; Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal

mercredi, janvier 22, 2014

This Week On 'Beyond The Edge' Radio: Scott Walton - BTE Radio's Pop Culture Guru / '2014 Movie Preview'

Join Eric, Lon & Sean as we welcome our friend Scott Walton and his '2014 movie preview' to 'Beyond The Edge' Radio.

Scott has been married to his best friend for 11 years and how she puts up with it, he doesn't know...and doesn't want to ask. Scott is a stage and voice-over actor, former owner of a comic store and cast member for the Pittsburgh Renaissance Festival. He will be appearing as an extra on TV and a movie this year (watch closely, you may miss him).

Scott tries to live his life in order to have the best stories at the end. In the immortal words of Jimmy Buffett, "I'd rather die while I'm living than live while I'm dead." He is also entertained by all things sci fi and fantasy. He has so many fond memories of reading comics as a kid and is a bit of an evangelist of comics. Scott firmly believes that there is something for everyone in comics and tries to get new people to read all the time. Scott is one of the new writers for the blog Sector 3, which covers a variety of entertainment topics such as comic books, horror, sci fi and fantasy.

Scott will appear on the show every other month to update you on the latest in entertainment and pop culture news!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/scott.walton1
Twitter: https://twitter.com/swalton7969
Check out Sector 3 on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/3Sector3 and the Sector 3 blog

This event is listed at 'Beyond The Edge Radio' Facebook Events and 'Beyond The Edge Radio' Google+ Community & Hangout - Click the links and become part of the 'New BTE!'

Join Eric Altman, Lon Strickler and Sean Forker
each Sunday at 8 PM ET as we go
Beyond the Edge!
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...it may be Super Bowl Sunday, but at 8 PM ET, we fall into the rabbit hole on Beyond The Edge Radio.

A joint investigation by the UFO Research Center of Pennsylvania (UFORCOP) and the Phantoms & Monsters Fortean Research team

On that night, one of the most mysterious events involving disappearance, strange death and possible alien abduction begins to unfold. For 11 years, few details on the Todd Sees incident have emerged...other than a few reports compiled by researcher Peter Davenport. But during the past 4 years, a secret conglomeration of serious investigators and gifted analysts have started to 'lift the lid.' Mark your calendars...turn the TV sound down and listen to BTE on the Para X Radio Network. Here is a link to a post from April 2013...though much more has come to light since then.

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Phantoms & Monsters: Strange Encounters

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