; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

jeudi, avril 24, 2014

'Phantoms & Monsters' - Tell Us About Your Experience!

Have you had a close encounter or witnessed something unusual? If you have, become a part of Phantoms & Monsters. Please feel free to forward an original (non-fictional) account that is well-written with specific details (including photographic evidence attached if available) to lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com for consideration of publication in Phantoms & Monsters. If you want to keep your name and other information confidential...no problem. I'm interested in first-hand accounts of paranormal and unexplained experiences. I have reported and investigated a wide variety of sightings and encounters over the years, including:

* Alien abductions and human experimentation (ex. The Eckhart Family home invasions and abductions as documented on 'Fact of Faked: Fact or Faked')

* Cryptid and other strange being encounters (ex. 'The Conewago Phantom' - My personal encounter with the 'Sykesville Monster' - Cryptid flying rays - Mothman encounters, plus other accounts included in Phantoms & Monsters: Cryptid Encounters)

* Spiritual hauntings, infestations & possessions (Client testimonials)

* UFO sightings and related experiences

* Unexplained phenomena and events (ex. The Todd Sees Incident - Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research - The Todd Sees Incident Briefing & Roundtable Discussion)

'Phantoms & Monsters' is distributed and syndicated for free to over 20,000 readers daily! Several approved blogs and news services, with written permission, circulate many of the blog posts...especially features with original content.

I also accept well-written and properly documented articles describing paranormal and supernatural events and subjects. All references used in the narrative must be accredited to the original source.

Thanks again for reading Phantoms & Monsters...Lon

Your continued support of 'Phantoms & Monsters' is important and appreciated. Thanks for reading!

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Phantoms & Monsters: Strange Encounters
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