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Saturday, May 31, 2014

Misplaced Night

I received the following narrative in response to The Night at the Cabin:

Hello Mr. Strickler,

I read your hunting cabin story and wanted to comment.

My son had a similar incident in 1998 while he and his wife were camping in a Montana state park.

While they were asleep in the camper, my son heard a high-pitched whipping sound that he described was similar to a helicopter. He looked out the window and noticed a bright white oval light skimming across the ground. He said it was shaped like a watermelon and moved all-around their campsite. After a minute it simply disappeared. His wife never woke. He watched for it to return for another few minutes, then went back to bed.

He woke about 7:30AM and noticed that his wife was not in bed. He got up and began to look for her. He figured that she went for a walk or run and decided to let him sleep.

Several hours later, about noon, he noticed her walking towards the campsite. She was dressed in her robe and barefoot. She was crying and so emotional that she could hardly talk. They went into the camper. She sat on the lounger crying and shaking. After she had drunk some hot tea, she finally calmed down and started to talk.

She said that she heard him get up during the night, open the camper door and walk outside. She got up and put on her robe to see what he was doing. She opened the door and stood there calling for him. She heard him yell 'NO' and ran in the direction of the voice. She then said that was all that she remembered. She woke in the woods not far from the camper scared and cold. She got to her feet and walked back.

My son never remembered getting up and leaving the camper - or what happened beyond that. They both realized something unusual happened to both of them.

After that incident, they became distant from each other. They eventually divorced and moved to separate states. Both had very severe mental & physical issues afterwards and ran afoul of the law.

I believe that their experience caused mental and physical strife. Neither of them every told me anything further about that night. My son is in court-ordered mental care as part of his criminal sentence. I just worry that he'll never recover to stay out of trouble. Sara

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Daily 2 Cents: Tall Humanoid Walking Through House -- Great-Grandfather's Ghost -- Humans on Mars by 2035

Tall Humanoid Walking Through House

Lubbock, TX - 5/22/2014 - unedited: I was sitting in a dark room looking out into the kitchen area. It was early morning. I suddenly saw something very tall and white move across the kitchen almost in an stroll through the house like it owned the house. It went past the door so I didn't get a good look but I knew automatically it wasn't human. I froze scared to death. My husband and my young daughter were in the living room just about 10 steps behind this creature. It was invisible. Not only invisible but you couldn't hear it moving around, which without some sort of help would be impossible. The creature was at least a little over 6 ft tall if not taller because my first thought when it went by was to make myself believe it was my husband walking over to the kitchen area. It was a wonderful wish but when I finally got my nerve to get up and walk I realized I was right.

The only reason I know it was invisible was because its been here. You could almost feel it knew the house and us more then anything, which is very very disturbing. I could tell from the quick look I barely got that the creature didn't seem to have an ounce of fat on it's body, very very strong looking, muscles, but thin. Lith like. Its body looks like it was covered by some sort of body suit it looked like pale skin. I believe it did not know I saw it and I strongly believe the only reason I saw it was the way the light was shining in the house. I think all the different windows, time of day and the suddenly reflection and the fact I was sitting in a dark room looking out into the dinning room that caused me to be able to see through the cloak it was using. It was headed to the window as if to look out through it in to the outside. I had a since that it was bored and waiting for something.

My feelings. I'm freakin scared to death. I can't tell you how for the first two months I screamed in the car and cried. I had a since that if or when this or these things wanted to kill us there's nothing..nothing we can do. No gun, no knife, no bomb, no weapon...their faster, stronger, smarter..we are nothing. I felt we were cattle to be harvested for food later and as a mother I had a horrible since of hopelessness. I've never in my life had such hopelessness. There's no place to go, no place to hide..nothing..nothing you can do. I hate the feeling. When it happened I swallowed my pride, walked into the kitchen, even though I knew that being was around there, got some coffee and walked into the living room. Looked at my husband and daughter and told them I loved them and watched TV.

I tried contacting a scientist shortly after it happened. I even got out the measuring tape and measured. I figured with his brains maybe the measurements might help our scientist figure out how to cloak or break cloaks or invisible technology. I remember I labeled his e-mail "code black" in hopes to get his attention..but didn't. I erased mine feeling like there's no one else I can go to.

I have not told anyone, not even my husband. I can't. I feel if I utter the words out loud whom ever I tell the story to will die. The since of this is utterly powerful...horribly powerful at least at first. After about a month or so I had two more strange things happen. I never saw the creature again but I did see on two seperate occassions silver balloon like objects in the bed room.

