; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mardi, juin 03, 2014

Daily 2 Cents: Ghost on the Road -- Chupacabras in York, PA? -- Weird Footprint in Malaysia

Ghost on the Road

So this happened a few years ago, while sitting here reading other stories I remembered it and decided to post it. I used to work shift and the evening shift was 2pm-10pm. My dad would pick me up every time I worked the evening shift. This one night we're driving home from him picking me up from work and we're basically the only people on the road. Far in the distance you can faint lights of vehicles that are approaching. I am tired and we're not talking much but as I glance across the street to the opposite side of the road, I think I see what looks like a person just standing there. I keep glancing at this figure and then directly in front of us looking at the vehicles that are passing and the headlights that would emit a bit of light in the direction of this thing, trying to make it out. We come closer to where its standing and I tell my dad that I think that there's someone on the other side of the road. He isn't paying much attention to me and soon I see the figure start to walk across the street. Dad is gunning it because it's late and he's tired from waiting up for me to finish my shift. I tell him "daddy I think someone is crossing the street" He ignores me still and speeds up. This figure is directly in front of us and the lights from our vehicle shines right through the legs of this person that also looks bare as though their wearing shorts and they look barefoot. We drive through this and all my hairs stand on end....my dad is silent and I am in shock because I am not sure of what I just saw. When we reach the crossroad that takes us to our town, my father slows down and says 'did you see that just now?' and I reply asking if it looked like we drove through someone. He replies yes and confirms what I know I just saw. To this day I still have no idea what/who that was and when I bring it up, my father is still amazed at the experience. People have died on that stretch of road, the last being an old man who rode a bicycle every morning to and from the village. He was hit by a drunk driver and dragged a long way before the guy even realized he hit someone. - Reddit.com

Trucker Ghost Stories: And Other True Tales of Haunted Highways, Weird Encounters, and Legends of the Road

Haunted Highways: Spooky Stories, Strange Happenings, and Supernatural Sightings

Haunted Route 66: Ghosts of America's Legendary Highway


Weird Footprint in Malaysia

t seems that residents at Kampung Seri Aman Dalam, Puchong, might be worried about a close encounter of the giant kind after a resident found four huge footprints that measured 23 inches long.

This is yet another incident that was brought to light after a police report made by the resident began circulating online.

The report, made by 68-year-old Kamaruddin Isamail, mentioned the discovery of the giant-sized footprints near a field at Lot 123, Lorong 4, Kampung Seri Aman Dalam in Puchong at 9.55am this morning.

He stated in his report that he saw three footprints in the shape of a human foot, which measured up to 23 inches long, that “seemed rather weird” to him.

When The Rakyat Post contacted Kamaruddin, he confirmed making the report and said there were actually four footprints, but only three of them were clearly seen.

“It’s something that is weird. In my 30 years of staying here I have never found such a thing.”

He said upon making the report, which he did because it was an unnatural occurrence, he was visited by a police sergeant after which he called officers from the Department of Wildlife and National Parks (Perhilitan).

“Perhilitan came to see me. Even they said they had never seen such a thing and couldn’t determine what kind of print it was.

“It’s weird and it is something very worrying,” added Kamaruddin.

When asked what he thought it could be, he said he had heard of stories about giants and genies, but he did not know them to be true.

When contacted this evening on the issue, Serdang district police chief Assistant Commissioner Razimi Ahmad told The Rakyat Post that he wasn’t aware of the incident at the time.

However, a quick call to the Bukit Puchong police station where the report was made, confirmed that the report was genuine and was lodged by Kamaruddin this morning.

Meanwhile, Kamaruddin said he was to meet the village committee tonight on the incident to find out if such a footprint was real and perhaps shed light on what it could be. - The Rakyat Post


Plight of the Living Dead

Cotard’s Delusion is a mental disorder where people suffer the nihilistic delusion that they are dead or no longer exist. First reported in the 1700s, the disorder is still largely a mystery today. The underlying cause isn’t understood; it’s been linked to bipolar disorder, depression and/or schizophrenia depending on the patient’s age. Here, ten people who went to their doctors and complained that they were dead.

In 1788, Charles Bonnet reported one of the earliest recorded cases of Cotard’s Delusion. An elderly woman was preparing a meal when she felt a draft and then became paralyzed on one side of her body. When feeling, movement, and the ability to speak came back to her, she told her daughters to dress her in a shroud and place her in a coffin. For days she continued to demand that her daughters, friends, and maid treat her like she was dead. They finally gave in, putting her in a shroud and laying her out so they could “mourn” her. Even at the “wake,” the lady continued to fuss with her shroud and complain about its color. When she finally fell asleep, her family undressed her and put her to bed. After she was treated with a “powder of precious stones and opium,” her delusions went away, only to return every few months. Read more at Mental Floss


Chupacabras in York, PA?

I live in York, Pennsylvania and have witnessed what I believe to be a Chupacabra. Pennsylvania is known for its woods and farmland, but where I live there are lots of businesses, with wooded areas and small farms in the surrounding area. I was driving to work several months ago around 5:30 pm and was driving on the on ramp to I-83 off of Queen St. and spotted what I thought at first was a dog crossing the highway. My first thoughts were "Oh my God someone's dog is about to get creamed!" but as I looked closer it looked different than any dog I've seen before. It was larger than a beagle, yet smaller than a labrador. It actually reminded me of a kangaroo because it's front legs appeared to be shorter than the back legs and it had a rather long slender head in proportion to its body. The fur was grey and very short, possibly hairless. I'm just assuming it was patchy or what some would call mangy because there were discolorations. The tail was thick where it was attached to it's body then tapered into a very thin hairless tail. This thing walked across the highway and hopped over the median to the other side like it was king of the world and had absolutely no fear of the cars that were fast approaching, I couldn't believe it made it across completely unscathed! When it crossed the other side of the highway it escaped off into someones backyard which was actually a small farm. I'm 27 years old and have never seen anything like that in my life. I've seen several videos on tv about the chupacabra and have even went back and looked at several videos of what people believe is the chupacabra and it is an exact match. Even the description I have given is the same as what others are that have seen what they also believe to be the Chupacabra! The odd thing is most of these sightings are in Texas, but a lot of weird things happen in PA! Thank You for letting me share.


Man lost wife in gamble over bottle of booze

Authorities in Bihar, eastern India, are flummoxed after a man allegedly lost his wife in a gamble for a bottle of alcohol.

The saga came to light after the woman contacted a women's helpline over the weekend. She told the authorities how a man had been calling her on her cell phone claiming that he was her new husband. The victim is a resident of Bihta town in Patna district.

“She [the victim] told us how a local man had been calling her on her mobile [phone] for some time claiming to be her new husband and threatening her with dire consequences if she did not talk properly with him whenever he called her,” the women's helpline project director Pramila Kumari said on Monday.

She added that an investigation had been ordered into the case. She also sought legal action against the accused if the incident was found to be true. The caller also informed her that her husband is a drunkard who always assaults her while under the influence of alcohol.



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