As a result of the '$10 Million Bigfoot Bounty' TV show, a few of the participants have entered into a 'for-profit venture' and calling themselves 'The Sasquatch Hunters.' This 'team' is advertising themselves as 'pros'...uh, where did I hear that before? Anyway, here's the press release:
2014 expeditions on sale now!!
Join The Sasquatch Hunters on a weekend excursion in an area near you. You will be going with THE best team in the country. Not to mention you will be assigned all the high tech gear (including night visions, thermal and parabolics) you need to find bigfoot. Unlike the other bigfoot organization trips(That cost the same), you will be given classes on all the basics(DNA collection, Tracking, casting and survival). Also you will be provided breakfast, lunch and dinner. Everyday. Not to mention you will be given your own high tech gear so you get the most out of your experience. Stacy Brown, David Lauer and Michael Merchant from Spike TV's "10 million dollar bigfoot bounty" will also be on site to lead you on the right path of the Sasquatch. The cost for each trip is $500 and exact locations are given out upon registration. Join us for an unforgettable time in a Bigfoot hotspot near you. Don't pay the amateurs for basically nothing. Go with the PRO's and get a experience you want and deserve!!
North Florida(thermal Film Site) April 17th-20th
North Carolina (Uhwarrie National Forest) April 24th-27th
Pennsylvania (northwest) May 1st-4th
New York (Whitehall) May 8th-11th
South Florida (Big Cypress Preserve) May 15th -18th
Central U.S. and west coast dates to be announced soon!!! yourself a big favor. Save your money. In Pennsylvania, for example, the Pennsylvania Bigfoot Society offers free expeditions throughout the state...and I can assure you, you'll learn as much from actual investigators who have been involved in Bigfoot research for decades.
There are many serious & experienced Bigfoot groups throughout the country who offer expeditions at no cost or for expenses, ex, Virginia, New York, Ohio, Wisconsin and many more. Be smart...Lon

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