The main one I remember was I woke up, as I always do, around 3:30am and I thought I heard something. Still worried about being slaughtered like a cow for food or killed I stayed still and glanced around the room. I didn't want anything to know I was awake yet. I could feel myself sweat and I had to tell myself to take slow steady breaths to make it look like I was still asleep. I suddenly heard something sliding against the ceiling of the room. I remember my heart was pounding and I could still hearing the steady breathing of my husband next to me sound asleep. The ceiling fan was going and I had the covers pulled up around me still. The sliding was approaching me, then suddenly I caught sight of a silver balloon sliding across the ceiling with it's tail hanging down. I almost laughed outloud. I watched it as it slide around the room and over me slowely thinking how annoying it was and how I'm so glad it was just a balloon. I closed my eyes laughing at myself thinking I'm so silly I'm just being paranoid. I remember thinking I need to tell my daughter not to put her balloon in the room, it could get the tail hung up in the ceiling fan. Suddenly my heart stopped. My daughter doesn't have a balloon, she hadn't had one in months...and never a silverish one..and this one looked metalic though it was hard to see in the darkness. My eyes flew open...and yes it was still there..I could still hear it slide against the ceiling as it tail hung down. "make it a balloon, make it a's your kids balloon" I wanted to believe bad! I wanted to cry to scream..I stayed very still. "breath normal, don't move, don't open your eyes to far, don't freak out, don't let it know your awake.." I should have know..any balloon would have been caught up into the ceiling fan, at least the string. this one went over us and to the side of the wall as if it was moved by remote. Suddenly it just slowly started disappearing..and then it was gone. I saw it one other time in the room while we were asleep...this time with a longer string...and it disappeared even faster. The metallic like balloon shaped thing didn't make since to me, because if the creature could keep sound from happening on him, why wouldn't he make his gadgets sound proof also?

So I went into a depression. Didn't know what life was. Couldn't tell anyone anything verbally without giving them some type of death wish....then one day I'm fine. It's strange. I don't mind if the creatures here or if he's not. I feel like I should protect him or them. I feel like if they want to communicate they can, if not I'm fine. I feel like I want to help them. I'm confused about these feelings because I feel like I could love them, protect them..but I still feel if I utter a word verbally and they find out that person will die.

I've searched everywhere for someone else to have the same type of experience. But it seems most everyone else is little gray people or short creatures. Mine are at least 6 feet tall but I'm going to go out on a limb and say 6'5 at least. Pale suits, have no idea if that was skin or not..never got to see the face..heck he might have had a dog face or no face...but I feel from the legs I saw and torso for the few seconds I saw it was human like.

I don't mind protecting something but I want to make sure it's not a false since of protection because my first feelings for the first couple of months was "we are all going to die". I just don't know...but since I can't utter a word to have someone talk to me...thank you for letting me write it down. If you investigators ever call me to talk to me about this..I don't know if I can. I'll answer any questions you have in writing, even let you come measure stuff, but talking...If I say something outloud and suddenly one of you dies...I'd feel like I did it. Because I've been warned. - MUFON CMS


Great-Grandfather's Ghost

I've always been an “interested skeptic” when it comes to ghosts and other paranormal things. And to be honest I always thought my parents felt the same way. Back when I was younger my siblings and I liked to watch Ghost Hunters or similar shows after dinner and every once in a while my parents would join us. Yes I’m sure a lot of that stuff is fake but it was still entertaining. Well one day after an episode we were all watching together asked my dad if he ever had a paranormal experience or seen a ghost. My parents looked at each other and my dad said, “Yeah I have, a little after you were born.” You can normally tell when my dad is messing around but this was different. His tone was much more serious than when we were talking before. Naturally I needed to know more so I prodded and eventually he told us his story.

When my Great Grandfather immigrated to the US before World War II, he started lumber business and my family has owned this business for three generations. By the time my dad became a co-owner with my Grandpa, my Great Grandmother passed away and my Great Grandfather decided to retire because it became too hard to cope with work and the loss especially at his age. About a year after his retirement while my mother was pregnant with me, my Great Grandfather’s health began deteriorating drastically. He didn't want to leave his house while he was sick so he stayed home and hired people to look after him. I should also mention that he did very well financially throughout his life and he had a large family of 9 children, so he owned a big house. I've never seen the house myself but my parents described it as a big beautiful old-style home that was almost like a mini-mansion.

My Great Grandfather was very close with dad and during his last weeks my dad visited him almost every day and sometimes with my mom. These were sad visits but he was a nice man and the company really made him happy. He passed away during the last week of February and I was born almost a week later in March. Shortly after I was born it was decided by my family that his house would be sold and my parents volunteered to be caretakers until someone bought it. They were house hunting anyway and no one else wanted to take the time to move in so they figured why not? After 2 or 3 months my parents moved out of their small apartment with me and moved into the mini-mansion.

The first days were very eerie and surreal just because of the sheer emptiness of the house. The vastness and of it would often make them feel uneasy and they would find themselves looking over their shoulders in the bigger rooms and hallways. After a couple days exploring and settling in my parents decided to stay in a guest room next to the master bedroom. They didn't feel comfortable sleeping in my great grandparent’s bed. However, because the master bedroom was closest to their room they moved my crib into the master bedroom and outfitted it with a baby monitor and my toys.

The first night in this orientation was surprisingly calm. I was quiet, which was strange because I would usually make more noise throughout the night. On the second night things changed. A little after midnight my dad awoke to the sound of me laughing on the baby monitor which was strange because I was very young and haven’t laughed many times before. So my dad got up and crossed the hallway to check up on me, but the second he opened the door I stopped. I was still awake and moving around but after a few minutes I fell back asleep and my dad went back to his room and nothing else happened.

