; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mercredi, juillet 23, 2014

Video Capture: Apparition of a Discarnate Entity?

Click for video - Demon! Chilling real life paranormal activity caught on my smartphone or cut / paste https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCNAveOXSqM

The video was posted today by someone in Australia. Some of the commentary by the witness:

Yeah it was a cackle sound, but no chicken. I actually still thought it was a rat, until I watched it back. We ran into the kitchen and stayed there for half a minute or so, but when we went back, found nothing.

My mate initially crapped himself (not literally) when he was walking to the toilet. He didn't see anything in detail but reckoned he saw a massive rat run into the toilet. In Australia we don't have rats that big, so I had my doubts. Maybe possums. Anyway, so I started filming on my phone cause I didn't expect to see what we did.

NOTE: I seriously doubt that it is a so-called 'demon'...most likely a discarnate entity, which can still be trouble (possible attachment). I don't know the history of the location or what other activity has been occurring. I'm not going to say it's real or fake...but only offer advice if the witness wants it. What do you think? Lon

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