; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

lundi, janvier 27, 2014

What Cryptids Remain to be Discovered by Mainstream Science?

Mermaids, Bigfoot, Yeti, Loch Ness Monster, Chupacabras, and odd-looking dolphins...What else remains on the “yet to be discovered" list of “mainstream science?”

Browse the internet and you too will find a slew of interesting articles about science's ongoing discoveries. "Scientists announce top 10 new species 2013" from Arizona State University, and "New Dolphin Discovered in Brazil" from sciencemag.org, are just two of the many out there.

As you read these articles, you may wonder: exactly how much of the world has science discovered? How much of the mystery of life can “mainstream science” claim to know? Why is science given more credence than religion and paranormal occurrences? And what about the army of believers from all continents, who claim to have had encounters with other beings that science still cannot explain?

Religion is defined as “a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.”

This begs the question: aren’t science and religion related? Isn’t science itself a religion? What makes science believers more credible than the others?

What if we had all been fooled?

Could science itself be marred by its own legends? Could science stories – like “Ghost manifestations aren’t real, Mermaid creatures like Mamiwata do not exist, Bigfoot is a big lie, Yeti was never seen, the Loch Ness Monster is a fable, Chupacabras a fabrication" – be just that, stories? Could all the sightings reported by armies of people, from all continents, for centuries, not be the product of “unhealthy minds," but real encounters? Could all these denials by science actually be science's very own legend?

There continues to be countless examples of science contradictions, theories later debunked by scientist themselves. This link only list a few (http://eduboard.com/blog/top-ten-theories-that-science-created-and-debunked). There are many more.

Who's to say that someday in the future they will not write this kind of article about many of the “unknowns” from planet earth and beyond? Among these expect to find “Mermaids, Mamiwata, Bigfoot, Yeti, Loch Ness Monster, Chupacabra, and yes, funny looking dolphins like the one recently discovered in Brazil.

The articles from Arizona State University and Science Magazine are simply more proof that science has yet to master the world (visible and invisible) in which we live. So until they can prove that phantoms do not exist, that mermaids are a hoax, that Bigfoot is a big lie, shouldn't we all keep an open mind about all these entities?

If you want to learn more about the legends of the African Evil Mermaid, remember to check out Mamiwata film www.mamiwatafilm.com

It's a paranormal horror movie based on real events and encounters with a mermaid. You can also find them on Facebook for a chance to win a $50 amazon gift card http://mamiwatafilm.com/contest/. Or follow them on twitter for production updates https://twitter.com/MamiwataFilm.

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