; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

vendredi, juin 27, 2014

BEK Encounter - Fulton County, PA

I received the following email several days ago. I wanted to confer with the witness and make a few inquiries before disclosing this information:

I came across your BEK posts after searching the internet. My husband & I had a weird encounter with, what I believe to be, BEK this past winter. It was the day after Christmas 2013 and we decided to get out of the house and take a walk. We enjoy walking the trails at Cowan's Gap State Park here in Fulton Co., PA. It wasn't too cold so we decided to take the short drive to the park. The park is void of people in the winter, unless there's snow for skiers and ice skating on the lake. But we were alone - at least, we thought we were alone.

We were walking on a trail that passes several of the rental cabins. After awhile, we took a short break and sat down at a picnic table located in a cabin pavilion. We were discussing how quiet it was when I noticed 4 children walking towards us. As they approached, I noticed that their eyes, especially the taller & older boy, were very dark with large irises. There was, I believe, 2 boys and 2 girls of various ages. All 4 wore light jackets.

When they reached us, the older boy asked "do you live here?" My husband answered "no, this is a rental cabin." There was no reaction. One of the girls, who was very pale, reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes and lit one. The girl was no older than 10 years. My husband asked her "aren't you too young to smoke?" The girl looked at him and, I swear, her eyes got darker and larger. She gave him a scow that he & I will remember for the remainder of our lives. It was so vile and foreboding - I was immediately scared. Then they turned, on a dime and together, and started to walk away. I was speechless and shaking - my husband said "let's go."

We briskly walked in the opposite direction towards the car. I was still very frightened and wanted to go straight home. We pulled out onto Aughwick Rd. and headed east towards home, which is only a 1/2 mile or so from the park.

A few days later, we were driving to Chambersburg to do some shopping. We needed to first stop at the post office in Fort Loudon to mail a few packages. My husband walked into the post office while I sat in the car. After a few minutes, I noticed the same 4 kids walking through the post office parking lot. Just seeing them sent chills up & own my spine. When my husband returned to the car, I told him what happened and that I wanted to go home immediately.

Since that time, I have suffered terrible episodes of anxiety and fear. My doctor has prescribed medication but I still panic that I'll encounter those kids again.

Can you suggest some recourse? I'd like to discuss this with you. LD

NOTE: LD asked that I contact her and discuss the encounters. We have been talking through Skype for the past few days. I received her permission to publish her original email, but wishes to remain anonymous. This couple is very protective of their privacy, but desperate for answers. She would like to know if others in her area may have seen these BEK. She does seem concerned that these children are out and about on their own...but is still fearful that she may encounter them again. I have made inquiries to the local police, but they are unwilling to discuss it with me. Lon

The Black Eyed Children

The Black Eyed Kids

The Book of the Bizarre: Freaky Facts and Strange Stories