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Join Lon & Sean as we welcome our friend and colleague Sharon Day to Arcane Radio.
Sharon Day is the popular blogger of “Ghost Hunting Theories,” paranormal investigator and author of several books including “Abandoned Places: Abandoned Memories (Desert Edition),” “Zombie Housewives of the Apocalypse,” “Zombie Housewives of the 1960s,” “Zombie Housewives of the 1970s,” “Zombie Housewives of the 1980s,” “Paranormal Geeks,” “Was That a Ghost?” “Growing Up With Ghosts,” and “Vacationing With Ghosts.”
Sharon grew up in an actively haunted home that was a Civil War Hospital for both the North and South during the war. That experience fueled her passion for all things unexplained, as well as a keen skill for psychometry (psychically reading objects). She worked her psychic talents over the years to be both intuitive and precog, as well as psychic tracking (following other’s paths and picking up on their memories, thoughts and emotions).
She is well known for her humor and her outside-the-box questioning of the popularly accepted and rarely questioned beliefs in the paranormal realm. Her driving forces are to help demystify the unexplained, to turn magical thinking into scientific thinking, to help clients to reframe their experiences in actively haunted homes, and to make everyone question the old ways and seek theories and concepts that replace fear with wonder.
Sharon's blog can be foud at Ghost Hunting Theories
Sharon's author page

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Bigfoot...Next 'Endangered Species'
A motel operator in New York State is seeking to have Bigfoot added to a local endangered species list.
Despite the controversy surrounding the Bigfoot phenomenon and the fact that Sasquatch has never even been recognized as a real creature, one man has taken it upon himself to fight for the right to have the hairy hominid protected as an endangered species.
Peter Wiemer made the case to Chatauqua County legislators on the basis that such a designation could result in a significant boost to the local tourist industry as well as ensuring that efforts are taken to protect the creature from harm if indeed it does exist.
Wiemer himself is no stranger to cryptozoology having investigated the creature for many years. Among his finds are a plaster cast of an alleged Bigfoot footprint as well as records of at least 17 different sightings in and around the local area over the last few years.
Despite insisting that granting the creature protected status would be the "right thing to do" however there has so far been no indication that local lawmakers will be taking him up on his suggestion. - CBS Local
Humanoid Encounter / Threatened by MIB
Gillette, NJ - It was the early morning of Halloween, when, I got to the observatory early to look at the stars with the telescope. When, I, got to looking at the stars, I swear, I could see a blue-white light in the telescope. This strange blue-white light, I could swear, was going incredibly fast. So fast that it was probably going at phantom speeds of fifty thousand miles per hour. How was that possible, I thought, an object, if it was an object, could go at fifty thousand miles per hour, and, then suddenly make a sudden turn like that with ease? It was not possible for an object that was gold-copper and flashing randomly a blue-white light to go at phantom speeds of fifty thousand miles per hour. Then, all of sudden, the gold-copper object was getting faster than before. My devices, suddenly, told me, that, the gold-copper object was now going at phantom speeds of fifty-seven thousand and five hundred miles per hour. It was fifteen to twenty minutes later, that, suddenly, the object suddenly stopped, for no reasons, said. With the telescope, I swear, I could see the object, it was a gold-copper rectangular object with windows! Windows! How's that possible?! How is it, that, what I'm seeing, is possible?! It couldn't be a "flying saucer"! A "flying saucer"!!! Upon underneath the windows, where, I could also swear, there was some movement, I saw where the blue-white lights came from. The blue-white lights came from exterior circular objects, that, were underneath the square windows. These exterior circular objects that were flashing blue-white lights were part and attached to the gold-copper rectangle with square windows. Suddenly, I, saw another pair of movement, but couldn't see through the windows, but I could swear to myself, that these beings in the gold-copper rectangle were, physically, human, or at least, humanoid. Then, all of sudden, a smaller cube object, came off the gold-copper rectangle's back. The cube was made of some white metallic alloys, and, it was big as the Apollo