Alien Behind a Tree
Indiana - unedited: One night in October of 08' I went out looking around a certain place that I have visited a few times prior to this. I have gone to this place by myself and have caught some strange sounds also on film. I'm not recommending that anyone else should do that but always bring somebody else with you, for safety!
This is a video capture from my video. What you are seeing is what I would call for a lack of a better word an alien?!? Or just unknown?! At the time of the incident I did have a friend with me. We were just walking around the place I had my video camera and flashlight he just had a flashlight. Now I did not see this nor did he after reviewing the tape on the computer I noticed this "unknown" move behind the tree when I panned left to right with the video. On the video you can clearly see this thing move from behing the tree and then back. It almost looks like it has a self glow to it, if you will. Notice the shape of the eyes and there position. Also the head shape! These are real and nothing fake about them!!!
It did freak me out a little after I reviewd the tape but it was exciting to actualy think this could possible be an alien. I do believe that God in his infinite wisdom and creativity that we are not the only intelligent beings in this vast universe. So, I am attaching a couple of pics from the video here. Hope all of you enjoy this if not well your entitled to it I guess lol. Thank you mufon for the website and to all of you out there searching and posting ufo sightings to here keep it up! - MUFON CMS
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Potter County, PA Bigfoot
Although they don’t have substantiated evidence, some local “Squatch hunters” say they have had numerous encounters with the elusive creature in Potter County and the surrounding areas. They say Bigfoot (also known as Sasquatch, Yeti, Rugaru, Windigo, Abominable Snowman, Migyur, and many other names, each specific to one of the many locales around the globe where the giant beast has been reported) definitely makes its home in our area, probably because of the abundance of remote habitat and favorable terrain found here.
Sandy Cramer and Justin Prouty, two of the most dedicated hunters, say they started the local research project kind of on a whim.
“One night, Justin and his wife were at my house and we were kind of bored,” said Cramer, a semi-retired nurse. “Justin said, ‘Let’s go Bigfoot hunting.’ I thought he was kidding, but we went that night and had a lot of fun. We kept going and when we started having some encounters, we got to thinking, ‘Oh my God, this is real.’”
That was in the summer of 2011 and they’ve since gotten hooked on Squatch hunting, although Cramer points out that “hunting” isn’t really the right word. “What we’re doing is looking for evidence and researching. We’re trying to learn as much as we can about a creature that is not very well-known.”
The closest encounter they’ve had is with a Bigfoot they’ve named ‘Pops.’ They describe him as light gray and report seeing him several times. They suspect he is also the creature who has been enjoying the peanut butter they leave out in an area he seems to frequent. Once, when Cramer and Prouty walked along the edge of a field, two other Squatch hunters watching from a nearby barn saw a large, gray creature step out of the woods and follow them a short distance back.
Then, a couple weeks later, when Cramer and Prouty were at the barn, Prouty walked the length of the field alone, while Cramer remained by the barn doing call-outs, a vocalization similar to the whooping calls of a Bigfoot done in the hopes that a Bigfoot will respond.
As Prouty passed an old orchard along the edge of the field, he noticed what appeared to be a discolored shape in the grass. Just then, Cramer whooped and the shape stood. Prouty said that in the light of the bright full moon, there was no mistaking the creature. ‘Pops’ was only about 30 feet from Prouty and although the ground was about three feet lower there than where Prouty stood, he said they were eye-level. Prouty was so startled, he dropped the parabolic dish he had been carrying, then tried to call to Cramer on the walkie-talkie to tell her what he’d found.
“I could hardly talk,” he remembers. “I just kept saying, ‘Squatch, Squatch!’ Sandy said ‘Hold on, I’m coming,’ but by the time she got there Pops had left.
“He went about 50 or 60 feet up a steep bank in just four or five strides,” said Prouty.
He and Cramer checked the spot where Pops had been laying and found that the grass was warm, while all around it was covered in frost.
“If I’d seen just a glimpse of something in the distance, I could tell myself it was something else, not a Bigfoot, but when you see one that close, there’s nothing else you can tell yourself it is,” said Prouty. “It was a Bigfoot.” - Potter Leader Enterprise
Silent Invasion: The Pennsylvania UFO-Bigfoot Casebook
Monsters of Pennsylvania: Mysterious Creatures in the Keystone State
Really Mysterious Pennsylvania: UFOs, Bigfoot & Other Weird Encounters Casebook One
Strange howling sound awakens St. Paul, MN
Click - listen to it here
Was it an animal in distress? Heavy equipment tearing up concrete before dawn? A train accident?
Not that anyone in St. Paul could tell. But a distant, howling scraping sound woke people up about 4 a.m. this morning in St. Paul’s Highland Park and Mac-Groveland neighborhoods.
The sound echoed for miles through the city.
Ramsey County dispatchers initially thought it might have been demolition at the site of the former U.S. Bank offices near Highway 5, across the river from Fort Snelling. But they sent officers down to check it out and authorities now think it’s ice shifting on the Mississippi.
The river froze over in the gorge between St. Paul and Minneapolis during the recent cold weather, and it may have started breaking up as the weather warmed up last night.
Officials with the Army Corp of Engineers and the National Park Service, both of which have jurisdiction over the river, said they weren’t initially sure what the noise was, but they’re both listening and might be able to offer a more definitive explanation later. - MPR News
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