; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

jeudi, mai 01, 2014

Daily 2 Cents: Inside a Historic Demon Possessed House -- The Night My Uncle Died -- Kill Our Pigs, Please

Inside a Historic Demon Possessed House

A Pittsburgh family is telling their troubling story about living life inside of a demon possessed house in a new book.

The evil entity said to have lived inside of the house has been deemed the “Demon of Brownsville Road.” The Cranmer family who bought the historic structure years ago for a quickly accepted low-ball offer, says the strange and sometimes nightmarish issues they encountered inside the house at first were small, but then later became so intense the family’s everyday lives began to be severely affected by them.

According to FOX 4’s sister station, FOX 8 in Cleveland, the Cranmer’s decided to publish the book about their experiences in hopes they could prevent other families from having to go through what they did while battling with a demon.

The mother of the family, as well as her two children, spent time in psychiatric facilities due to some of the things they experienced while living in the house. “Bleeding walls” and “broken metal crosses” were among just a few incidents the family claims occurred.

In a sit down interview with FOX 8, Adam Blai, a former skeptic turned expert demonologist and advisor to the Roman Catholic Church on performing and training priests in exorcism, candidly answered questions about ghosts, demons and exorcism; all of which he says are very real.

CLICK HERE to read or watch more on that interview. - FOX4KC


Kill Our Pigs, Please

Fed up with the increasing pig population in Shivpuri town, the civic body has sought 'shooters' who can shoot the pigs.

The local residents have been affected by the pigs to such an extent that the authorities were forced to take this decision and even floated a tender for it.

The 'shooter' must have a licenced gun and cartridges. The applicant has to accompany a copy of his licence and apply to the municipal council, which will later decide the rates. After the bids are received, the municipal authorities will take a decision on giving contract to the shooters on the basis of the rates offered by the applicants.

However, animal rights' activists have come up in defence of the pigs and criticised the move. Activist Puneet Tripathi said that the civic authorities must not shoot the pigs.

"This is cruel and it is not the solution. In fact, other options like shifting the pigs, by removing them from the town, should be considered," said Tripathi who is the founder president of Bhopal-based Animal and Environment Care Organisation.

The municipal authorities will take a decision by May 15 which will be the last date for receiving applications. Subsequently, the shooters will be selected. Sources in the municipal council said care would be taken in selecting the shooters, as no citizen should accidentally get injured in the shooting of pigs.

A resident of Shivpuri Dr Rajendra Gupta had approached the high court bench in this regard. Subsequently, the court asked the municipal authorities to take action to check the pig menace.

Chief municipal officer (CMO) of Shivpuri municipal council Ashok Rawat said the action is being taken on the basis of a court order. "People would be hired to shoot the pigs soon," he added. - Hindustan Times




The Night My Uncle Died

One night a few months ago I had a very weird dream. In the dream I was outside my house and the sky was grey and dark. There were four people there, a middle aged woman and 3 young kids. All of them looked like they were upset and they were staring at me. One of the kids said "Daddy died, but we have to go very far to see him again." After this, they all turned around and started to walk away. I looked behind me to see the storm that was coming, and when I looked back they were gone. After that I went into a treehouse which doesn't exist in real life and watched the rain fall. That's all I remember.

I woke up and went about my day as usual. When I got home from school, my parents told me my uncle died early in the morning. I only met him a few times, and I remembered at his house there was photos of his 3 kids. They were much older than the kids in my dream, but I asked my mom where they lived. She said two live in Alberta, one lives in Ontario while my uncle lived in Newfoundland. To go from Alberta and Ontario to Newfoundland is a far distance to go to see him one last time at the funeral.

I know it's a bit of a vague connection, but I thought it was weird that I would dream about that on the exact night that he died and I thought I'd share. - Redditt.com



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