The next night I started to laugh again around the same time and like before my dad went to check on me and I stopped like before. He really didn't think too much of it, after all he was a first time dad so he wasn't sure if this was really something abnormal so after I fell asleep he left and went back to bed. A couple hours later he woke up of his own accord and was instantly restless. For whatever reason he couldn't get comfortable and sleep so he decided to leave his room and have a walk around the house. He walked down the master staircase to the foyer and was about to check out a music room when he heard my laugh echoing from upstairs. He was starting to get a little freaked out at this point, sure it’s just your kid and all but it was a creepy situation and this time I stopped on my own after a couple seconds. After standing still for a minute or two he decided to return to his room so he slowly retreated back to the steps of the master staircase, but the second his foot touched the first step I started up again. Despite the initial nervousness, he pushed out any fear and quickly climbed the stairs and made his way to the master bedroom.

He reached the door and as he reached out his hand to the doorknob he realized that the door was already open by a hair. He couldn't recall if he shut it completely the last time he was in the room so it was slightly unnerving. I was still laughing when he slowly pushed open the door and walked inside. He saw nothing at first and closed the door behind him, but after his eyes adjusted to the darkness he saw what he described as a dim outline on the opposite side of the crib. He froze in shock and said that it looked like an organized transparent mist; but the more he looked, the more he could make out patterns and shapes. He recognized what looked like a plaid pattern and it dawned on him that it was similar to pattern of his grandfather’s favorite nightgown. Once he realized this, the nightgown was almost like a reference for the rest of the object so he knew where the arms and head should be and slowly the rest of it began to sharpen. He wasn't sure if his eyes were still adjusting or if the outline was doing it on its own but my dad said the area he thought was the head began to move and he was able to make out my great grandfather’s face staring back at him. They stared at each other for what felt like hours, then he then slowly looked down at me in the crib and I started to laugh immediately. He then looked back up at my dad, only this time he was able to make out a gentle smile when they locked eyes. And just like a dimming light the outline faded away until there was nothing but me in the crib alone, silently sleeping at the foot of my Great Grandparent’s bed.

After he regained his wits, my dad quickly moved me and the crib into the guest room with my mom. He woke her up and frantically told her everything he saw. She said she had never seen him this panicked before and he began shaking uncontrollably as he was speaking to her. They stayed up the entire night talking about what happened and for the next month they kept me in their room with them for the night.

The spirit or ghost never made another appearance, and while my parents believed it was my Great Grandfather they decided that even if it wasn't it meant no harm. They moved me back into the master bedroom for the last days of their stay.

While in that room I never laughed in the middle of the night again and I always slept soundly. -


Faith healer jailed for 10 years over massive fraud

A woman described as “pure evil” has been has been jailed for 10 years after swindling £1 million from vulnerable people by claiming to be spiritual healer who could cure cancer or help them to get pregnant by sending money to the Amazon jungle. Juliette D’Souza, 59, extracted huge sums of cash from 11 people across Hampstead and north London – including opera singers, photographers and solicitors – by claiming to be a shamanic healer with links to the rainforest in Suriname.

D’Souza was such a persuasive con-artist that she managed to convince her victims she could cure terminal illnesses, help disabled children or enable them to conceive by sending cash to the South American jungle – to be hung from a sacred tree. Her victims believed she was working with two other shamans in Suriname, known as Pa and Oma, who would hang their cash “sacrifices” on the tree in the heart of the jungle. Instead, D’Souza spent the money on a lavish lifestyle, renting three or four luxury flats at a time in Hampstead and splashing a fortune on Louis Vuitton bags, jewellery, antique furniture and holidays. She boasted of celebrity clients including Princess Diana and Simon Cowell.

Her victims described her as confident, well-spoken and attractive, and said she was incredibly manipulative and persuasive, convincing them that terrible things would happen if they did not hand over cash sacrifices. The victims were so under her spell during the 12-year scam that one woman, who cannot be named, had an abortion at her say so, while another, Ruth Fillingham, sold her home because D’Souza said it was “spooked”. The woman who had the abortion had previously given D’Souza more than £170,000 in the belief it would help her to conceive. Ms Fillingham, had paid £169,000 from 1998 to 2004 to ward off the evil spirit of her deceased brother, save her partner from a nonexistent tumour and ensure her eye surgery would be a success – which it was not.

Her boyfriend, Geoff Wheeler, handed over £195,000 in the same period. Much of the money was supposed to secure his job, but he was still made redundant. Retired opera singer Sylvia Eaves, 83, was conned out of a total of £353,000. D’Souza had multiple identities and a litany of addresses across Hampstead, as well as in West Hampstead, Belsize Park, Kensington and St John’s Wood. She would pay up to a year’s rent in advance – in cash – and occupy several flats at once. It emerged during the trial that she was previously convicted of 28 counts of fraud and four of theft, spending time in Holloway prison in the 1980s. Sentencing her to 10 years in prison for each of 23 counts to run concurently - the maximum sentence allowed by Parliament, Judge Ian Karsten QC said: “It is the worst confidence fraud I have ever had to deal with or indeed that I have heard of”. - Hamhigh


NASA suggests humans could be on Mars by 2035

At the European Lunar Symposium held at the Museum earlier this month, NASA officials revealed that the Moon could be used as a practice ground for sending humans to Mars within 20 years.

NASA’s chief scientist Dr Ellen Stofan and deputy chief technologist Jim Adams told the assembled scientists that putting humans on Mars is NASA’s ‘primary mission’.

