; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

vendredi, janvier 10, 2014

UFO Incident: Fort Knox, KY

The following incident was forwarded to me recently. This incident was originally reported on 7/1981, then later to MUFON CMS on 12/26/2006...though I have been told that some of this incident was mentioned in the July 1990 issue in the MUFON Journal. The updated report I received was from the original witness who wished to remain anonymous:

- The incident occurred while working at the Fort Knox - US Army Drill Sergeant.

- A post emergency alert was issued in July, 1981 about 0200 hrs.

- The entire post was mobilized with weapons on hand and life ammo.

- Including Armour and Artillery units, as well as even trainees in basic training. The incident lasted up daybreak when we all witnessed a metal object lifting into the sky by itself.

- The object was not of any familiar shape of any known aircraft, other than circular and metallic in appearance.

- Its flying characteristics were totally in violation of all capabilities of even today's aircraft. Every personnel at distance close enough to have been able to see the object was sworn into secrecy.

- I have never openly talked about this incident for two reasons...the secrecy swear, and my further career in the US Army.

- In time I became exposed to various different elements within the military, intelligence community, and special projects.

- In later years I learned that the Fort Knox incident had been kept secret within very closed circles and had never been exposed.

- This writing is not for notoriety, it is simply to present information that demonstrates the secrecy maintained within the United States and other governments around the world in regards to the UFO phenomena.

NOTE: There was a previous incident at Fort Knox, KY in 1948, known as the Mantell UFO Incident. If anyone has further information on this incident, please forward to me...Lon

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