; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

vendredi, mai 02, 2014

Reported Alien Abduction Scenarios

The following reports describe various alien abduction scenarios:

Alien Abduction Attempt Described In MoD Files

A figure with a lemon-shaped head told two boys to follow it in an apparent close encounter with aliens in Staffordshire, government files say.

The figure told the boys: "We want you, come with us," according to a report from 1995 which has been released by the Ministry of Defence.

The boys told police they had seen the figure in a field just before midnight on 4 May in Chasetown.

However the farmer who owned the field later told police he had seen nothing.

The boys had run to the police station and asked the officers to come outside and look across the distance at a glowing red saucer-shaped object.

The officers thought it was an aircraft.

Their report said they boys appeared "agitated and distressed" after gazing at the alleged UFO.

They said it had emitted an intense heat before zig-zagging off east to west.

"They stated the object was about four houses high in the sky and about 40ft away from them," said the report.

"They then, reluctantly, went on to say that a voice which came from a lemon-like head, which appeared beneath the machine, said 'we want you, come with us'.

"Both appeared upset and shocked and as such it was increasingly difficult to obtain detailed information from them."

The police sent the boys home and told them to write up their account.

One said he was drawn to the field off Rugeley Road, Burntwood, by an intense heat.

He said when they walked into the field there had been a flash of light and a spaceship allegedly appeared, which had sent his friend's face "the colour of beetroot".

His friend said after hearing the command to go with the lemon-headed figure, he "just said 'run'".

He added: "I could hardly breathe and we turned around, it just shot off in the air and the sky didn't light up.

"It just went. Vanished."

He said the boys did not want to tell anyone because they thought they would not be believed.

The report said police visited the site two days later and found a farmer spraying his crops.

He said he had seen nothing unusual.

Source: British DoD


Alien Abduction / Mutilation - Sacramento Valley, CA

In July, 1976 a friend and I, who is now a dentist and a no nonsense kind of guy, were cruising between Lincoln and Auburn, CA on a quiet country road. We drove over the top of a hilly road and we were descending I noticed a bright bluish-white light shining down on the road about 200 yards in front of us. It was coming from a point over a large group of scrub oak trees. The trees came to a point over the road creating a canapé effect over the road. What was strange is there were no street lights and none of the light shining down on the road was being blocked out by the trees.

As we approached the light my car began to sputter and lost power, then the headlights went out. As we were approaching the light I was flashing my bright lights on and off before the car shut down. As soon as the car rolled to a stop, I opened the door to step out... the light disappeared while leaves were floating down below where the light had been falling onto the road in front of us. During July in the Sacramento valley it is still about 80 degrees with no wind. It gets very hot here in the summer.

The thing that really shocked me was 4 days later we took 2 of our cats to the vets, which was about 3 miles out of town. When the vet drove up he was acting confused and was stuttering, which he did when he got excited. He had been called out to a ranch to look at a dead cow. He explained to me and my mom that the cow had been cut up in a very strange way with a missing eye ball, utter and entrails. It's hind quarters had been drilled or board out. He also said therewere no flies, no bugs and no predator bite marks anywhere on the cow. The cow was located 50 yards from the very spot we saw the lights over the trees. My doctor friend said his mother was upset with him for getting home so late the night we saw the lights. However we were only out there in the country for an hour and a half. He claims it was 4am when we got home.

After dropping him off that night, I was really tired and just went home to bed and didn't pay any attention to the time. He claims we lost 3 hours. To this day I have no idea what we saw or what happened. He refuses to talk about it with me or to anyone else. I have seen other lights and strange things over the years but this situation has always made me scratch my head and I wonder what really happened that night to us and that poor cow. Nothing was ever said to the police or to the news media regarding the mutilated cow or the lights we saw.

After years of hearing about abductions and cow mutilations, I believe we may have been part of something that cannot be explained with science or rational thought. My interest in UFO's has been very strong for years and I am sure there are other things going on around us that we cannot explain or can we make sense of them because we are not allowed to by those conducting such intrusive examinations of humans and animals.

Well that's my story and I'm sticking to it because I can remember it like it happened yesterday. We were not drinking, smoking or doing any drugs as my doctor friend was always against such activities due to his medical training and personal beliefs. On the other hand, I know something happened beyond the norm and will take it to my grave as a real and unexplained experience.

Source: Direct Witness


Alien Abduction / Home Invasion - New York, NY

"I am a 58 yr. old professional woman of color who has had visitations since I was a child. I know what happened to me and only want to discuss my events for research purposes. The first case listed happened at night around 1986/7. It is still a vivid memory of waking up on an examination table with several aliens of different heights around me under a bright light. At first I didn't feel afraid even know I knew I was not at home and believed I was on a spaceship. I thought I had been there several times before. They spoke to each other and myself through thought. The next thing I remember, I was still on/near the table but I felt very sad and was crying. I don't know why. When I woke up in the morning and went to work, I felt uneasy and nervous which, is not my nature. I was casually discussing the incident with a co-worker to further calm myself down when another employee who had come in started listening to what I was saying. Suddenly, she became very excited and said that she was there also and saw me on the exam table. It freaked us all out and we stopped talking about it. I was a deputy-director at this agency and I remember the name of the co-worker who also saw me."