While there have been many robotic missions to Mars in search of water and signs of life, including Curiosity’s current assignment, Dr Stofan believes it's now essential to send human scientists.

‘To unambiguously settle the questions of whether there was life on Mars it will take scientists down on the surface,’ Dr Stofan said.

However, she admitted there is still a long way to go to ready the technologies for such a mission.

With the exception of those who went to the Moon, the majority of people sent into space so far have been in ‘low Earth orbit’, relying on systems on Earth to keep them alive. A journey to Mars would take months.

Bagging an asteroid

Before taking the plunge and attempting to send people to Mars, and the associated dangers of deep space, NASA plans to use the Moon as an intermediate proving ground, because it is close enough to return astronauts home within a couple of days.

But rather than landing on the lunar surface, the plan is to pull an asteroid close enough to the Moon to allow astronauts to take samples from it.

The Asteroid Redirect Mission aims to find a small asteroid travelling between the Moon and Earth and to ‘snag it, bag it and drag it’ into orbit around the Moon where it can be reached by astronauts.

Hazardous journey

Robots would perform the capture portion, testing ion propulsion systems - the heavy-duty thrusters that would be needed to get humans and their equipment all the way to Mars.

The budget for seeking out near-Earth objects such as asteroids has already been doubled to find a suitable candidate for the mission.

The human phase would then test new suits designed to protect astronauts from health hazards such as bursts of solar wind. It would also train astronauts in protocols for working in deep space, far from home.

‘We’re working to reduce the risks so that people can arrive on Mars happy and healthy and ready to work.’ Dr Stofan said.

Fly by

To the disappointment of many of the scientists in the audience, who want to see more lunar exploration, Dr Stofan and Adams said that NASA does not intend to use the Moon’s surface as part of its journey to Mars. They did acknowledge, however, the general importance of research on the surface, both for science and exploration, and said they will work with partners in other space agencies to achieve this.

Research on the Moon could help work out how to gather resources from the surface of an alien world, such as how to extract water.

Beyond Mars

Adams finished the talk with tantalising inspiration. ‘Where NASA is headed is to the Martian surface in the 2030s,’ he said.

‘It is my dream that once we’ve put boots on Mars and we’ve established that pioneering presence on the surface, we would have already been thinking about where to go next. I hope that you guys will be along for the ride.’ - NHM



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Friday, May 30, 2014

The Pope Lick Monster's Deadly Trestle

I recently received several questions from a reader in reference to the 'goatman' particular, the Pope Link Monster. So I decided to pull up the story from the archive and update it a bit. Enjoy!:

The Pope Lick Monster is/was, according to legend, a half-man, half-goat creature that lives under the Norfolk Southern Railroad trestle across Pope Lick Creek and South Pope Lick Rd. near Fisherville in eastern Jefferson County, Kentucky. The stories have been used as a 'dare' that required an unfortunate sap to climb onto the trestle. These individuals were most likely under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Numerous urban legends exist about the creature’s origins and the methods it employs to claim its victims. According to some accounts, the creature uses either hypnosis or voice mimicry to lure trespassers onto the trestle to meet their death before an oncoming train. Other stories claim the monster jumps down from the trestle onto the roofs of cars passing beneath it. Yet other legends tell that it attacks its victims with a blood-stained axe. It has also been said that the very sight of the creature is so unsettling that those who see it while walking across the high trestle are driven to leap off.

Other legends explain the creature’s origins, including that it is a human goat hybrid, and that it was a circus freak who vowed revenge after being mistreated. In one version, the creature escaped after a train derailed on the trestle. Another version claims that the monster is really the twisted reincarnated form of a farmer who sacrificed goats in exchange for Satanic powers.

The December 30th, 1988 Louisville Courier-Journal ran a front page article entitled Trestle of Death, in which it records two tragedies. Jack “J.C.” Charles Bahm II, a 17-year old Spalding University student, was struck and killed by a train February 18, 1987 while crossing the trestle. He has since been eulogized at the site of his death. “JC we love and miss you” is spray painted on the trestle’s base. In May 1987, 19-year-old David Wayne Bryant died of injuries obtained in 1986 when he jumped from the trestle to dodge an oncoming locomotive.


The Monster at Pope Lick

Steve Rush
The New Voice - October 31,1990

Nobody knows when the quiet, rural area beyond Jeffersontown first became home to the community’s strangest, and definitely scariest, resident – the Pope Lick Monster.

But tales of the creature, also known as the Sheepman, have circulated for decades in eastern Jefferson County, and as Halloween night approaches, rumors of the beast again seem to be common.

“It’s always been around J-town,” said Michael Zettler, a 1985 graduate of J-town High School. “It was always talked about, especially around Halloween.”

“I first heard of it in the early 1960’s,” said Mary Ruckriegel, the wife of J-town Mayor Daniel Ruckriegel. “When I started dating Dan, the kids were always talking about it, especially during Halloween. I don’t know if it was a figment of someone’s imagination or what.”

“I can remember hearing stories of the thing when I was 4 or 5 years old,” said Rod Whitenack, a J-town native now in his early 20’s. “Every time Halloween would roll around, discussion about the monster would start up.”

