; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

vendredi, novembre 14, 2014

Tiger, Oui? Tiger, Non?

The photo suggests that the elusive big cat may be a young tiger, though some French authorities dismiss that claim. Others say that witnesses described the feline as a tiger:

A big, wild cat eluding 200 police and military forces near Disneyland Paris is not a tiger, French authorities said Friday — but they don't know exactly what it is.

The creature popped up near a supermarket, crossed a major highway, slinked past a gas station, and sent regional officials into high alert.

The administration for the Seine-et-Marne region had announced Thursday that authorities were searching for a tiger on the loose.

But in a statement Friday afternoon, the administration said "the presence of an animal of the tiger species has proven to be excluded." The statement was based on analysis by government wild animal experts of the animal's tracks.

It said the animal is a feline but they are still trying to determine its species. The hunting office could not be reached for comment.

The animal's origins remain a mystery.

Some 200 police, military officers and others are still searching for it. A helicopter buzzed over woods east of Paris and a dozen police vehicles lined a grassy area where the feline was spotted early Friday.

"He was also seen by truck drivers on the road," Montevrain Mayor Christian Robache said.

Police officers guarded a school Friday morning as children arrived for class in Montevrain, the French town where the animal was first seen near a parking lot Thursday.

Tracks were spotted Friday morning near the A4 highway between the towns of Bussy-Saint-Georges and Ferrieres-en-Brie.

The regional administration asked drivers to take "the greatest precautions" on the highway, a major artery between Paris and eastern France.

Authorities warned nearby residents to stay in cars instead of walking on foot — and especially to avoid walks in the woods. A Total gas station near the sighting was briefly closed.

Both sites where the animal or its tracks were seen are about 10 kilometers (6 miles) from Disneyland Paris, one of Europe's top tourist destinations. The operator of the theme park says it isn't taking any special precautions because the loose animal isn't deemed a threat. Disneyland Paris is surrounded by high walls to keep out intruders.

A wild cat animal park in the region, the Parc des Felins, said none of its cats is missing.

Some tweets suggested that the tracks belonged to a big dog, not a cat, but the head of the Paris regional Wolfcatcher Society, Robert Picaud, insisted the tracks could not have been falsified.

"It is clear that here is a feline walking around," he said.

French tiger trainer Thierry Le Portier told BFM television that if the feline was raised by its mother it would be more distrustful and tougher to catch. Raised by humans, it would be less distrustful but no less dangerous.

"It can remain in hiding for a long time," he said, adding that it's "no problem" if the cat goes without eating for up to four days. - THP

This alert was issued today:

If you see the tiger, do not approach the animal and quickly call 17.

The research seems to focus on Friday morning Jossigny a wooded area near Ferrieres-en-Brie. The last traces of the cat have been seen near a lake Coutevroult around 11:30.

The tiger hunt thus continues in Seine-et-Marne. The president of the council, Vincent Eble invited France Bleu 107.1 policy stated that " the tiger was spotted Friday morning near a gas station in Ferrieres-en-Brie. " Information confirmed by riot police who went there. They have seen traces of the animal . Tiger footprints found in the parking lot of the gas station Total A4 Ferrieres-en-Brie. The gas station was closed.

Ferrieres-en-Brie is located about 5 km south of Montévrain where the beast was seen Thursday morning for the first time by a resident who had photographed. " This would mean that the tiger would have crossed the A4 motorway , "says Vincent Eble.

A beat was held Thursday night without success. The search resumed this morning. A helicopter tours fly over the search area.

Police, firemen, policemen is the same device that Thursday was reactivated. In all, 200 officers are engaged in the pursuit of the tiger Friday morning. Prefecture always ask people in the area to be cautious and move away. Also caution while traveling on the A4 in this area. Prefecture advises the public 's avoid woodlands.

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Forbidden Creatures: Inside the World of Animal Smuggling and Exotic Pets

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