; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mardi, mai 20, 2014

Daily 2 Cents: 35 Head of Cattle Mutilated Near Prairie Du Chen, WI -- Massive Fish Die-Off -- Bigfoot Hype

35 Head of Cattle Mutilated Near Prairie Du Chen, WI

Case Number 56453
Log Number US-05192014-0034
Date Submitted 05/19/2014 11:54 UTC
Date of the Event 05/31/1978 12:00 UTC
Source MUFON
Disposition Unresolved
Summary cattle mutilation
Tags none
Sighting Location
City Prairie du Chien
Region Wisconsin
Country United States
Latitude 43.05165
Longitude -91.14124
The latitude and longitude presented here is an approximation to protect the reporters identity
Sighting Specifics
Viewing Distance Unknown
Sighting Duration Undisclosed
Object Features Unknown
Object Flight Path Unknown
Object Shape N, A
Weather Factors Unknown
Sighting Details
Cattle mutilation approximately 35 head of beef cattle on a farm north of praire du chein wisc, farm own by a father and son, went there to ask them about it and what they said was all the cattle were taken to madison wisconsin , they were told that they were not allowed to talk about this to anyone buy an order from the military, they father and son was so in fear that they bought pistols to carry with them on the farm. All the son would tell us was there was no foot prints of any type or tire tracks and the animals were missing all hanging body parts and reproductive organs.

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70,000 Fish Turn Up Dead in Marina Del Rey

Authorities are trying to determine what caused tens of thousands of fish to turn up dead in the waters off Marina del Rey over the weekend.

The first report came in just after 9 p.m. Saturday at the A-Basin in the 13000 block of Tahiti Way, officials said. When Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department deputies arrived, they discovered an estimated 70,000 dead anchovies floating in the water, along with other sea life, including sting rays and angel sharks.

It was not immediately known what caused the fish to die and wash up to the basin. A bait fish expert told NBC4 that Saturday night’s low tide combined with low oxygen levels may have been the cause of the massive die off.

"Inside the marina here you have the sea walls that make it a confined space, so there's only a certain amount of oxygen in the water immediate to the fish," said bait expert Mike Spears. "It was a low tide, which means the water was going out, nothing was coming in from the ocean, so it was just stale water and they just suffocated in it, and everything around them suffocated, too."

Matthew King of Heal the Bay said the weather may be to blame.

"Warmer temperatures can create algal blooms, which will suck up a lot of oxygen," King said. "That's happened in the past, and hot weather always has been associated with low oxygen levels in the water."

On Sunday afternoon, workers hauled away about 175 garbage bags worth of fish, weighing an estimated 7,000 pounds.

A similar die-off took place in Redondo Beach in 2011 when 35 tons of dead fish surfaced in King Harbor. - NBC Los Angeles


Rare unidentified fish

Tampa, Florida -- An extremely rare fish was caught off Pensacola pier.

This rarely seen fish was caught this week off a pier in Pensacola and is now on its way down to researchers at the Florida Fish and Wildlife Research Institute.

Once this specimen arrives at FWRI, researchers will confirm the ID of the species, and take a tissue sample for DNA analysis. According to the FWRI this is "a very rare fish, almost unknown from inshore waters." - WTSP


Bigfoot hype

Sigh...you'd think after 100 nights of 'torment' that someone would have gotten a decent photograph or video of these 'Bigfoot'

100 Bigfoot Nights

In a residential neighborhood, across the street from Christine’s house, there is an old, creepy forest where Bigfoots and the unknown lurk. Her family has been tormented by the creatures and, according to the Bigfoot investigator they contacted, “They aren’t going anywhere.” It is a horrifying situation and potentially dangerous. Was it a matter of time before their worlds collided? As the planet gets more and more crowded with us, “They” are left with less and less habitat. Learning to live in the shadows and hiding in plain sight. The next time you are walking past a forest or park at night, think about it, you may not be alone.

Bigfoots have been sighted throughout history and called by many names…. Sasquatch, Yeti, Yowie, Skunk Ape, and Giant Ape to name a few. Bigfoots to me are an intelligent, prehistoric beast. They are dangerous and terrifying to watch and nothing to mess with. Man’s misconception of being the top of the food chain is the biggest lie ever told. We have Bigfoots in our neighborhood and there is nothing we can do about it. The Bigfoots do whatever they want and no one can stop them – we can only record their presence with photographs, audio recordings, and videos. This is our grim reality and we are trying to cope with it.

NOTE: These people may very well have some type of anomalous activity at their location (ex. orb) but I have not seen anything the definitively resembles Bigfoot. Lon



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