; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mardi, avril 01, 2014

Daily 2 Cents: Constructing A Hoax -- Petition To Have Ricky D Charged With Fraud -- Yeti Sightings Increasing

How Ricky D's Furry Fraud Was Made

Researcher Laura Michaels recently sat down with Chris Russell to get this interview:

LM: Ok guys. here it is. One thing Chris Russell did want me to say, is that he wanted this to be copied, shared, or whatever, with his exact words. Please don’t edit it at all. Thanks!

I sent him questions via email and he worked on the answers while working in his shop.

CR: This is part of the mold for Hank. He was sculpted in WED clay to look like " and old, poorly made taxidermy prop" per clients request.

This is what is left of the plaster mold. The rest of it went to the dumpster. Latex is the yellow color seen in the photo in the mold. I will pull out the casting of hanks face tonight and send photos.

HANK was made of polyfoam filled latex with latex paints and red camel hair glued on… intentionally to look like an "old poorly made taxidermy of a bigfoot nearly 8 feet tall and 4 feet wide at shoulders" at clients request to tour the country while filming of a movie for film studio I will not publicly name at this time.

I signed non disclosure agreements with Dyer LLC to keep this a secret until the code word PROJECT FOOTPRINT was said. I was only to answer phone calls from a number listed in my phone as project footprint.

The email correspondent during the project also gave that code word. Last night in a live audio / video chat revealing the truth behind "the hoax" Rick Dyer said that he cannot reveal the maker of the prop because they wish to remain anonymous I spoke up and said the code word and Rick spoke the code word and identified myself as the maker of the body known as Hank the bigfoot.

I was the person who told Rick from the beginning that I did not want to be involved in the film, credited for the prop building, leaked to media, or on camera for the film crew filming everything. I specifically requested no film crew at my studio on pick up day and that only two people come, Rick himself and one helper.

He contacted me last year inquiring about having a prop bigfoot body made. I did not know him or his name prior to the phone call. He asked about different styles of props and I discussed options and prices for his body from realistic silicone and punched hair to the flat back prop with glued hair that was chosen.

Within a couple of days of Rick picking up the body I began hearing internet buzz and news reports on Rick and his story.

Rick did send me drawings and images of bigfoot and asked me to recreate certain features in his prop like facial features, fur, feet etc..

Many of the features explained in your question were intended by myself, although some were just happy accidents due to the nature of casting latex and foam.

When Rick inquired about the prop he did ask if I could have it finished in December 2013. I accepted the job knowing I was booked on current projects that would be finished to allow time for Ricks project.

I was paid and put the job on the project board in the shop. Once I started the project it was sculpted, molded , cast, painted and haired within two weeks. Rick did not rush me, I agreed to finish the job by a certain time and I did.

Project footprint is the code word that Rick Dyer and myself used to communicate about the project. There was an agreement because of the top secret nature of the prop that we neither of us would speak to anyone about this unless the code word project footprint was spoken unless this was said I was to keep everything a secret and never admit involvement.

My phone had a phone number listed under project footprint that Rick would call me from and I also received emails with the code word project footprint and information about the project. Rick had initially said that we needed a code word to know if it was okay to talk about this and project footprint was my suggestion.

Rick did have one person with him who came into my studio and did see the prop knowing it was fake. I asked Rick to only bring one person into my studio with him and I was introduced to the person although at this point I do not remember his name but I believe that person to be Lynk according to his description.

Rick and his associate came into the basement of my studio and I lifted the body made of latex and poly foam by myself and took it upstairs where Rick and his associate put it into the box added curtains around the edge of the box and the three of us pushed the box down the driveway into the back of his "Rick Dyer see bigfoot inside " trailer that was parked in front of my studio

LM: Although Rick has confessed to having the body made, he still claims he has at least one Bigfoot body…somewhere. Did he ever tell you, during any of your conversations, that he DID kill a Bigfoot?

CR: Rick has maintained throughout all of our correspondence that he did indeed kill a real Bigfoot yet needed a prop body to take on tour so that the real Bigfoot would not be stolen. -- Chris Russell via Facebook March 29th, 2014


Petition to have Rick Dyer charged with fraud

Charge Rick Dyer with Fraud

Petitioning United States Department of Justice

Rick Dyer has taken money from thousands of people to view the body of bigfoot which he has traveled around the country displaying.

The body has been found to be a fake and we the people who sign this online petition demand the United States Department of Justice charge Rick Dyer with fraud.


Yeti sightings increasing

Fishermen and a forestry worker in Siberia have claimed that a group of yetis are on the loose in the area.

One person who reported spying the beast said “We shouted, ‘Do you need help?’ They rushed away, all in fur, walking on two legs, making their way through the bushes and with two other limbs, straight up the hill.

The person who made the report added: “It could not be bears, as the bear walks on all fours, and they ran on two. Then they were gone.”

On a second sighting on the bank of the Mras-Su River several days later, an unnamed fisherman was quoted as saying: “We saw some tall animals looking like people.”

He added: “Our binoculars were broken and did not let us see them sharply. We waved at the animals but they did not respond, then quickly ran back into the forest, walking on two legs.

“We realized that they were not in dark clothes but covered by dark fur. They did walk like people.”

And in a third sighting a forestry inspector reported seeing a yeti in a national park, a government official said.

Sergei Adlyakov said: “The creature did not look like a bear and quickly disappeared after breaking some branches off the bushes.”

Russia’s leading yeti expert Igor Burtsev, head of the International Center of Hominology, claimed sightings were ‘significant’.

At a similar expedition in 2012, he claimed to have found yeti hair though no DNA findings have been released.

He claims the creature — also known as bigfoot and Sasquatch — is the missing link between Neanderthal man and modern human beings.

Burtsev has previously claimed a population of around 30 yetis are living in Russia’s Kemerovo region.

He said: “We have good evidence of the yeti living in our region, and we have heard convincing details from experts elsewhere in Russia and in the U.S. and Canada.

“The description of the habits of the Abominable Snowmen are similar from all over the world.” - SciTech



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