According to a few sources, Ricky D has once again packed up 'Hank' and is heading back home. It seems like his attempt to exhibit the 'furry fraud', this time in Florida, has ended in failure.
Rick D told his dwindling group of fans that he was taking a three-month hiatus from his nationwide tour after he failed to bring in anywhere near the $200,000 he planned to make by setting up at Daytona's Bike Week festivities. Seems the motorcycle enthusiasts weren't in the mood for the carnival act.
This most-recent misstep came on the heels of the revelation that the BBC film featuring Dyer, Shooting Bigfoot, was actually a hoax after all. In the film, Dyer and filmmaker Morgan Matthews were supposedly 'attacked' by a hairy hominid in the San Antonio, TX suburbs. An odd freeze-frame of the beast has become well-publicized over the internet, even though a source who was present during the filming has come out to claim that the entire attack was rehearsed.
Fortunately for those you still want to observe a fake Bigfoot, the well-known fake dead Bigfoot, The Minnesota Ice Man, now resides in the Museum of the Weird in Austin, Texas. The legendary sideshow attraction went missing for decades, only to reappear in a storage shed last year, prompting the museum to snatch it up and reintroduce to curious onlookers.
When the Minnesota Ice Man was created, someone actually took great pains to exhibit detail. It truly is a magnificent display. Ricky D could learn a lesson from his latest can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig.
Paranormal Nation: Why America Needs Ghosts, UFOs, and Bigfoot
Tracking the Man-Beasts: Sasquatch, Vampires, Zombies, and More
Skeptoid: Critical Analysis Of Pop Phenomena

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