- Intricate design is the first one of the year and has emerged in a field near Blandford Forum in Dorset
- The number of crop circles appearing in Britain is declining: 2012 produced 50 while 2013 produced just 15
- Some believe this is because of a recent crackdown by farmers as trespass and destruction of crops is illegal
- Sceptics believe crop circles are entirely man-made, while others believe they are the creation of aliens
A large crop circle in a South West field has been named as the “first of the year”.
The vast and complex pattern, made up of geometric lines and circles appeared overnight in a wheat field near Blandford Forum, Dorset.
While many believe crop circles are created by local pranksters, some think the shapes are evidence of alien intervention, because all the steps are broken at an equal height.
First at the scene was amateur pilot and crop circle enthusiast Matthew Williams, 43.
Matthew, from Avebury, Wiltshire, said: “Last summer we didn’t get many circles, but this beauty certainly makes up for that.
“The first circle of the season really does mark the start of great British summer.
“I know farmers hate them, but you really do have to appreciate the amount of effort that went in to making a 400ft pattern in a field of crops.” - North Devon Journal
Crop Circles: Signs, Wonders & Mysteries
The Heck Hypothesis: Crop Circles Unveiled
The Deepening Complexity of Crop Circles: Scientific Research and Urban Legends

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