There are probably as many residents of J-town as there are descriptions of the "thing" that supposedly lives below the rusty train trestle that passes over Pope Lick Road and Pope Lick Creek out Taylorsville Road near Fisherville.

Most describe the monster as a scary half-man, half-sheep, who terrorizes anyone who dares enter his domain. They say he has the features of both man and sheep, with horns, an ugly snout and a hairy brown body. He walks upright, has hooves for feet and can run at high speeds, enabling him to catch anyone in his territory.

Some say it is Jefferson County’s version of Ichabod Crane’s nightmare – a headless horseman-type monster who rides the tracks and kills anyone who crosses his path.

Others say it’s not a monster at all; it’s an old chemist who became a recluse after a chemical explosion in his lab terribly disfigured his face.

Others say it’s just a hermit who lived in a nearby shack and would scare away anyone who came near the trestle.

Still others say the figure that purportedly wanders the area is the deformed son of a local farmer, so hideous he won’t show his face until nighttime.

But whatever the description, the J-town monster has several similarities with other world-famous beasts. Like the Loch Ness Monster and Bigfoot, actual sightings of the Pope Lick Monster have been few and far between, if at all.

“There was always some guy who said he saw something out there.” Said Whitenack, who said he made many trips to the trestle. “But I never did.”

And like the Swamp Thing and the Creature from the Black Lagoon, the J-town monster has even been the focus of his own local flick, titles “The Legend of the Pope Lick Monster,” which premiered in Louisville in the fall of 1988. The 16-minute, black-and-white movie has been shown at the Vogue, The Uptown and, most recently, at the Water Tower, and been well received by area fans.

“I was looking for a Story indigenous to the area,” said the film’s director and producer local independent filmmaker Ron Schildknecht. “And the Sheepman is something only told around here; it’s been around at least three generations.”

Before he began filming, Schildknecht put in nearly a year of research o the subject. “I talked to 50 people formally and probably 100 more informally getting as much information as I could,” he said. “Was he half-man, half-sheep?” Did he walk on all fours or on two legs? Did he murder people or was he tame? I found a lot of interpretations; it was all real scattered out.”

Half the apparent appeal has been the imposing train trestle, which has stood overlooking the area since 1929. The trestle, which is still used regularly today, spans nearly 800 feet and is about 100 feet tall.

Over the years, teen-agers have been known to frequent the location in search of a remote spot where they could party without being bothered by police or parents.

“The trestles were a real popular place to go and drink and get rowdy,” Schildknecht said. “The talk of the a monster makes it much more attractive to go out there.”

“It was part of a senior tradition,” Ruckriegel said. “They would go out there to see if they could see it; it was a sign of bravery.”

“The boys would take the girls out there to try to scare them,” she added. “It was something really scary.”

While the site may have provided fun for some, tragedy has also come to many who have walked the tracks. In recent years, several youths have been killed, whether from falling from the trestle or after being caught on the tracks and hit by a train.

“It’s unfortunate,” Schildknecht said. “The story of the monster seems so harmless and innocent, except for the real danger of the railroad.”

About a year ago train officials put up a chain link fence with barbed wire to keep thrill-seekers from climbing to the tracks.

But that hasn’t stopped the rumors about the monster.

When the 32-year-old Schildknecht went there to film the movie, he didn’t see the beast but admitted even he found the place a little frightening. “It’s kinda eerie,” he said, “knowing the history and that people have been killed out there.”

“I didn’t feel anything supernatural,” he said. “I was just more intrigued with the ambiance of the trestle. And it’s pretty intense when a train goes by.”

Also finding the area spooky was Zettler, one of the high schoolers who with a couple of friends made the trek to the monster’s purported stomping ground.

“It was real scary.” He said. “Even though you know the legend is silly, you still think about it.”

As long as the legend has been told, no one knows for sure how it started.

“I’ve often wondered if it was a Halloween prank,” Ruckriegel said, “and then got blown out of proportion.”

“It probably started as a man walking his goat,” Zettler said. “It’s just a bunch of stories. It’s something you hear through the years.”

And the legend still exists in the East-End community today, but only to a degree.

“I think a lot of the kids today are too smart to believe all that stuff,” Ruckriegel said. “But I guess it’s still going around.”

“The story is still being told,” Schildknecht said. As long as there’s a trestle out there and long as there are kids in high school, it’s still alive.”

The Pope Lick Monster exist in the collective imaginations of hundreds of people,” he added, “which for me says he does exists.”

What do you think?


Pope Lick Monster: Louisville’s Goat Man

The scene is picturesque underneath an old but very active railroad trestle in the Fisherville area of Louisville, Kentucky.

“This is the old trestle for the Northern Suffolk Railway,” explained author and historian David Domine.

Legends of the paranormal have turned this site into the center of fear and the home of a renowned creature.

Domine said, “The goat man of Pope Lick as he’s known. They say he’s part man, part goat maybe even part sheep.”

Numerous urban legends exist about the creature’s origins.

One tale Domine explained said, “The goat man arose as a tale of a local farmer back in the day. Tortured a herd of goats for Satan and signed a contract with him and forfeited his soul. In the process he was converted into this terrible creature that was sent to live under the trestle seeking revenge on people!”

