; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

lundi, août 25, 2014

Gnome-Like Humanoid Captured on Trail Cam in Western Pennsylvania

Keith Sniadach's original email to Linda Moulton Howe:

"Hello Ms. Howe,

I'm writing to ask if you have had any reports come in of any gnomes/trolls or any other mythological and/or cryptid forest creatures like a brownie in the northeast U.S. -- particularly Western Pennsylvania.

The reason is because I have a cabin in the mountains of Western Pennsylvania where I enjoy the summer months. I have a game camera set up in the woods to capture images of the abundant wildlife in the area. I've been using one for almost 20 years now. Three weeks ago, after checking my camera, I discovered a series of three images of a creature that I have NEVER seen before. The images were taken consecutively and 1-second apart. It is not a leaf in the foreground or any type of weed or plant. My camera detects heat and motion, so whatever this was, it gave off heat and also moved. I've left the camera in the same spot all summer now in hopes of capturing more images of it, but I have not. My father and I also took comparison pictures to determine the height of this creature. It stands approximately 44-inches tall. All I can say is, to me, it looks like a gnome, troll or brownie of some sort."

This information was supplied through the permission of Linda Moulton Howe and Keith Sniadach. Here is the link to the Earthfiles article for other evidence.

I plan to further investigate this supposed sighting and to report any information uncovered. Lon

Encounters with Flying Humanoids: Mothman, Manbirds, Gargoyles & Other Winged Beasts

Monsters of Pennsylvania: Mysterious Creatures in the Keystone State

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Silent Invasion: The Pennsylvania UFO-Bigfoot Casebook

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