I have just published a 2nd edition of Phantoms & Monsters: Cryptid Encounters [Kindle Edition]. This version contains a few images and an easier to read format. Those readers who purchased the 1st edition should receive a notice that the new version is available for free download. If you have been waiting to read this book, now is the time to purchase. A collection of personal cryptid encounter reports submitted by regular people who felt compelled to find answers about their unexplained experience. I keep an open mind when reading and discussing witness accounts since I truly understand how they feel...because few people believed my extraordinary encounter either. It would make a great and inexpensive gift for the cryptid, Bigfoot and Mothman enthusiast! The price remains the same at $2.99.
Phantoms & Monsters: Strange Encounters [Kindle Edition], my second book, has been in the top 10 of the Kindle Top 100 Supernatural and Unexplained Mysteries categories since it was published in November 2013! This book contains a variety of paranormal and supernatural incidents, including phantoms, apparitions, humanoids, aliens & other-worldly beings, unexplained phenomena, UFOs, monsters & cryptids.
As always...thanks for reading. Lon

Phantoms & Monsters: Strange Encounters
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