Another popular legend Domine shared claims, “A circus train was crossing the trestle one day and it derailed and in one of the cars there was a kind of circus freak.”

Whether it is a farmer who made a deal with the devil or a so-called circus freak seeking revenge, there is one thing everyone agrees on when sharing tales about The Goat Man, and that is what he looks like.

Domine slowly describes the beast, “The legs are muscular and covered with course dark hair. He’s got the same dark hair on the parts of his body. His face is alabaster they say and he has horns as well.”

The legends don’t just stop at his gruesome features but also focus on the methods he employs to claim his victims. Narratives claim he also has powers to draw you to your death by either hypnosis or voice mimicry.

“The goat man supposedly is a very sly creature and he does all kinds of things to try and trick you into going up onto the trestle. He’s been known to mimic the voice of children who are calling for help,” stressed Domine.

Once you climb on the tracks, there’s no way to escape death from an oncoming train.

Domine removed the smirk from his face and gets serious as he explained, “It’s a very dangerous location. Many people think that this trestle is not used, but trains cross here every day.”

There have been a number of deaths and accidents at the trestle since its construction all though signs tell thrill seekers to keep out!

Domine continued, “In the late 80′s a movie was made by local film maker Rod Schildknecht. Other people have come out here and done documentaries. He’s appeared on several national networks in documentaries and programs about strange creatures and hauntings across the United States.”

The legend of the Kentucky Bigfoot is alive and strong today but Domine stressed about this creature, “Kentucky Sasquatch that’s a whole other thing from the description from people who have seen him. It doesn’t sound like the same thing at all. The strange accounts still pour in to this day.” - Wave3

Haunted Kentucky: Ghosts and Strange Phenomena of the Bluegrass State (Haunted Series)

Trucker Ghost Stories: And Other True Tales of Haunted Highways, Weird Encounters, and Legends of the Road

Weird Kentucky: Your Travel Guide to Kentucky's Local Legends and Best Kept Secrets

'Captured' Bigfoot Going on Display in the 'Big Apple'

Is Bigfoot in the Big Apple? Well ...

With Barnum-esque hype, a circus announced that Bigfoot has been captured and will be on display June 7 in New York City.

"For the THRILL OF A LIFETIME come see the strangest creature EVER brought to civilization before he is safely released back into the wild," reads one poster for the event.

An outfit called the Tiny Top Circus says it is hosting the public exhibition at Washington Square Park in Manhattan's Greenwich Village. "He is a sight to see," circus rep and noted hoaxer Joey Skaggs told The Huffington Post. "You will not want to miss this!"

April Fools' Day Prank Products: From Self-inflating Whoopie Cushions To 'I'm A Douche' Coffee Mugs

Skaggs has pulled a prank or 10 before. "Give the media a sensational story and they’re all over it," he has said.

Joey Skaggs Created The Celebrity Sperm Bank Hoax To Expose Journalists' Incompetence

Oh, Joey, we so wanna believe this time. The elusive and possibly fictional beast has already left quite a digital footprint on HuffPost, especially concerning hoaxes.

So anyone who shows up at the display might want to heed the words often credited to P.T. Barnum himself: "There's a sucker born every minute." - THP

A Treasury of Deception: Liars, Misleaders, Hoodwinkers, and the Extraordinary True Stories of History's Greatest Hoaxes, Fakes and Frauds

Hoax: Hitler's Diaries, Lincoln's Assassins, and Other Famous Frauds

Hippo Eats Dwarf: A Field Guide to Hoaxes and Other B.S.

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Phantoms & Monsters: Strange Encounters
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Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Night at the Cabin

I recently received the following correspondence:

Dear Mr. Strickler - 3 years ago, my uncle (my father's brother) passed away. He lived in Lansing, Michigan at the time. I was born and lived in Lansing until I moved to West Lafayette, Indiana for college. After I graduated, I moved to Arizona (where I currently reside).

A few weeks after my uncle passed away, I received a package from the executor of my uncle's estate. The contents included several personal items that had belonged to my father and a large envelope with several photographs from the 1960's. Most of the photos were of my father & uncle at various hunting camps. The envelope also contained a letter written by my uncle for me. There was no date, but I could tell he had written it. Here is the exact content in the letter:

Please forgive me for not telling you this in person. I never knew how to explain what happened. In 1966, not long after you were born, your dad, a guide and I were in North Bay, Ontario moose hunting. We had been out in the forest for almost 6 hours and were making our way back to the cabin. It was dusk and it started to become dark quickly.

As we got nearer to the cabin, we could hear strange whirling sounds coming from the direction we were heading. I was now dark, and we could see a bright green light was shining above the cabin. We stopped walking and watched the light as it slowing circled about 50 ft. above the cabin. The light was oblong in shape. I could not judge the size since there was an aura around it. The swirling sound continued also.

The next thing we remember was waking up in our cabin bunks the next morning. All of us had sharp pain around our ears and eyes. We couldn't explain what had happened to us. We packed our gear and headed for home as soon as we could.

By the time we reached Lansing, your Dad was terribly ill. Your Mom rushed him to the hospital that same night. The doctor said he had the flu, but I knew better. I didn't suffer any effects. The guide was OK also.

