In March 2013, I posted a photo and commentary from a witness at a gas plant in Kenedy, TX. The information was forwarded to me by Ken Pfeifer.
I subsequently received a follow-up sighting in nearby Beeville, TX in September 2013.
On Tuesday Feb. 11th, I received the following image and description from clairvoyant artist J.K.McCandless:
Attached is the drawing I told you I would do. I think it is enough to answer the question of: What is it? This was done completely independent of the photo.
After I completed it I looked at the video by Stephen Hannard ADGUK, titled: Creepy Entity Caught At Texas Gas Plant.
I looked at the close up version and I saw the reptilian with its mouth tugged downward on his left side. I also recognized the deer head and saddle horn at the top. Other objects have been covered, I think, or bagged, so I drew certain things beyond the covers. The pair of boots are covering a head of a man who has had his face split in two. The face can be seen through them.
A full-size image can be found here --> Gas Plant Entity - Full-Sized:
UPDATE: Today I received an email from clairvoyant artist J.K.McCandless that included her full description of the entity drawing:
Hi Lon:
I read the one comment that was entered and thought I should share with you my impression of the drawing of the entity.
The impression I got was that this was a family that had been taken while camping along with their pack animals.
I believe I see tent stakes lying across the top of the saddle. Next to it may be their tent and camping gear.
I got the impression that there is more than one person hanging on the side of the creature. Possibly two females.
The first female's face I saw earlier in the drawing, but it was not meant to be shown. She has pretty eyes though.
The female that is behind her is partially revealed. Therefore what is seen is the body of the first female and a partial glimpse of the face of the second female.
The first female has a cord running through her thigh. It appears that this is the way the reptile keeps his bundle together.
Also what shows up in the drawing is the habit of sewing or tying the hands of the victim to the side of the body.
The appendage to the right side of the drawing appears to be two legs of an animal, possibly the deer, that has been tied together.
This reptilian, from what little I know of them, is the wide mouthed variety. They are said to live in the earth. Since they seem to be seen often in that Texas area, perhaps that means that there is an entrance to their underground domain in that area of Texas.
The two children appear to be alive and looking at their mother, or mothers.
The boots still attached to a headless body appears to belong to the man who's head appears beneath them.
The rest of the body lies beneath the camping gear and was too difficult to color due to perspective, so I just left it as is. From the split in his head, I,m guessing that he must have tried to defend his family.
The other male body lies in a bag, like a hunter's bag, with his feet and thighs showing. He is lying down flat. Therefore it appears that there are two families that were taken. The man in the bag has a broken leg. You can see the bone protruding from his shin and the resulting injury to his leg.
There is a deer and her fawn. There appears to be a horse with possibly a feed bag still attached to its head. I'm really not sure on that one. But there is another animal in its bridle. I'm not sure if it's a small horse or pony or mule. Colors are guessed at, so they may not be accurate.
That is a teddy bear belonging to one child, and in front of that is a rabbit, probably a stuffed animal belonging to the other child.
Notice the feet and leggings of the reptilian. Both legs appear to be camouflaged with coverings. The foot that is closest to the viewer shows a harness for the foot of the reptile. It is partially full. They also appear to wear this harness to cover their footprints.
The reptilian is shown in a full front view unlike the photo. The reptile is making a sharp right turn. That is how he was able to disappear so quickly.
I can't think of anything else to share except that this is not a cartoon. This is a real and accurate, to the best of my ability, depiction of the truth of the photo submitted to Phantoms and Monsters. J.K.McCandless
Phantoms & Monsters: Strange Encounters
Monsters of Texas
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