; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mardi, mai 27, 2014

Daily 2 Cents: Phantom on the Pitch -- Mother of Six Killed For Witchcraft -- Psychic's Ghostly Love Affair

Phantom on the Pitch

Footage of a ghostly figure on the pitch during the German Cup final in Berlin has gone viral.

Sightings of apparitions during televised sporting events seem to be on the rise lately with April's sighting of a strange shadow moving across the stands at a Bolivian football match making way for a similar sighting at this week's cup final in Berlin.

The match between Bayern Munich and Borussia Dortmund on Saturday has been somewhat overshadowed by the clip of a ghostly figure running across the pitch. The peculiar extra seems to appear out of nowhere on the left before moving towards the right.

Whether this mysterious shadow represents evidence of the paranormal however is a matter of interpretation, but with more than 7 million viewers logging on to YouTube to look at the footage over the last few days it's difficult to deny that the anomaly has been drawing rather a lot of attention.

Ghost at Match of BVB Dortmund vs Bayern Munich 0-2 2014 !! | DFB Cup Final 17/05/2014 or cut / paste https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NDXo6R7bRc


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Mother of six killed for witchcraft

Nakuru, Kenya: A woman was murdered and her body burned over the weekend in Oldebes village, Kisanana division in Mogotio Sub County allegedly for practicing witchcraft.

Christine Jemeli Koech, 45, a mother of six, was brutally killed in her house by unknown people. Oldebes location Chief Wesley Molok said the villagers set on the woman they suspected has been practicing witchcraft at wee hours of Sunday morning.

“The woman was sleeping when a group of people broke into her house and attacked her claiming she was a witch,” said Molok.

Molok said one of the deceased’s neighbours had claimed that she had bewitched his 17-year-old son, who had been ailing for a week.

Her body was taken to Nakuru Municipal mortuary for postmortem. - Standard Media


A Last Goodbye

This is something I have not shared with many people...

My Grandmother on my Mothers side is divorced from my Grandfather. She had a long term partner for many years who she nursed while he died. Him and I had a very special bond, I was his favorite of the grandchildren and he called me squirrel because I loved to find nicknacks and hide them away to play with them. We all knew he was sick, as things got worse when I would go and stay with my Grandmother he would no longer join us for dinner at the table but eat in bed. I was only 8 years old.

So one night I dreamed that he died. I've always had extremely vivid dreams, and tried to ignore it. I was just a kid so I went to school. My parents are divorced so I was staying with my Dad as it was a Thursday. The next day when I went back to my Mums she told my siblings and I to sit in the lounge. She told us my Grandmothers partner had died in hospital on Thursday night. I was upset but not surprised...

I remember talking to him after he had passed away. I just felt like he was sending me messages telling me everything was okay and he still loved me.

A few weeks later I was fast asleep at my Mothers. All I remember is waking up suddenly and sitting up in bed. The house was dark but there was some sort of white light coming through my bedroom door, which I usually sleep with closed but it was wide open. I could see a dark shadowy figure. But I felt safe. I knew who it was. I believed that he was saying goodbye to me, because after that I stopped getting messages from him. So I lay back down and went to sleep.

A few years later I bought the subject up with my Mum, questioning if it had even happened or was all my imagination. She told me I had very happily told her in the morning that he had come to see me. She did not question it as she has had her own paranormal experiences. - Reddit.com


Psychic's Ghostly Love Affair

Kinky Adrien Blackwell, 34, claims to go for half-an-hour at a time with Beta, a Native American chief, who was alive in the 19th century.

And according to her, the experience leaves her so much more satisfied than doing the deed with the living.

She described having sex with hunky Beta as being out of this world.

She said: "It is like being on another planet, something much more than anything humanly possible.

"My first experience was not scary, just strange.

"It felt new, but at the same time something that felt very old, as if I had done it before.

"I remember Beta getting into the bed and holding me, but when I looked up no-one was there.

"Then I felt him get on top of me, like a warm blanket covering me from head to toe.

"It was like having sex with our whole bodies - no part of my body was left untouched." Read more at Daily Star



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