Your Dad was in the hospital for four days and started to feel better, but he was really never the same. I believe the incident at the cabin affected him. He would say that he continually had sharp stabbing pains all over his body. It became so bad that he could not work. Well, you know the rest of the story.

I felt that you deserved an explanation of what happened. I don't know if you should tell your Mom. That's your decision.

For as long as could remember, my father was in and out of treatment. When I received the letter, my mother had already passed away. I don't know if she ever knew what happened to my father.

My mother was the sole bread-winner for our family. We did receive some money from the state for my father's disability, but I know it wasn't much. Those payments stopped soon after my father took his own life in 1975.

I wish I knew more about what happened that evening at the cabin. MM

Earth: An Alien Enterprise: The Shocking Truth Behind the Greatest Cover-Up in Human History

UFOs for the 21st Century Mind: A Fresh Guide to an Ancient Mystery

Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience: The True Story of the World's First Documented Alien Abduction

Daily 2 Cents: Pennsylvania's Strange Reptilian Creatures -- Unknown Image On My Phone! -- My Latest Abduction

Pennsylvania's Strange Reptilian Creatures

They may not be Godzilla, which reappears in its latest incarnation today in theaters nationwide, but plenty of strange, reptilian-type creatures have been reported in Pennsylvania. None of the reports have been confirmed, and most have not been supported by photos, but multiple reports of each of the creatures have been recorded by cryptozoological investigators.

Giant snakes, from 15-20 feet in length and a foot or so in diameter, have been reported in various areas across southcentral Pennsylvania since the 1830s. They're generally described as black, dark brown or dark gray, sometimes with yellow markings, and able to crawl along with its head raised several feet.

Multiple people claimed to have encountered one of the giant snakes at Devil's Den near Gettysburg in April 1833. Several reports of a snake much larger than any known native snake species in Pennsylvania were recorded in the Allentown area in 1870-71. Most recently the reports of giant snakes have been concentrated mostly in The Broad Top area of Bedford and Fayette counties.

Dark maroon to dark green, 35- to 40-foot-long, sea serpent-type creatures, sometimes covered in large scales, have been reported in Lake Erie since the early 1800s. Reports spiked in the 1990s, when reports of Loch Ness Monster sightings also hit a peak. In Ohio's portion of the Great Lake, the creature is known as South Bay Bessie, and Cleveland's American Hockey League-team - the Lake Erie Monsters - has a sea serpent mascot.

Something similar was reported in Lake Raystown in Huntingdon County in 1962 and again in spring 2006. The reports also became the focus an investigation by a team from the Syfy Channel's "Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files" in 2010. The team deemed a couple observers of the beast to be creditable witnesses, attempted to recreate the most recent photo without complete success and categorized the investigation results as undecided.

Another Look at 'Raystown Ray'

Thunderbirds, which were recorded in Native American folklore across the continent, sometimes are described as something similar to pterosaurs of the late Triassic and Cretaceous periods and other times as massive, condor-like birds with wingspans of 10 feet or more. A mysterious, vanishing and reappearing, Civil War-era photo that seemed to show several soldiers standing around a "downed" thunderbird has been debated for years.

More recently, reports of giant birds came out of the Allegheny Plateau region of northcentral Pennsylvania in the 1970s and the Greensburg area in 2001.

Other reports have circulated through the cryptozoological community of gargoyle-like creatures standing eight-feet tall and covered in tan or brown, leather-like skin (2011 near East Brady in Butler County) and, at the most extreme edges of the field, reptilian aliens that live in underground bases with the cooperation of the government. - PennLive

Monsters of Pennsylvania: Mysterious Creatures in the Keystone State

Strange Pennsylvania Monsters

Silent Invasion: The Pennsylvania UFO-Bigfoot Casebook


My Latest Abduction

On Thursday 22, May 2014 1:30 pm In Phoenix Arizona.

The first part happened in about one minute.

I was mowing my lawn and when coming up to the west block wall to make a turn i noticed that there was an energetic change in the atmosphere immediately around me, then it became difficult to see the wall, there was something like a mirage in front of me. Then i sensed an acute increase in this energy around me and i thought to myself "There is something wrong with me maybe i'm having a stroke".

Second part. 1-2 min

I was greatly worried and noticed that i had a thought that this was familiar like i had been through this before and then i started feeling panicky and went to turn the mower around and as i did then it hit me "im being abducted again". Fight or Flight kicked in when i saw the being 4 feet in front of me semi transparent holding something. I tried to ram him with the lawnmower but i was paralyzed - stuck - helpless. The thing he was holding flashed and i was then unconscious.

Third part.

I felt like i was dropping, yet still unconscious and when i could open my eyes i was on my bed in all of my dirty clothes with my shoes on.
IT WAS 5:30pm.

Forth part.

My right arm was hurting so i looked and had a big bruise on my shoulder.

Now at this point my memory was fuzzy and did not know what happened to me.

I went outside and saw that the lawn was not finished and there were grass clippings all over the porch and the mower was in the middle of the porch. I never leave things this way.

I was woozy and perplexed. I sat outside until 2:am wondering what happened to me and why are things this way. I was so dismayed i could not sleep. Finally i did, and at 4:30 am I woke up in a panic because the memories came flooding back to me from the back yard. So i got a pen and paper and wrote the event down. Now i call this an abduction because since i was 5 yrs of age i have had night time abductions. My first experience at five i received 2 scoop marks on my right arm and have the scars to this day.

