; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

lundi, août 18, 2014

A Case of Abduction / Human Mutilation?

There is no shortage of shocking stories of witchcraft and murder from the African continent...but the following article out of Malawi may suggest something different. Is it possible that this was a case of abduction & human mutilation?

Grief engulfed the family of the Chimwenje and surrounding residents in central Malawi district of Dedza after their 11-year-old boy who went missing some four weeks ago was found dead but without his private parts, tongue and eyes.

The 11-year-old boy went missing on 19th July and according to his father, Sam, he was suspected to have been abducted by some unknown people.

The father said his child was discovered dead on August 16, almost a month, in Dedza Mountain by some woman who had gone there to fetch firewood.

“The body was found in a complete decomposed state but without private parts, eyes and tongue,” explained the father.

Chimwenje said it is believed his son’s abductors drove the boy to the mountain and parked the vehicle at the towers before taking him to a place where they gouged his eyes and removed his tongue and private parts.

For more on abduction & human mutilation, watch this video --> Click for video - UFOs: The Human Mutilation Cover Up

While confirming the sad development, Dedza Police Station Public Relations Officer Edward Kabango said it would be difficult to ascertain whether the boy assailants indeed removed his said organs because of the state in which the body was found.

“When we went there we found that the body was in a complete decomposed state and it is difficult to determine if the body had those organs missing,” said Kabango.

The police spokesperson said due to the decomposed stated of the body they buried it right at the same scene where they found it.

But the father insisted that they checked their child’s body and confirmed that the said parts were missing.

“I think the police must learn to tell the truth, they are very much aware that the body had no eyes, no private parts and no tongue what are they up to? When we were checking we were actually together with them,” explained Chimwenje.

This sad development comes barely days after two other similar incidents which occurred on August 15 and July 31 in Mzimba and Chikhwawa respectively.

In Chikhwawa, a nine-year-old girl was murdered and had her private parts and some of her flesh removed from buttocks and upper leg while in Mzimba unknown person raped a seven-year-old girl before strangling her and damping her in a forest where she was reportedly fetching firewood.

Meanwhile, in Chikhwawa five people have been arrested by police in connection with the incident, according to Chikhwawa Police spokesperson Sunday Ngulube. - Nyasa Times

Taken: Inside the Alien-Human Abduction Agenda

Stalking the Herd: Unraveling the Cattle Mutilation Mystery

Close Encounters of the Fatal Kind: Suspicious Deaths, Mysterious Murders, and Bizarre Disappearances in UFO History

Underground Alien Bio Lab At Dulce: The Bennewitz UFO Papers

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