island for about 100 years. Cameras have recently captured photos of a bobcat, confirming the presence of the elusive cat on the islands.

Island state park officials installed cameras to monitor the white-tailed deer population on Jekyll Island. However, the cameras also captured some images of a lone bobcat. A photo from the 1900s, which depicted bobcat pelts hanging in a cabin, was the only other evidence that the cat lived on the island.

Rumors of a group of bobcats lurking have been going around throughout the 20th century. However, aside from the old photo, there was no evidence to prove the presence of bobcats on the island.

Jekyll Island Authority says that the camera captured images of a bobcat on two separate occasions in September this year. Officials believe that both sightings were of the same animal.

"It's the first definite, confirmed documentation of a bobcat on the island ever," said Ben Carswell, conservation director for Jekyll Island. "We have no way to be sure whether this animal showed up recently on Jekyll. They're such secretive animals; it could be this one and others have been out here for some time."

Park authorities conducted a follow-up study to find more bobcats on the islands. They left bait at about 50 locations across Jekyll Island to lure bobcats. However, the bait attracted other predators, such as raccoons and gray foxes.

Carswell believes that there is only one bobcat on Jekyll Island and that it is likely that the lone bobcat reached the island from the mainland either by swimming the marsh or via the five-mile causeway that leads to the island.

Since island officials think that there is only a single bobcat on the island, the idea that the elusive cat inhabits Jekyll Island remains uncertain. Experts believe that a lone bobcat is not sufficient to prove that the island is indeed among its natural habitats in the country. Breeding pairs should also exist on the island if there is, in fact, a bobcat population there.

Jekyll Island officials believe that bobcats may have existed on the island to limit the population of deer and raccoons, but they may have been exterminated due to hunting in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Carswell says that bobcats do not come across humans intentionally, so the lone bobcat on the island poses no threat to visitors or residents. - Tech Times

The Wild Cat Book: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Cats

Bobcat: Master of Survival

Animal Tracks and Signs of North America: Recognize & Interpret Wildlife Clues

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lundi, décembre 29, 2014

Irregular Crop Formations Near Mexico City

On Christmas eve an incident took place in Texcoco, Mexico...that resulted in a sprawling area of trampling and possible crop formations in the local barley fields. No one can explain how or why it took place, but it obvious that it would have taken a large assemblage of people to cause so much damage to the fields. There had been sightings of lights in the sky during the same time period, but there is only speculation at this time:

A pattern of crop circles appeared overnight on Christmas Eve in the municipality of Texcoco, in Mexico. The crop circles, believed to have been created by alien visitors in UFOs, are attracting hundreds of people who are flocking to the site.

However, because of the irregularity of the crop circles compared with normal crop circle patterns that have appeared in other parts of the world, people are joking on social media that the patterns were created by drunken aliens.

According to local witnesses in a rural community in the Texcoco municipality, about 25 km northeast of Mexico City, there were strange bright lights in the overcast sky during the night on Christmas Eve, with mysterious figures lurking among the crops in the fields.

When locals went to a nearby barley field from where the strange lights were observed on the morning of Christmas Day, they saw the strange crop patterns. According to the Mexican newspaper El Universal, locals called police reporting the "presence of aliens in farming areas and various figures in the crops."

Mexican police authorities are still scratching their heads over the strange incident and theories are emerging from different sources about who created the crop patterns. According to the Mexican Tiempo website, the most popular theory being suggested by alien and UFO enthusiasts is that the crop patterns were created by alien visitors in UFOs.

But a joke is circulating in Mexican social media that the aliens had been drinking because the patterns were observed to be unusually irregular in shape.

Crop Circles 2014 - Texcoco - Mexico - 25th december 2014 - UFO 2014 - OVNI en Texcoco Mexico or https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiNcETvRMLc#t=23

However, some have suggested that the crop circles were created by mythical creatures that attack and kill animals, called chupacabras or "goat suckers."

But more scientific-minded observers are struggling to explain how the strange patterns could have been caused by natural agents such as winds or even pranksters who want to create some excitement for the public in the Christmas season.

It has been the consensus among academic investigators of crop circles and formations that most are man-made, and a few generated by natural agents, such as meteorological and other natural forces.

According to local media reports, local police are watching over the fields to control excited crowds of people, including local peasants, alien and UFO phenomena enthusiasts, and teams of scientists who have descended on the field to investigate. - Digital Journal

The Heck Hypothesis: Crop Circles Unveiled

Crop Circles: Signs, Wonders & Mysteries

UFOs Over Mexico!: Encounters with Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

Sky People: Untold Stories of Alien Encounters in Mesoamerica