I don't ever remember any daytime events before this.This has scarred me to death. There is something more benign about night abductions. Being taken away in the middle of the day while completely conscious. No paralysis and obviously against my will is new to me and i want to know if this has happened to anyone else. - MUFON CMS


Pregnant Pakistani woman stoned to death by family

LAHORE, Pakistan (AP) - A pregnant woman was stoned to death Tuesday by her own family outside a courthouse in the Pakistani city of Lahore for marrying the man she loved.

The woman was killed while on her way to court to contest an abduction case her family had filed against her husband. Her father was promptly arrested on murder charges, police investigator Rana Mujahid said, adding that police were working to apprehend all those who participated in this "heinous crime."

Arranged marriages are the norm among conservative Pakistanis, and hundreds of women are murdered every year in so-called honor killings carried out by husbands or relatives as a punishment for alleged adultery or other illicit sexual behavior.

Stonings in public settings, however, are extremely rare. Tuesday's attack took place in front of a crowd of onlookers in broad daylight. The courthouse is located on a main downtown thoroughfare.

A police officer, Naseem Butt, identified the slain woman as Farzana Parveen, 25, and said she had married Mohammad Iqbal, 45, against her family's wishes after being engaged to him for years.

Her father, Mohammad Azeem, had filed an abduction case against Iqbal, which the couple was contesting, said her lawyer, Mustafa Kharal. He said she was three months pregnant.

Nearly 20 members of Parveen's extended family, including her father and brothers, had waited outside the building that houses the high court of Lahore. As the couple walked up to the main gate, the relatives fired shots in the air and tried to snatch her from Iqbal, her lawyer said.

When she resisted, her father, brothers and other relatives started beating her, eventually pelting her with bricks from a nearby construction site, according to Mujahid and Iqbal, the slain woman's husband.

Iqbal said he started seeing Parveen after the death of his first wife, with whom he had five children.

"We were in love," he told The Associated Press. He alleged that the woman's family wanted to fleece money from him before marrying her off.

"I simply took her to court and registered a marriage," infuriating the family, he said.

Parveen's father surrendered after the attack and called his daughter's murder an "honor killing," Butt said.

"I killed my daughter as she had insulted all of our family by marrying a man without our consent, and I have no regret over it," Mujahid, the police investigator, quoted the father as saying.

Mujahid said the woman's body was handed over to her husband for burial.

The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, a private group, said in a report last month that some 869 women were murdered in honor killings in 2013.

But even Pakistanis who have tracked violence against women expressed shock at the brutal and public nature of Tuesday's slaying.

"I have not heard of any such case in which a woman was stoned to death, and the most shameful and worrying thing is that this woman was killed outside a courthouse," said Zia Awan, a prominent lawyer and human rights activist.

He said Pakistanis who commit violence against women are often acquitted or handed light sentences because of poor police work and faulty prosecutions.

"Either the family does not pursue such cases or police don't properly investigate. As a result, the courts either award light sentences to the attackers, or they are acquitted," he said. - AOL


Unknown Image On My Phone!

The 'details' bit on my phone states this image was taken at 22:51:22 last night - I am really creeped out because I went to bed about 9:30-10ish last night and can't remember getting back up! This is the only weird photo on my phone, can anyone help??



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This Week On 'Beyond The Edge' Radio: Matt Swayne - Journalist / Author 'Haunted Rock & Roll'

Join Eric, Lon & Sean as we welcome journalist, research writer & author Matt Swayne to 'Beyond The Edge' Radio.

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Matthew L. Swayne (State College, PA) is a journalist who currently works as a research writer at Penn State. Matt has worked as a reporter and as a music reviewer for several newspapers and online outlets, such as and He is a regular contributor to the recently revitalized version of Omni Magazine, called Omni Reboot. He writes the Anti-Matter column, which looks at fringe science and the paranormal, for the online magazine. He has also worked on writing projects with Paranormal State's Eilfie Music. Balancing skepticism with an open mind, Matt uses his experience in journalism and interest in both ghostlore and the paranormal to collect and tell stories about the supernatural.

About Haunted Rock & Roll: Ghostly Tales of Musical Legends - Plug in the guitar, raise the curtain, and step onto the haunted stage. From rock and roll’s pioneers to its contemporary rebels, the greatest names live on after death—in unexpected and frightening ways. Discover thrilling stories of Michael Jackson, Jim Morrison, Led Zeppelin, the Beatles, Amy Winehouse, and many more rockers who’ve been seen haunting their favorite bars, clubs, and homes.

Haunted Rock and Roll covers rock’s entire paranormal legacy, allowing you to explore the famous faces, places, and legends that define one of the biggest cultural movements of all time. Experience true stories of rock star ghosts while enjoying trivia and insights from renowned ghost hunters and researchers. Whether they’re making demonic deals for fame or being chased into the afterlife under mysterious circumstances, rockers have followed the same motto: live fast, die young, and leave a restless spirit.

Matt is also the author of America's Haunted Universities: Ghosts that Roam Hallowed Halls

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Phantoms & Monsters: Strange Encounters
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