Reports out of Coffee County, Tennessee indicate that a man murdered a woman...then decided to eat parts of her corpse. I can understand 'hiding evidence', but...:
It wasn't enough for Gregory Scott Hale to kill his victim, authorities say.
He also chopped off her head, her hands, her feet. Buried her torso in a burn pile outside his south-central Tennessee home. And -- by his own admission -- ate some of her remains, according to the affidavit filed against him.
According to the same document, Hale confessed to the killing of the 36-year-old woman, identified as Lisa Hyder by Capt. Frank Watkins of the Coffee County, Tennessee, Sheriff's Department.
"Lisa was a sweet girl, a very pretty girl," her friend and neighbor Vicki Keenan told CNN affiliate WSMV. "... It's got to be a very sick mind to do something like that."
There's no indication Hale and Hyder knew each other before she was killed, apparently on Friday, said Watkins, who added that authorities don't have any reason yet to believe Hale had done this before.
Authorities learned about the apparently random crime on Sunday and arrested Hale a day later.
The affidavit says after killing her, the 37-year-old man put her slashed-off head and hands in a plastic bucket. Her feet and other cut-off body parts went into another bucket.
It was not known who, if anyone right now, is legally representing the accused. Numerous CNN calls placed Tuesday to his relatives and associates were not immediately returned.
Hale is being held in Tennessee on $1.5 million bond related to charges of first-degree murder and abuse of a corpse.
His next scheduled court date is June 23. - CNN
Here's a local report:
Police: Man meets Bledsoe County woman, kills and eats her
Coffee County, Tenn., authorities say a local man is charged with murder and abusing the corpse of a woman from Pikeville in Bledsoe County he has admitted to killing, dismembering, and eating part of her remains.
Gregory Scott Hale, 37, of 750 Pete Sain Road, Manchester, is charged with first-degree murder and abuse of a corpse and held on a $1.5 million bond at the Coffee County Jail, according to officials and a news release from Sheriff Steve Graves.
The sheriff said officers went to Hale's home Sunday after getting information that he was seeking help in disposing of the victim's body.
The victim has been identified as 36-year-old Lisa Marie Hyder. Her body has been sent to Nashville for an autopsy.
Watkins said the two did not know each other until meeting in Manchester the day investigators believe she was killed.
Hale told investigators that after he and Hyder met, they went to his home.
“They were sitting around the fire talking, and that's when the incident occurred,” Watkins said.
Hale gave no reason for the killing, however, Watkins said.
Hale is due for a court appearance June 23. - Times Free Press
NOTE: Cannibalism related cases are increasing worldwide...but most of the incidents in the United States are usually tied to mental illness. Information has been leaking out of North Korea where cannibalism is rising due to food shortages. Ritualistic cannibalism has been reported throughout Africa...especially in Nigeria. Lon
An Intellectual History of Cannibalism
Cannibalism, Headhunting and Human Sacrifice in North America: A History Forgotten
Dinner with a Cannibal: The Complete History of Mankind's Oldest Taboo

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