I received the following account today:
This story happened around the year 2000. I had just returned to my home in North Georgia after a vacation to our family home on the Outer Banks islands. During the entire 10 hour car ride home I had been reading a particularly powerful book about aliens and other mystical subjects. Even though I was no newbie to these subjects at the time, for some reason I remember this car ride as being intensely spiritual, and when I arrived home I was on some sort of "energy high" for sure. I believe this "energy high" has something directly to do with what happened next.
I went up to my bedroom and adjoining balcony, bringing in my tray of cacti. I had a small red metal tray which I kept 3 cacti on. I was just bringing it inside the room to give them a change or scenery (cant remember exactly why I was moving them). Anyway, suddenly I tripped on something on the floor. And up, up, up the tray of cacti went into the air, before coming crashing back down again in a pile of dirt and plastic pots on my bedroom carpet.
I stood up, regained my composure, and began the task of cleanup. As I picked up the fallen debris, something strange became apparent right off the bat. Where was the 3rd cactus??? There were only 2 on the ground now. 2 plastic pots with 2 spilled out cacti, not to mention dirt everywhere. Where was the 3rd???
I looked everywhere. And I mean everywhere. I searched every square inch of my room and the surrounding areas for hours. And finally gave up, extremely perplexed, thinking something supernatural was going on. And then, as time went on, I forgot about it.
A week went by. I was reading alone in my room one day, on my bed, another really good book that was giving me a sort of energy high as well, this time a book about the lost continent of Atlantis. As soon as I hit a certain plateau of thought (vibrational high), I glanced over at the wall. I remembered I had a huge poster that was a timeline chart of world history, and it wrapped around two walls it was so wide. Thinking about Atlantis, I scanned my eyes further and further left along the chart, leading further and further back in time, finally to Egyptian times, and kept going to see a little picture of a pyramid. Of course this chart didn't have Atlantis on it, I was just looking for the place that would have corresponded to it in time.
And then I saw it. Lying there, right beneath the little drawing of the pyramid, was the 3rd cactus that had disappeared a week ago. The strangest thing about it was it looked as if it had just fallen from the sky. It was spilled over with dirt everywhere just as it would have looked as if it had fallen, directly below the pyramid.
All of these events coalesced in my mind as an extremely important event in my life, and I finally understood it to be a gesture from one of my spirit guides that I was on the right path in my studies of Atlantis, and to never doubt the truth of these things. But that is just my interpretation. Who knows what really happened....Rick J.
Unexplained!: Strange Sightings, Incredible Occurrences, and Puzzling Physical Phenomena
True Stories of Strange Events and Odd People: A Memoir
Unexplained: An Encyclopedia of Curious Phenomena, Strange Superstitions, and Ancient Mysteries
The Mammoth Book of Unexplained Phenomena

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