"Later Incident: Somehow, I believe this incident is connected to the first one described. I lived in Queens, NY and had several visitation memories from that location as an adult. The one I will discuss happened around 1993. I woke up in the morning and there was a stillness in the room that had me feel uneasy. I had two dogs at the time and neither one was in the room with me which was strange. I stepped off the bed and everything that had happened to me the night before came back in a rush and extremely detailed. I woke up to see very alien-like people entering my bedroom. I was not afraid at first because the first person who entered the room was my general Dr. I saw on regular basis. The second he appeared to come in, he stepped to the side and there were several aliens who also entered. I immediately became scared and the next thing I remember was being pushed up against the wall in my room and one of them was trying to exam/look for something through my private area. My Dr. seemed to be gone as I was calling out for him but the other aliens were on my left side and talking calmly and telepathically to each other. They were 4 or 5 of them in the room and by their voices, some were female. They all seemed to be some type of Dr/medical staff and wore white type clothes. The ones off to the side were about 6ft, very slender and almost angelic looking with minor interest in me. The one examining me was short, very rough, wearing a hood, about 4'5". I kept trying to see his face but he was trying to hide himself from me though he appeared the most non-human looking. There is more graphic detail to this but for the sake of space, in the end the alien found what he was looking for and removed it. I blacked out and then woke up as stated earlier. Thank you"



Trucker Missing Time in Nevada

Event date: 7/16/1978: I was headed westbound on hwy 80 as I've done many times before, taking a load to San Francisco. It was about 0200-0230 as I was approaching the tunnel, located about halfway through Nevada, when I started to feel really strange. I remember entering the tunnel and then...nothing. The next thing I knew I was in McCarran 76 truck stop, coming up off the steering wheel, feeling completely disoriented, and wondering what had just happened. What astounded me even more is that when I looked at my "el-cheapo" truck stop Timex I noticed it had stopped...it's battery was new and was working before! I somehow had arrived at the truck stop approx. 4 hours earlier than expected, and by all means the truck I was driving could only run a max speed of 68 mph. This happened about July of 1978. This was my first experience. Since then I have had several encounters with "outworlders" or their spacecraft.

Source: Direct Witness


Alien Abduction & Human Organ Harvest

"I want to thank you for allowing me to tell my story. I have been a subscriber to your site for over a year and it has inspired me to open up so others be made aware of the complications that humans may face after an abduction by alien beings." Rosario - Cody, WY

"One early morning in the winter of 1990 I awoke from a very deep sleep, feeling nervous as my heart pounded heavily. It was 3:35am and still dark outside. I sensed that there was someone in my bedroom, but all I could see was a spot of light in the corner by the dresser. Suddenly several hands grabbed me from all around the bed. I attempted to scream but could not move or say anything, nothing came out of my mouth."

"Within seconds I found myself lying on a cold hard table completely nude and terribly uncomfortable. I looked around me and there were four small beings in hoods and loose robes standing around me. They were conversing with each other, but I could not understand what they were saying since it sounded like a young child's gibberish. I felt something touching me all over my body but could see nothing. The beings' faces had a weird glow with sagging folds of shining skin."

"After what seemed like forever these beings slowing moved aside and this human-like man walked up to my side. He was tall, bald and had very pale skin. He also had large round eyes and was very slim. He came over to the table and started to talk to me in English. He calmly said that he was perplexed that I was so scared since he made it clear the last time that they had met he would return to ask a favor. He then turned and raised his hand, gesturing to a woman who walked into the room. She seemed to be a normal human female and quite beautiful. She had a small bundle in her arms and walked over to me. It was an infant, but it had pale skin and didn't look quite human."

"The tall man instructed me that he wanted me to take the infant and care for it. It needed the love of a human mother since their race did not understand the emotion of love. I told him that I couldn't because I already had a child and it was hard enough raising my son alone since times were difficult for me currently. He raised his head up and down as if agreeing with what I said and passed his hands across my eyes. I must have passed out because I awoke to found myself in my bed."

"It was daylight and I figured that I had been 'gone' for about 5 hours. When I tried to get out of bed, my legs and hips were very stiff and sore. I carefully stood up and noticed 2 large spots of wet blood on the bedsheets. The experience with the beings was still fresh on my mind but I had no idea that I had endured any probing or surgery."

"A few days later, I decided to schedule a doctor's appointment just to make sure I was OK. The doctor recommended a full physical since my blood pressure was higher than usual and my ankles were swollen. An appointment was made at my local hospital for x-rays and blood work."

"To make a long story short, I returned to my doctor's office a few days after the tests were performed. When I walked into her office, she asked me to sit down and explained that my right kidney was missing. She said that it was probably missing since birth and was just never noticed. I found this hard to believe since I had given birth to my child and have had other x-rays in the past. I just agreed with her assessment and was instructed that I would need to start taking hypertension medication and would need to be regularly monitored."

"I am positive that the beings removed my kidney and performed other experiments on my body. Though it has been almost 20 years since that encounter, I just know that they will be back."

"Lon, have you ever heard of organs and/or body parts being harvested from abducted humans?"

"I sincerely hope I can eventually get some answers."

Source: Direct Witness

Taken: Inside the Alien-Human Abduction Agenda

Children Of The Greys

Earth: An Alien Enterprise: The Shocking Truth Behind the Greatest Cover-Up in Human History