; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mercredi, août 13, 2014

Daily 2 Cents: UFO w/ Occupants -- Woman Becomes 'Hyper Empath' After Surgery -- 'UFOs Pose No Threat to Aircraft'

UFO w/ Occupants - West Chester, PA

West Chester, PA - 7/1977 - unedited: At the time, I was 18 yrs old. I was on my 3rd flr bedroom sleeping. My mother came & woke me and said "I have to show you something". I went downstairs to her bedroom on the 2nd floor and we saw the UFO hovering over a building across the parking lot behind my house. I knew it was a UFO as soon as I saw it. It looked to be between 20-25 yards in length. It had a row of 4 colored lights that rotated around the whole craft. They looked to be approx. 4'x8'. There was a small dome on the bottom of the craft. There was a windshield approx. 10'x40' above the lights and I could see several occupants in thru the windshield. I observed 2 tall occupants and 4 shorter ones. I then told my mom I was going to go to my bedroom to get my telescope to get a closer look. I don't remember what happened after that. The next thing I remembered was walking down the steps (without my telescope). My mom was standing in the 2nd flr hallway and told me the UFO went straight up and was gone in 2 seconds. We then just said good night and didn't mention the incident. I turned around and as I was walking upstairs to my bedroom, my brain was "empty" with no thoughts, almost "zombie-like". My arms were hanging straight down by my side and my eyes were looking at the kickboards of the stairs as I was walking up the steps. It felt like I was on an esculater. I never mentioned anything of this incident to anyone for several years, not even my family or closest friends. (A month later on vacation in Maine, myself, mother, father & cousin went for a midnight walk and we witnessed 3 UFOs flying in a "V" shape formation at a high speed that looked like they were up in the stratusphere. In a split-second, all 3 dispursed. The very next night, at the same time and place, the exact same thing happened again.) - MUFON CMS


Police Search For Groundhog

PONTOTOC, Miss. (WTVA) -- The Pontotoc County Sheriff's Department is hoping to catch a groundhog with a history of attacking people.

Sheriff Leo Mask says the latest incident happened Sunday. One woman says she was scratched on the leg during an attack on the porch of a home. The sheriff adds the animal then went inside and bit another woman.

One of the women, who did not want to be identified, told WTVA News she went to a medical clinic for treatment of her injuries and was given a tetanus shot.

Mask says the investigation has turned up other people who say they have been attacked by the animal as well.

He says deputies have set a trap in hopes of catching the groundhog.


Woman becomes 'hyper empath' after surgery

A woman who underwent a brain operation is now believed to possess a heightened sense of empathy.

The woman, who has been referred to only as 'Susan', had been suffering from epileptic seizures for most of her life and doctors had taken the decision to remove part of her temporal lobe in an effort to alleviate her symptoms.

Not only did this work but after the surgery she discovered that she had developed an enhanced ability to read the emotions of other people and experienced heightened physical sensations when she herself was emotionally moved by something.

Her case was investigated by a French research team lead by Aurélie Richard-Mornas who conducted a series of tests and experiments to determine her empathic awareness.

They eventually concluded that Susan was suffering from a condition known as "hyper empathy" brought on by the removal of brain matter involved in the understanding of other people's emotions.

"The present case report suggests that a new permanent cortical organization of attention and emotion processes has developed in our patient that may be responsible for an enhancement of affective theory of mind," they wrote. - Wired


Chile Declares UFOs Pose No Threat to Aircraft

A recent high level meeting at the headquarters of Chile's Civil Aviation Department will likely be the envy of those Americans desiring open government participation in UFO investigations, rather than the familiar blanket dismissal.

The question of whether UAP (unidentified aerial phenomena) pose any danger to civilian and military air operations was up for discussion. An official video about the event (the first 4 minutes), posted on Friday, is telling. You don't need to understand a word of Spanish to take note of the serious expressions on the faces of the participants.

Chile's agency investigating UFOs/UAP, known as the CEFAA (Committee for the Studies of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena) is located within the Ministerial Department of Civil Aeronautics (DGAC), the equivalent of our FAA, under the jurisdiction of the Chilean air force.

Gen. Ricardo Bermúdez, director of the CEFAA, invited nineteen highly qualified experts from a range of specialties to the July 31st meeting, to explore the safety question and attempt to achieve a conclusion. The resulting dialogue lasted three hours.

The new DGAC director, air force Gen. Rolando Mercado, former director of operations and strategic planning of the Joint Chiefs, welcomed the participants and attended the early part of the discussion. "I wish to thank all the members of this committee for their serious, scientific approach in the investigation of this phenomenon," he said afterward, "which has rightly earned prestige for the CEFAA, not only in Chile, but also in foreign countries." Read more at THP



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