; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

jeudi, novembre 06, 2014

Adamski's Venusians

George Adamski was a Polish-born American citizen who became widely known in ufology circles, and to some degree in popular culture, after he claimed to have photographed ships from other planets, met with friendly Nordic alien "Space Brothers", and to have taken flights with them. The first of the so-called contactees of the 1950s, he styled himself to be a "philosopher, teacher, student and saucer researcher."

Adamski claimed that he had been contacted by the Venusian occupant of a flying saucer that landed in the California desert November 20, 1952. Subsequently Adamski claimed to have had contact with spacemen from Mars and Saturn and to have traveled 50,000 miles into space in their craft. After Adamski's revelations, the convention of spaceman contacts, messages from outer space, and warnings about the welfare of the cosmos became firmly established.

One of the most curious UFO conferences of all time occurred on August 7-8, 1954. This meeting was held at the top of Mount Palomar, at an altitude over 6,000 feet, in front of the Skyline Lodge.

The congress was promoted by three of the most famous contactees: George Adamski, Truman Bethurum and Daniel Fry. More than a thousand persons attended, from American journalists, FBI agents, saucer witnesses and just the curious.

Each of the contactees told their own experiences and took the occasion to sell their autographed books.

At Adamski’s turn, the “professor” explained that the Venusians were much alike human beings. So much so they had infiltrated our society and were living in the big cities. He also presented a painting with an artistic depiction of a Venusian.

At the end of the first day there was some commotion when the audience noticed the presence of two men and a woman with an exotic appearance. The rumor started that they were disguised Venusians. Those that Adamski had talked about a few hours before.

One of the men used glasses. The three were white and the woman had long blonde hair, but the strangest thing were her black eyes

Dolores Barrios

One of the attendees asked them, without much embarrassment: “Are you or are you not Venusians?”. The woman, smiling, calmly replied. “No”.

"Why are you here?"

"Because we are interested in this subject."

"Do you believe in flying saucers?"


"Is it true that, as Mr. Adamski says, that they come from Venus?"

"Yes. They are from Venus."

Brazilian journalist João Martins was also present and he interviewed them as well, obtaining the following information:

Her name was Dolores Barrios, a dress designer; the names of her friends were Donald Morand and Bill Jackmart [they were musicians]. The three of them lived in Manhattan Beach, California.

Martins asked if he could photograph them, but they refused. They were bothered and tired of being called Venusians. According to Martins, Dolores Barrios looked very much like the painting that Adamski had shown.

Donald Morand and Bill Jackmart

For the rest of the conference the three became isolated and didn’t talk with the other attendees. In the following day, at the end of the meeting, the strange visitors let themselves be photographed.

Nowadays it’s said that Martins photographed Dolores using a flash, surprising her. Dolores was scared and ran to the forest. Soon afterwards, a flying saucer was seen rocketing upwards, but no one was able to capture a photo.

Click for video - Lightside Contact Series - George Adamski

You can read more at Adamski Foundation

George Adamski's Biography

Why I can say that Adamski was a Liar


NOTE: I decided to offer an introduction to Adamski's claims, then provide links to other sources. I personally take issue with much of what Adamski 'disclosed'...defies logic, so to speak (though, many folks think I'm a bit 'out there' as well). Lon

Looking for Orthon: The Story of George Adamski, the First Flying Saucer Contactee, and How He Changed the World

Inside the Flying Saucers

Pioneers of Space - The Long Lost Book of George Adamski: A Trip To Moon, Mars and Venus

Gray Barker's Book of Adamski

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