The brave victims of this ordeal have allowed me to disclose their story. They have also agreed to have their names made public. This case was presented for the first time during an emotional interview that was broadcast live on Beyond The Edge Radio at on June 15th, 2014. The podcast should be available soon. The following information is the 2nd part of my investigation report. The 1st part can be found at Sioux City Entity - Part 1:
For the first few months of the investigation, I was still working with the original group. Two remote view sessions were conducted in order to gather evidence. Several conferences were held with the clients.
Unfortunately...Sabrina was still exhibiting extreme bipolar-like behavior. Even though we were on Skype we could still observe her fairly well on the cam. She literally changed physically...especially her face. Earlina had described Sabrina's activity as well...writing unknown words and talking unknown languages. Her condition was affecting everybody in the house.
We were told that Sabrina’s bedroom was the most active, so we placed the laptop in the middle of the room and directed the camera on an area we were told noises had been heard. Everybody left the room as we watched on Skype. In a 10 minute period we observed the desk light twice fade in and out and the framed picture on the wall move a few inches across the wall. So we were convinced that some type of paranormal energy was present.
By April 2013, it was obvious that we were getting nowhere with the case. Activity was occurring day and night...everybody in the house was experiencing something. Shadows were seen in the hallway, banging on the walls, objects would go missing, items flung across the well as a menacing feeling anytime someone would walk into the house.
I decided to take on the case exclusively while the group worked on other projects. Not long after that, I left the group...but I personally continued to work with the Sioux City clients, at their request.
I told the sisters that if they needed me, to contact me at anytime 24/7. I was determined to find the actual cause of the disturbances. I worked one-on-one with Sabrina and Earlina for next 8 months...basically learning all I could about the history of the family and investigating incidents during their lifetime.
One particular incident occurred during this period that suggested to me that this entity was more than just a malevolent earthbound energy. Earlina has reported to me that an inverted 'peace' symbol had manifested on the closet wall in one of bedrooms. It seemed as though it was painted on the drywall...but was impossible scrub off. I instructed her to paint over it after I consulted with a known occultist, who stated that this was a 'sigil' that implied hate and deceit.
The investigative process was very slow and tedious...but eventually some helpful information came forward.
At one period in the sisters’ life, they lived with relatives in Arlington, Texas. I started to research the history of the house (which was built by their grandmother) and the property...and discovered a few interesting facts. For whatever reason, the house & property were valued far less than any other house & property in the huge sub-division. The house had several subsequent residents...some had died there. I decided that I needed to conduct a controlled remote view, along with two associates and a monitor.
The session revealed that several rituals had been conducted on the property and that the property also had a stigma attached to it by others in the neighborhood. The location also possessed a deep sense of sorrow and hate. We also felt that there were a lot of lingering issues that revolved around the property. The viewers each reached this conclusion.
I decided not to reveal this information to the clients at the time. I’m glad I didn’t, because Earlina soon asked me if I could determine the fate of her missing aunt. While they were living in Arlington, her aunt disappeared after leaving with some people one afternoon at the house. The last time they saw her was when she got into the car.
I conducted a distant reading a few days later, which I use to discern information while I’m in a heightened perceptive state. It can be described as an extension of my 5 senses. I usually execute these sessions alone...I don’t want anyone accusing me of ‘cold reading’ a client. Though it would be conducted on Skype, voice inflection can still give a reader certain clues. So I just avoid duality as much as possible.
I sensed that the aunt was no longer among the living. Finding a body would require some field work...which I wasn’t in the position to do. This disappearance had weighed heavily on the family for many years. I believe that much of this sorrow, combined with the malevolent energies within the Texas house, seeded something within the sisters.
The clients had moved to Nebraska, then Iowa...where they reside today. Whatever this energy was, it traveled with them...continuing to grow when times were tough and when life seemed out of control.
It became apparent that both Earlina and Sabrina are 'spirit beacons' (they attract spiritual energy). In fact, much of the immediate family are empathic and seem to easily take on the emotions of other family members...even at great distances. I have seen this phenomenon before...but not to the degree that this family exhibited. All of this needed to be taken in consideration when determining the cause of the disturbances.
Earlina is a deeply devout Christian. I truly believe that her faith and confidence allows her to keep this entity at bay...even though she did experience paranormal activity.
On the other hand, Sabrina had more pressing personal issues. By the time 2012 rolled around, this entity had grown to a point where she could no longer control it. It followed her everywhere...even to her workplace.
It was determined, by me and with some consultation with colleagues, that Sabrina had been plagued by a thought form entity...a mind created supernatural being. A poltergeist.
Regardless of what is presented on television and the movies, poltergeist activity is very rare. There are several theories as to what a poltergeist is…but it seems that it always has two relative factors. One would be psychokinesis or PK, which is an ability that allows a person to influence objects or people without physical interaction. The other factor would be malevolency towards the oppressed and those around them. A poltergeist haunting can only be curtailed by the person generating the entity. This involves instruction in how to control emotions & fear as well as avoiding uncontrollable situations.
This is the point where the overwhelming spirit energy at the location comes into play. As a result of the crash of United Airlines Flight 232, there are many wandering spirits in the vicinity...many of which don’t realize that they are no longer part of a living body or remain for other reasons.
Malevolent entities require energy to remain viable. If they cannot feed on human emotion and life force, then they need to look elsewhere. Earthbound spirits are fodder for stronger entities...and this was the reason it became so difficult to weaken this troublesome entity.
I instructed Earlina on how to form a barrier around the residence in order to keep earthbound spirits out of the house. We were starting to see a change and a lessening of the activity.
Sabrina still has an attachment with her...but she has moved out of her sister’s home and has moved in with her fiancé. As well, she is no longer living near the airport and the mass of earthbound energies. The degree of her torment has significantly lessened. I continue to provide support, which includes guidance and instruction.
Aftercare can be a long-term commitment in certain cases. These services are provided at no cost. I only ask that the client have an open mind, the discipline to follow my recommendations and to remain positive, which is imperative in order to resolve their problem.
Air Crash Investigations: Drama In Sioux City The Crash Of United Airlines Flight 232
Impossible Landing [HD]
The Origins of Psychic Phenomena: Poltergeists, Incubi, Succubi, and the Unconscious Mind

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