; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mardi, août 19, 2014

Dragon Attack Query Tops Council FOI Requests

For a fortean / crypto researcher, these seem like somewhat reasonable requests...if there was some basis for the inquiry. The request for civic plans in the case of dragon attacks was original...though others may have certain legitimacy:

The 10 weirdest FoI requests sent to councils

1. What plans are in place to protect the town from a dragon attack? (Wigan Council)

2. Please list all the types of animals you have frozen since March 2012, including the type and quantity of each animal? (Cambridge City Council)

3. How many times has the council paid for the services of an exorcist, psychic or religious healer? Were the services performed on an adult, child, pet or building? (Rossendale Council)

4. Please can you let me know how many roundabouts are located within your council boundaries? (Leicestershire County Council)

5. What precautions, preparations, planning and costings have been undertaken in the case an asteroid crashes into Worthing, a meteorite landing in Worthing or solar activity disrupting electromagnetic fields? (Worthing Borough Council)

6. How many holes in privacy walls between cubicles have been found in public toilets and within council buildings in the last 10 years? (Rossendale Council)

7. How many bodies are there in mortuaries that have been unclaimed for 10 years? How long have these bodies been in the mortuary? How old were they when they died? Is it possible to have the names of these people? (Richmond Council)

8. How many people in the town have a licence to keep a tiger, lion, leopard, lynx or panther as a pet? (Scarborough Council)

9. How many requests were made to council-run historic public-access buildings (e.g. museums) requesting to bring a team of 'ghost investigators' into the building? (Birmingham Council)

10. How many children in the care of the council have been micro-chipped? (Southend Council)

Source: Dragon attacks, pet exorcisms and meteor showers: The 10 most bizarre FoI requests sent to local councils

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