Lunar Module, though, much smaller than the gold-copper rectangle object itself. The cube was going at phantom speeds of twenty-five thousand miles per hour, which shocked me. Suddenly, the cube, by my calculations, was going to land in the small town of Gillette, here in New Jersey. I, suddenly, got into my car and drove to Gillette, but then something popped in my mind. How's this also possible that no one else, but, me is hearing and seeing this?! How, and, why, not others?! When, I, got to Gillette, there were some cars driving pass me, and, one person honked me in his car. I waved backed, but he'd drove away, normally. Then, suddenly, the white cube was now above me. Upon, my closer examinations, the white cube was hovering above me, then, suddenly, beams of blue-white lights appeared, and, then, to my shocked face, a humanoid appeared. The humanoid was wearing a silver-chrome skin-tight jumpsuit-like spacesuit with a white metallic space helmet. The face of the humanoid couldn't be seen through the space helmet, because, it look like a one-way or a two-way mirror circular glass upon the space helmet. Also, upon the back of the space helmet-spacesuit was, what to me, appeared to be two white rectangular tanks. I asked the humanoid about them, it told me that, in an almost strange language, that it was argon and nitrogen tanks. Then, I looked at the belt of the humanoid's spacesuit, and, also about it, because, the belt of the humanoid's spacesuit was odd. For example, the middle of the belt was in the shape of a cube and the rest was written in a strange language around it. The humanoid, then, put its left hand around my face, touching my face, for no reasons. The humanoid said, "What are you"? I, being professional, said that I'm a astrophysicist. The humanoid then, again, for reasons unknown, showed me its hands. The humanoid's hands had six, perfectly formed and functioning, fingers on each of the humanoid's hands. The humanoid, then, pulled out a small spherical device from the belt. The humanoid then said something to the sphere, which glowed a glowing and pulsating red color when the humanoid talked to it. The humanoid said, this device, captures and transmits tachyons. Then, suddenly, the humanoid returned to its cube and blasted off, knocking me off my feet. Suddenly, I blacked out. Then, what appeared to be a few hours later, I stand up, and I saw no trace of evidence of what had happened, so I got to my car and droved home. A few days later, someone, was knocking on my door. When, I, answered it, three men in black clothing came upon me with their black sunglasses. The middle of the three men spoke to me and said that nothing happened in the early morning of Halloween. I was confused. Why, and how?! Suddenly, the right man pulled out a black gun and pointed at my face, while, the left man pulled out a small pocketknife and pointed at my throat. The middle man said that they can make me disappear, don't talk anyone about Halloween morning. I said, sure, then the three man got angry at me and, in a union, promise to NOT tell. I, scared, said sure. Then, the three men said, again, in a union, that they know where I live and where I work at. Then they droved off in a black van with windows completely covered up. That's why I'am here. - MUFON CMS
A Magic Spell Book from Ancient Egypt
A mysterious ancient Egyptian parchment codex that has been in the collection of Macquarie University in Australia for more than three decades has finally been deciphered and found to contain a series of invocations and spells. The book, which likely dates to the seventh or eighth century A.D. and is written in the Egyptian language called Coptic contains a variety of spells—some love spells, some to exorcise evil spirits, and others to treat infections. As to who would have used these spells, lead researcher Malcolm Choat told Livescience, "It is my sense that there were ritual practitioners outside the ranks of the clergy and monks, but exactly who they were is shielded from us by the fact that people didn't really want to belabeled as a "magician.” To read about all kinds of ancient magic, see ARCHAEOLOGY’S “When Spells Worked Magic.”
Were Ancient Martians Murdered by Nuclear Bomb-Dropping Aliens? An Investigation
Deadwood Bigfoot Expedition: Ghost Town Bigfoot Sightings
The Curious Case of Jesus’s Wife
What is Lake–Effect Snow?
This 2000-Year-Old Pigment Can Eliminate The Third Dimension
Passing Strange: True Tales of New England Hauntings and Horrors
Tales of the Marvellous and News of the Strange (Hardcover Classics)
The President's Vampire: Strange-but-True Tales of the United States of America
Mrs. Wakeman vs. the Antichrist: And Other Strange-but-True Tales from American History