; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

samedi, novembre 22, 2014

Daily 2 Cents: Hovering UFOs Emitting Fireballs -- Monster Sightings Increase at Loch Ness -- Is the Holy Grail in North America?

Hovering UFOs Emitting Fireballs

November 20, 2014

My sister and I were driving toward Clarksburg WV, on US-19 about 2 miles outside of Shinnston, WV. It was around 19:30 when I saw the lights out in the distance. I noticed two white lights above a hill. They looked like headlights. It was about as high as a cell tower. I thought it might be for a while because the lights were staying in one place. Something didn’t seem quite right with it. I pointed it out to my sister. She agreed it didn’t look right. We became transfixed on this light. It was hard to concentrate on driving.

We rounded a turn and the lights are now on our right. We’re both staring at these lights suspended above the hill. We are now about a mile from where we first saw the lights. Then the object started moving. It flew over the road to our left an unknown distance in front of us. We began to feel uneasy. As it flew over the road something came out of the object. It looked like a fireball. It was attached to the object because any move the object made it did too, but it never returned to the object. The object turned back toward us and flew directly over us.

I had my window down with my head halfway out the window, and I couldn’t make out any shape to the object. The radio was off, and I couldn’t hear any sound coming from the object. I opened the moonroof of the truck and my sister got a very good look at the lights, and she said that she couldn’t make out anything on it either. It was like it was there, but not. It’s something that I can’t quite find the words to describe. I went and turned around at a diner that was right up the road. When we came back it was gone.

We dismissed it as probably an airplane, and we were overreacting. We went into town and got what we needed. On the way back, we used I-79N to Fairmont. There was a small plane that was trying to line up for landing at the North Central West Virginia Airport. It flew over the interstate and made a sharp turn similar to that the object made earlier. This is when the differences in the two became apparent.

One, the plane had a lot more lights than the object had earlier in the night. The plane had red and green lights that were clearly visible. Two, the plane was faster than our object. Finally, the plane’s turn was nothing like our object’s turn. The plane didn’t have the maneuverability the object did. When he plane turned it banked to one side. Whereas, our object stayed on a flat plane the entire time. The plane went a great distance to make a turn. Ours made the turn in an instant. It moved much more gracefully than the plane did.

I don’t know what I saw. I do know that the object was less than 500 feet above us, and neither of us could make out any shape to the object. I also know that whatever came out of the object didn’t appear to go back to the object. I don’t know what it was or if there is physical evidence out there. There is a public trail over there. I plan to go out this weekend to search for anything that might have come down. - MUFON CMS

Google Earth:

1st Sighting


Crucifix and Virgin Mary Statue unscathed in fire that destroyed 100-year-old church

Parishioners of a San Jose Catholic church destroyed by a huge fire last Sunday are calling it a miracle that both the church’s crucifix and Virgin Mary statue both somehow survived the inferno relatively unscathed.

The ornate crucifix of Holy Cross Catholic Church appeared to not even have any soot or singe marks, even as the rest of the church’s interior was in ruins.

The beloved Mary statue, the Virgin of Guadalupe, was also intact.

Devastated parishioners were elated after the discovery, saying it was a sign from above. “It’s like a miracle to give us hope that it’s still there and we can rebuild,” said Cecilia Rodriguez.


Monster Sightings Increase at Loch Ness

A recent increase in Loch Ness Monster reports has been attributed to debris from a nearby forest.

After 18 months of no sightings at all there has been a sudden and unexpected increase in the number of people reporting encounters with the famous lake monster over the last few weeks.

Most of them, including that of Richard Collis who filmed a dark object protruding from the water earlier this month, have described witnessing a long, thin, serpent-like head and neck rising up from the murky depths of the loch.

While these sightings might seem like definitive evidence that something strange is going on, it just so happens that this latest wave of reports coincides exactly with an increase in the amount of logs and other debris being washed in to the loch from nearby Urquhart Bay Wood.

"Large amounts of wood flows out of the woodland through the two winding rivers that flow into Loch Ness each year, peaking when water is high in late autumn and spring," said a spokesman for the Woodland Trust conservation charity.

"I think that some of that debris explains the long thin, sometimes stick-like, shapes seen."

The Urquhart Bay area has in fact been described as a "Nessie spawning ground" due to the sheer number of monster-shaped objects that end up in the water there. Read more at Independent


Is the Holy Grail in North America?

Forensic geologist, Scott Wolter, has put forward a radical new theory concerning a set of three inscribed stones found near Spirit Pond in Phippsburg, Maine, more than 40 years ago. According to Wolter, the controversial stones are evidence that the Knights Templar fled Europe for North America after their persecution in 1307, bringing with them the Holy Grail.

The Spirit Pond rune stones, as they are often called, were found in 1971 by a Walter J. Elliott, Jr., a carpenter born in Bath, Maine. The stones, currently housed at the Maine State Museum, have been dismissed by some scientists as a hoax or a fraud, but others maintain that they are authentic and provide evidence of pre-Columbian trans-oceanic contact and Norse colonisation of the Americas.

The mysterious stones measure about six by eleven inches. One stone features a rough map on one side and inscriptions on the other. The second stone bore a dozen letters on one side, and the third contained a long message of sixteen lines neatly inscribed on both sides of the stone. Read more at The Epoch Times



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